Hey there, collectors! As this GREAT hobby grows, there are many new collectors out there, and the numbers are
increasing rapidly. So, if you are a new collector, here's the spot for you! This will hopefully help all you new collectors
quite a bit.

I would first like to start by talking about the different books on PEZ. The most famous, and the one I personally
recommend you get first (heck, try and get it for a Christmas present, that's how I got mine), is known as the PEZ
bible, and is called Collecting PEZ, written by David Welch. This book has a lot of information in many ways. The
price guide is a little out of date now, but other than that is pretty good around. The book has an appendix which
includes all the patents with their dates, all the flavors with their dates, and a lot more! Throughout the book, there are
many interviews with a wide assortment of famous collectors, and people who used to work for the PEZ company;
some still do work for our favorite company!

The next book I would get would be PEZ Collectibles (the second addition with updated prices), written by Richard
Geary. This book still doesn't have the correct prices in it, however. Even so, this is the best book, by far, in my
opinion, for pictures. It has close-up pictures that are in focus, and the second addition also has a couple more pages
of some newer pictures. This definitely is a must buy book, as well! After you purchase these two books, and do some
research, it's time to start collecting PEZ!!!

The first PEZ that you should buy are all the current PEZ, or as many of them as possible. The next step is to buy a
selection of foreign dispensers still on the card, possibly a few sets. This way you slowly move up in the price you pay
for PEZ so you don't get too overwhelmed. I then suggest that you go to flea markets, antique and collectible shops,
etc., and try and find some bargains using the knowledge that you now have acquired. You could then possibly register
to a PEZ convention nearest you and see how much fun PEZ and PEZ collectors are when together in the same
locationa, at the same time! This is also a great place to experience PEZ that you may never see anywhere else in your
life. I suggest that you bring approximately $200, and buy some $20 PEZ, or so. After your collection has grown in the
area of between 100 to 150 dispensers, I would say that it is time to start buying some more expensive pieces. These
pieces could range from about $80 to $150. After you have about three of these, there is no turning back- you are a
full-fledged PEZ collector!

Now it's time for you to take your own steps and decide how you want to display your collection, which pieces you
would like to get, how much you're willing to spend, etc.. Anyway that you go about collecting PEZ, I wish you good

As a side note, I would like to say that this isn't always the best way for all to start collecting PEZ, but this personally
is the way I started collecting, and I have to say that it worked really well for me!!!