Part 12 - Kung Fu Fighting
Karate Kid eat your heart out! Kung Fu... Gothic Style!
I used to be surprised at how many question there were about beating this guy.  I mean, let's face it... he gets interupted every time you hit him... you only get smacked if you screw up.  Even if you want to use your ubersword on him and bash him a bunch to vent frustrations you shouldn't take damage doing it. 

Ah well.  Blunt weapons can hurt these guys.  I was going to use God's Hammer which the swamp vendor was nice enough to ... er... loan to me.  On a lark I figured... what the hell, and took a punch.  A Right cross, followed by a left hook and the golem was wondering what day of the week it was.  Feeling much better after my decided loss to the Troll, I ran backwards... let the sucker build up a head of steam... and then flying drop kicked him as he reared back for a punch. My kick killed the golem in midpunch... but UO Screens decided not to play nice (not for the first time).  Oh well.

Tyson eat your heart out.
Part 13 - I Shall Call Him... Mini-Troll *dramatic music*