June 22th Yikes! It's been a while since I've used this page! Thankfully it hasn't been quite that long since I've actually updated :) Anyway, there's quite a bit of new stuff up. The front page has been updated (with a very nice image if I do say so myself!). There's a new Rants and Raves up which is all about villians so you're gonna have to check that out. Besides which the 'Choose Your Own X-Men' Rants and Raves has been updated. To check that out go here. More than a few pictures have been added to the gallery, so you might want to see some of them. The rosters have been updated and have links to more info on the Darkfire Court so definetly check out all that Hellfire Stuff. Lots of movie news, previews and various other news can be found in the X-Men News page so I hope you'll check that out. Well I think that it, but I've probably forgotten something (Oh yeah, there's some updates in the Spotlight page. There's a place there for you to express opinions too so go do that!) so until next time feel free send me feedback or contribute if you'd like. Bye.
December 19th Okay, there's a new review of X-Force #86 done by ShockWave up. A few new villian bios are up. There's also quite a bit of chatter in the Rants and Raves section over just who should be the 7 X-Men, so go send in your opinion!
I'm also trying to think of something to replace the Buying and Selling page with (since we've never ever used it!). If you've got any ideas, I'd love to hear them. Just email me at Chinook1@wolfenet.com.
December 11th Whew! Lots of busy work was finally done. What that means for you, is that those wretched file errors (or whatever they are) will not be popping up on most biographies and reviews. Furthermore, there are new reviews up by Shockwave (X-Force #82-85, excluding #84) and two new villian bios of Sugarman and Dark Beast.
Attention: Okay, since I'm getting more into the swing of the web page again, I'm looking for people who'd like to help out! You'd make me so happy if you'd volunteer to write a review, a biography, a FAQ, donate pictures, links, fanart, or anything else you think of that would be cool for this page! I'll accept it all! Really I will! So if you're interested, please mail me and I'll give you the passwords etc for uploading (or I can do it for you, but this way it actually gets up on time!). Thanks for any help! Also, anyone reading this who isn't a BHC member is more than welcome to join! We're really quite welcoming ;)
Oh and we won an award! The Honorary Hellion Award (IIRC)! Hmm, I'll have to go snag it and put it up! Our first award! *teary eyed*
December 9th The Toga Party went down sucessfully so now we're going to have to get going on the Masquerade Ball! Should be great. As for page updates, we've got a few new links, a new fan art (of Angel!), and, er, some X-Force reviews by everyone's favorite ShockWave that I've been very bad about putting up on time :) Also, there are some new graphics from the comics added and some biographies!
November 19th Nothing too huge is new to this site. We've got a few new rants scattered throughout the various categories, a few new page designs are up, a couple new links and I plan on working on the Various page. What that means I don't really know, but I think it'd be nice to have some more interesting things there. Anyway, I'm just generally stressed out about choosing colleges to apply to, so who knows when I'll really do something with this site. Sorry! -Silver
October 26th ( Lots and lots of updates to report (in case you couldn't find them yourself!). Firstly I've been re-doing a lot of page set-up and putting up new graphics, so feel free to whiz thru the subpages and see which ones look neat and new. A few new Rants and Raves are up, though you'll have to go to the Generation X topic (at the bottom) to find them. Also a new topic is posted so feel free to make my day by replying to it :) New links, new graphics, updated roster (a halloween version!), no new reviews (though I still have to put up the X-Force one), and some new X-Men news! *L* Enjoy! Have a happy halloween too!
October 18th (I think) Okay! Hold onto your horses boys and girls, I think I've fixed the problem! *collective WOO-HOO*
Also, if you want to be amused for about half a moment, you can check out the all new, all deadly Halloween Roster of the Black Hellfire Club :)
Now I plan on getting around to changing these pages so they all don't look so stretched out. And I apologize for ever using frames! It was a moment of weakness!
October 10th Okay well I have no idea what's been wrong with the BHC web page recently, but I'm still trying to fix it! So please bare with me as I try and repair stuff. As you have probably seen, we've got a new starting page. I thought it would load quicker, and I never especially liked the other one :) Participation in the BHC seems to be on the upswing, which I am quite thrilled about. If you haven't, gasp, recieved our BHC newsletter please sign up for it. There's also about a gillion commities doing stuff at the moment, so feel free to join any of them (BHC Mystery, Masquerade Party, BHC Newsletter, BHC Sim, etc). All of them would appreciate the help I'm sure. Also a new review of X-Force #83 will be up by ShockWave today (hopefully). Oh and the new roster should be finalized by the end of this weekend.
One last note. If you haven't visited Avalon's new Hell's Fire site, I'd recommend you do so. It's a lot of fun and located over at: Hell's Fire
Okay I'm now of the opinion that somehow those damn geocities ads are screwing me up... Yes, in fact, that appears to be it... grrr... how do I fix that?!? *L* I'm off to the geocities help forums so wish me luck...
