The Recluce Series


Home * Intro to Recluce * The Books * Maps * Songs/Prophecies
Introduction to the World of Recluce

  1. Introduction to Black/White/Grey Magic
  2. Introduction to Songs and Prophecies

Home * Intro to Recluce * The Books * Maps * Songs/Prophecies
The Books
Each image you see below is a link to the full cover of a book in the Recluce series, along with its publication information. The pages will eventually include book summaries as well, but so far only page on The Order War has been completed.

Fall of Angels
The Chaos Balance
The Towers of the Sunset
The White Order
The Magic Engineer
The Order War
The Magic of Recluce
The Death of Chaos

Home * Intro to Recluce * The Books * Maps * Songs/Prophecies
Maps from the World of Recluce
World Map
This map has (as far as I know) the entire know world on it, so the details are a bit vague. As is the case of all available maps from the Saga of Recluce, this map is from the time period of The Magic of Recluce and The Death of Chaos. Taken from the inside cover of one of the later books; I don't remember which one anymore.
Candar/Recluce Map
A detailed map of Candar and Recluce, taken from the inside cover of one of the books. Has most of the major towns on it.

Home * Intro to Recluce * The Books * Maps * Songs/Prophecies

This section of my Recluce page contains all of the songs, prophecies, and assorted writings that Mr. Modesitt has included in the books. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go to Intro to Songs and Prophcies in the Intro to Recluce subsection of this page.

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