They registered themselves with the Galatea Mercenary Board and hoped for the best. Besides that they went to Solaris to see if they could hustle up some business and Mechwarriors. The time was spent high rolling and enjoying the games. Solaris VII was the old stomping grounds of Stephan Tikinov; and with this knowledge he was able to recruit an old friend Aarron Jung. They seemed to have a large reserve of cash flow to enjoy the fruits of Solaris VII. During the long nights and wild parties Michael Moriarty disappeared. His body was never found and his old Mercenary unit, the Eridani Light Horse, came to reclaim the Stingray he had absconded with. Times were getting tight and conflicts were brewing between Captain Drake of the Resilient Rascal and Richard Sharpe. Just as it seemed the newly Sharpe's Dragoons would fall apart a call from the Periphery came in.
The Illyrian Palatinate was recruiting small and inexpensive mercenary units to bolster its defenses against the various pirate groups and the Marian Hegemony. With no other offers and not much to do they packed up and went to Illyria. Upon arrival the oligarchy leaders debated which planet they would be stationed on. It was at this time they began to recruit Astechs and any support personnel amongst the swelling refugee population. Amongst the teeming masses they recurred Nils Hendrikksen and Dale Hendrick, tankers from ComStar. They were giving their base, Trajikis on one of the estates of Patron Lord Keowiscz.