IMPORTANT NOTE: Okay here's the deal with this screwy page! If you close the little pop-up ad window, each time it pops up then you shouldn't have any problems. Except the constant annoyance of having to close the window every time you switch a page. I'm terribly sorry, and it's not just my page that has this problem, so hopefully Geocities will fix it quick!
September 9nd Wow am I behind :) I apologize to all the people who sent me stuff and I haven't put up. It will get up soon (though my simple text is being a pain for some reason). Also for those who noticed I haven't been updating the stories, it's because Avalon is doing the Hell's Fire page and I'm lazy enough to leave it to him. At the moment, you can check out some new rants in the Gambit section and the Neighbors section.
Reviews are also up in force today. We've got Excalibur #124 by Gomurr, X-Men #78 by the Iceman, X-Force #82 by ShockWave and Mutant X #1 by me. Hope you enjoy them. Also there's a new rants and raves topic for all you Generation X fans. I'll get to updating the X-News page today too.
Heck, who'd a guessed I'd get back to business on my first school day? *L* Okay so I only had to go for an hour, but still... I'll try to keep thinks updated more often than I have been. Sorry about that.
August 9th Okay I've been updating with out telling you! First off, ShockWave has reviewed X-Force's Hawaii issue (#81). Lots of news has gone up, and several rants and raves have been added (people also add them to the old ones, so feel free to check those out too). And I do know I'm way behind on stories but they take time and I've been lazy, I'll try to get those up soon. Also we might have a BHC chat this Friday (by request!) for anyone who would like to come.
July 27th Two new reviews of adjectiveless X-Men are up by the Iceman, and if you're looking for a fairly entertaining movie, I'd recommend Zero Effect.
July 25th Okay a few more updates to tell everyone about. There are a fair share of new bios up under the X-Factor and Everyone Else sections. Next we have two new Bishop pictures for people to check out. The Rants vs. Raves has a new topic, that hopefully people will give a try cause I think it's a fun one. Other than that, there have a been a handful of little updates that you probably don't want to hear about, so that's it! Enjoy! Oh and I promise to have the link to the BHC BB up today (there I said it so it's gonna happen!).
July 18th Byron just joined the Marauders and since I forgot to mention it when he joined, Abyss joined the Upstarts! So say "hi" to our newest members!
July 17th Two new reviews of adjectiveless X-Men are up by the new reviewer, the Iceman, the issues being #74 and #75. Also a review of X-Factor #148 andX-Factor #149 was up by Silver.
July 15th Okay I finnaly got around to updating the X-Men news (and some of its actually recent!). Also there's quite a few new things to report. Mik...er...Gomurr's been assiduously working on Dark Reckonings and its coming along great. Avalon's been working just as dilligently on Secret Destroyers and I'll have chapter 4 up soon. The Iceman wrote us a bio of Wolverine so check that out! A few new rants are up, and some reviews should be coming out this week. Oh and happy Editor's Day to everyone! (lots of holidays lately!). Also DarkWolf just reviewed Generation X #41 so go see what he liked and hated about issue!
July 5th Wow. Lots of updates today. First off, the About the BHC section has been updated, giving a brief history, information about joining, and the updated roster. Also a link to Nemesis' brand spankin' new page is setup in there. I highly recommend checking it out, all your bios (those who sent them at least!) went to great use. Next in line is a timely (as always!) review of Excalibur #123 by Gommur. Third we have a new chapter of Secret Destroyers by Avalon up. Lastly, there are some rants and raves by fellow members who both seem to think Gambit is a hero :) Anyone dare to contradict them? Hope you had a good fourth!
July 1st Got a few new things for everyone to check out. Avalon wrote the first chapter of his story, Secret Destroyers, so make sure to read it. There's a new Rants and Raves topic about Gambit so feel free to rave or rant about him. The Black Hellfire Club roster has been reworked by Nemesis and I, so we plan to have a chat session about it sometime soonish. Iceman wrote an Iceman Bio and those new villian bios are up. Oh and everyone can welcome BeAsT to the Black Hellfire Club, as our newest member!!!
June 27th AUGH! *lol* Well I saw what this page looked like on a comp not my own and its laughable! I had no idea half the pics aren't big enough... so it looks like its back to the scanner for me :) As for actual new updates, ~ShockWave~ has reviewed X-Force #80, so be sure to check it out! I also mean to get around to adding pictures to the bios with Iceman's help and updating some villians bios.
June 14th Well let's see... what could be new?!? Hmmm. Okay so the whole page is new! Satisfied :) I know there are still lots of glitches and things I need to fix but I can't do it all today and I'm leaving for ten days on Monday (that's two comic days I'll miss!!!). When I get back though, I promise to get rid of all the annoying errors and faulty links and stuff, but till then I hope you like how this page looks. Oh and we're always looking for people to help out (as if you didn't know) so if you'd like to it'd be great. Oh and anyone have any idea how to post moving graphics on a page? I have no idea, but Rahsas made a really cool graphic you should all see :)