November 14, 1998 -  A MAJOR renovation is taking place!!!
Hi again everody, I finished a lot of the graphics for the page and got most of it up and running, if you have an SC page submit it and I will probably put it up. Also, I am looking for maps etc. again, I still need them. Thanks!!! <By the way, I'm now a dreaded GEOCITISEN!!!>
November 23, 1998 - Still looking...
Still looking for new ideas for my Homepage and of course...STILL WAITING FOR BROOD WARS TO COME OUT!!!
Camelot Systems has some new software out and there page looks totally awsome now...CHECK IT OUT!!!!
December 5, 1998 - BROOD WARS GOES GOLD!!!
According to Blizzard, Brood Wars is going gold sometime this weekend!!! Woo hoo!!!
December 7, 1998 - New Layout
Hey all, I'm working on a new layout for this page so hold on cuase if I can get it to work it'll be here soon!!!
Tell me what you think!!!
December 8, 1998 - Well that was quick...
Got it!!! The new layout is almost done!!! I fixed the "new window" error and made the menu a little easier to load...also, older browsers can use it now since it doesn't deal with image maps. I'm working on a new frames layout and a page that will relocate you if you don't have javascript capabilities in your browser!!!
I also got the map, screen shot, link, and trigger tutorial submission forms pretty much finished...I still need to test them though.

I'm trying to get more links to and from this page so help me out!!! If you've got a page put a link to this one on it and submit your URL in the links section!!!