Comments on Boats

- Faramir - 11 January 1998 -

(modified 12 February 1999)

[Version 1.5: major revisions based on thoughts from Kim]
[Version 1.1: Added Calis Dragon's brilliant "bill of goods" idea, and more on boat types.]
[Version 1.0: Broke out this section from the essay on community.]

[ Economy Treatise ]

Overview of Boat Thoughts

  1. Make drydock claim tickets work completely differently. Basically, when you dock your boat, it puts the claim ticket into your bank directly, and you can't move or remove the ticket except by again talking to the harbormaster (claim or undock or something similar). The ticket could be weightless or very light, regardless of what is on the boat. Trying to drydock a boat when you already have one docked would result in a message to that effect from the harbormaster.

  2. Because of the above, everyone is now limited to one boat drydocked at a time (but not necessarily one boat overall), but they can easily and freely use the docks without worrying about what's in the hold. This means that we can make boat security and ownership completely different...

  3. Boat ownership and commandability should be done using the pet logic: the tillerman recognizes commands, including "friend" and "transfer" as well as the normal boat commands, from the owner. Secure trading of boats can be worked out along the same lines of anything that is ever done for pets, which also need secure-transfer code.

  4. Boat keys would be for the hold. I'm in favor of a non-pickable hold to allow people to adventure freely, and I'm in favor of a non-lockable boat on realism grounds and also because that works well with a pet-style ownership. Unfortunately, that combination is really bad for lockpickers, so I'd consider either nonlockable boat with pickable hold (bad for boat users) or a non-pickable hold on a pickable boat (unrealistic) as options as well, unless something else can be done with lockpicking and boats.

Discouraging Boat Proliferation

The large numbers of boats in the world (either lost at sea, anchored in the wilderness, or jammed into the few real docks) is both unsightly and unnecessary. It also encourages (or, at best, allows) item hoarding, which is itself bad for lag and the economy. I propose the following ideas to encourage the use of docks and simultaneously prevent them from becoming overcrowded.

Differences Between Boats

Varying the range of boat speeds and hold sizes (and corresponding prices) would be a great addition to the game. It would encourage players to buy boats that suit their needs: travel, transportation, price, or even piracy, and would encourage people to work together to form fleets. Price, speed, and hold size suggestions (the reader can probably tell that the author came up with these prices ages ago, before the price increases -- they are now provided for comparison against each other, and not as suggestions):

Other Suggestions for Boats

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