The dense forest opens it's dank green maw to reveal a brightly painted sign. It is inscribed clearly "Virtue Kingdom: Place of peace, creativity, colour, and merriment."Enter the kingdom? Virtue Kingdom Due to bad design, you may be stuck in someone else's frames. Would you like to liberate your browser from their evil grasp?
For those of you who have visited the kingdom before, you may take this shortcut right to the castle.

As of March 11, 2000, I am once again trying to redo this site, more for my own personal edification, more than anything. Please bear with me.
Foot-note information-thingy before the archaism begins: Inside you will find a world that predates the internet, computers, automobiles, and so on, but treats them as if they do. When you enter, know that the language sometimes uses "best fits" to stay in character, i.e. a computer in Virtue Kingdom is dubbed a "Magic Box." Use your imagination, and think a little when something doesn't make sense. This web page isn't dedicated to any singular thing. It is created solely for the purpose of entertainment, yours and mine. Enter this land of Fantasy, Chivalry, and all that over-romanticized stuff and enjoy.

(C) Copyright 1999, Thomas Connell.
All rights reserved.
Last Update: November 13, 2001