Welcome to Renegade Fleet HQ aboard the flagship of the Renegades, the Phoenix! I am the CO of Renegade Fleet, and my XO, Admiral Ethan "Black Night" Beck, sends his apologies, but he couldn't make it. My name is Fleet Admiral Larry "Wildcard" Rubald. You may call me "Sir", "Admiral", "Larry", or "Wildcard". I don't mind which. My fleet may not share the legends such squadrons as Rogue does, but it does share the same goal: excellence, and perfection. I think you'll find Renegade to be challenging, but I also belive it will be one of your best experiences in the New Republic. The members of Renegade are some of the best in the fleet. As we are a wee bit short on man (and alien) power as of yet, there are only two requirements: You wish to see the Empire completely destroyed and all it's evil with it, and you can fly all the New Republic Starfighters. To join the ranks of the Renegades, see below. I hope you enjoy your tour of Renegade Fleet and that you will join us soon.
Note: Since I'm trying to run the webpage by myself, updates may be rather slow. Also, since now this is Renegade "Fleet", rather than "Squadron," I'll try to change all the "squadron's" to "fleet's," but I probably won't get them all so don't worry if I slip up. You're still in the same place.
Announcement: Again, since I'm running this page myself I could use some help. If you would like to apply for an assistant position, please mail me at renegade_fleet@hotmail.com with your application. You must be VERY trustworthy and know HTML.
Try Renegade Fleet's Newest feature- The Official Renegade Fleet Chat Channel! You can meet live members of Renegade Squadron. Visitors are are also more than welcome. Come in, take a load off, and as always, have fun! (If it doesn't work, please mail me or ChatPlanet, the provider.)
Also check out Renegade Fleet's Bullitin Board! This will replace the old one which was not automated (i.e. I wrote the HTML to put it up on the page) with one that is (i.e. it automatically is posted and you can read it as soon as you post it)! So, with the new and improve Renegade BBoard you easily send messages to the entire fleet! (Please make sure you follow the b-board provider's guidlines though. Everyone should be able to enjoy this!)
The first stop on our tour of HQ is the Recruitment Office. Here, new officers sign up to be a Renegade. This is where you'll go to find the requirements for being a Renegade and the form you'll fill out to request being positioned in Renegade Fleet. If you are good enough, you may even get the command of your own squadron of fighters on one of the ships in Renegade. You may also see the Ranking System of Renegade Squadron here. Now if you'll come this way down the hall. . .
. . . We've now arrived the Hanger deck. If you step inside you'll see pics or discriptions of all the ships that are flown in Renegade Fleet. From X-wings to shuttles to transports, we fly anthing anywhere to get our mission done. Inside you'll also see some specs on a few spacecraft. Now, moving right along. . .
. . . Here we find our Special Forces Unit.. (to sign up, please visit the Recruitment Office.) This unit is used when taking over another ship, such as a Nebulon B or any other ship we must board. They are also used in ground strike missions. If you have any of the DOOM series, Rise of the Triad, or a Duke Nukem 3D, you may want to join Renegades Special Forces. If you'll please follow me. . .
. . . This is the Wardroom. In here we find the Roster of active pilots and Special Forces people. We can also find a list of active shipsin Renegade Squadren, and the pilots assigned to them. The Bullitan Board and the Wildcard listings are also here. FOR NEWS IN RENEGADE FLEET, IF YOU AREN'T NOTIFIED SOME OTHER WAY, THE BULLITAN BOARD WILL PROBABLY TELL YOU! If you'll head right out that door there. . .
. . . This is the a room for those new to the alliance. This is where you Meet Thy Enemies. For newcomers to the alliance, here are the basic dangers of the Imperial fighters. Please follow me. . .
. . . This is where you sign up for Renegade's Shadow Squadron, where you can fly Imp fighters rather than Rebel fighters. On to our final sotp. . .
. . . The final stop on your tour of Renegade Squadren HQ is my Stateroom. You come here if you need to transfer out of Renegade Fleet, or, if you feel you aren't good enough for us, come see me and we'll assign you to our Training Squadron, the "Wildcards". If you are wondering, yes, it was named after my callsign. You may also come to my stateroom if there is anything you wish to discuss with me about the squadron. If someone or something is bothering you about it, please, don't hesitate to tell me. And that's and order! If you want to see how you are promoted in our Squadron check out the Promotion Requirements. Also, if you feel you deserve a promotion, here's the Application. Good luck to you. You may also come here for more information on Renegade Fleet. Now that your tour is concluded, I'm sure you all have questions concerning the fleet, so ask away! rubald@tcd.net
. . . Oh, and the Flight Deck is right down there. That's where you can take shuttles to other squadrons and SW sites.
Now that you've taken the tour of Renegade, go visit Knight Squadron, a strong ally to the Renegades.
But Before you leave, sign Renegade Fleet's Guestbook.