HI! Welcome to

The World of Vagra

Application Pages.

Follow these links:

If you are registering as a Replacement Player for an advertised Vacancy

If you are registering to participate as a Lurker

If you are registering a New Character for consideration.

NOTE that it is now mandatory that you participate as a Lurker before taking on a Character so that you are fully aware of the format and are comfortable with it. Be prepared to spend 2-3 months Lurking before a suitable Vacancy comes up (though it can be quicker ... or longer ... to get into the Game).


To register as a Lurker please fill in your details below and submit them. You will then be sent a choice of current PCs behind whom you can lurk. You may only chose one at a time.

Please note that in The World of Vagra PBEM it is the Players, not the GM, who determine whether to allow lurkers "behind" their Characters. Similarly it is the Players, not the GM, who decide whether to allow communication between themselves and lurkers; the GM will advise the Player if a Lurker is present, but leave closer contact up to that Player.

As a Lurker, once you have made your choice of PC to lurk behind you will be cc'ed all Turns and Results for that PC ... in effect you ride along in the mind of a PC. This should allow you to gain a good appreciation of the mechanics of PBEMing and/or the specifics of Game-play in the Vagran PBEM.

If a Player is happy to take advice/suggestions/whatever re their PC they may chose to contact "their" Lurkers direct. In effect it is possible to have a "multi-Player PC", although it is the Registered Player who is responsible for Gaming the PC.

Now those details...

Lurking Form:

Your Name:


City: State: Zip:


email address:

homepage url:

I acknowledge and agree that any material sent to me in relation to The World of Vagra is Copyright Bruce Bisset Write at it Productions 1986-2002 inclusive, and shall be kept strictly confidential and not be copied transmitted or otherwise reproduced by me in any way except with the express permission of the author.

(Please note that you will be permitted to correspond and swap material privately with members of your PBEM Party during game-play without breaching this agreement.)


Vacancies come up from time to time and are generally the quickest and simplest way to begin playing The World of Vagra PBEM. You may have been directed here as a result of an advertised Vacancy, or may simply wish to register on the "pending" list to be considered for the next Vacancy that occurs. Either way, you need to fill in your details etc on the Form below and submit them.

As a Replacement Player you will be taking over control of a fully-developed PC already "at large" on Vagra.

This places certain constraints and obligations on the new Player:

1) all major Stats remain unchanged, generally including the PCs name; with GM agreement you may alter minor Stats/Personal Choice categories.

2) you must accept the full Background as writ/played to date, and work with it.

3) you need to recognise that you will probably suddenly be playing with other PCs who are an established Group, with their own ethos/rationale/methods of playing ... it may be prudent to work in gradually, especially if there are aspects of the PCs character you wish to change to suit your own style of play.

Please be aware that there is usually a selection process to determine a Replacement Player. In this regard, while previous experience is not essential, it is given some weight in the decision-making.

Vacancy Form:

Your Name:


City: State: Zip:


email address:

homepage url:

I acknowledge and agree that any material sent to me in relation to The World of Vagra is Copyright Bruce Bisset Write at it Productions 1986-2002 inclusive and shall be kept strictly confidential and not be copied transmitted or otherwise reproduced by me in any way except with the express permission of the author.

(Please note that you will be permitted to correspond and swap material privately with members of your PBEM Party during game-play without breaching this agreement.)

IF this application is for an advertised Vacancy, please quote the vacancy number or PC detail as given:

IF you wish to register a preference for when the next Vacancy occurs, please state it here (eg race/class):

What previous experience (if any) have you had with RPGs?

What previous experience (if any) have you had with PBEM's?

Can you commit to at least one Turn return per week? Yes No

New Character Registration

If you wish to register to play a NEW character in The World of Vagra PBEM, please complete the form below with your first and second preferences as to the type of character you wish to have approved.

Note: First read the House Rules

Your Name:


City: State: Zip:


email address:

homepage url:

I acknowledge and agree that any material sent to me in relation to The World of Vagra is Copyright Bruce Bisset Write at it Productions 1986-2202 inclusive and shall be kept strictly confidential and not be copied transmitted or otherwise reproduced by me in any way except with the express permission of the author.

(Please note that you will be permitted to correspond and swap material privately with members of your PBEM Party during game-play without breaching this agreement.)

My preferred Vagran starting point is:
First choice Second choice
Freyr Peninsular

My preferred PC Race is:
First choiceSecond choice

My preferred PC starting Level is:
First choiceSecond choice

My preferred PC Class is:

First choice: Second choice:

My requested Ability Scores are:

First choice Character:

Strength:Dexterity: Constitution:
Intelligence: Wisdom: Charisma:

Second choice Character:

Strength:Dexterity: Constitution:
Intelligence: Wisdom: Charisma:

My preferred Alignment is:

First choice: Second choice:

I would prefer to play in a group no less than (min. 4) and no more than (max. 12).

An adjusted PC-profile will be returned to you as soon as practicable, i.e. as soon as a minimum group is registered. If you accept the modified profile you will then be required to submit a fully-detailed character sheet. Correspondence may be entered into to help define the PC.

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