Great Truths Given to Us By the Ever Sacred Dryer Lint

The following are Great Truths given to us by the Ever Sacred Dryer Lint through the High Priestess of the Divine Order of the Ever Sacred Dryer Lint (aka: Te'raha). We are truely lucky that she has thought to share them with us, as she usually doesn't leave the Temple of the Ever Sacred Dryer Lint. We may all now revel in the warm fuzziness of Lintism.

Life sucks and then you die. Or life doesn't suck and then you die. Either way, you end up dead so you might as well make the most of it.

Go ahead and be cynical and sarcastic. Just keep a little faith in humankind.

Always empty the lint catcher on your dryer before starting the next load.

Everyone has a sarcastic streak. Some just cover it up better than others.

Be kind to lint. You never know when you will need its help.

You have nothing to fear but fear itself, and possibly natural disasters.

Lose hope, lose everything.

Take complements personally and insults literally.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. [Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.]

Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic.

Revenge is a dish best served with banana cream.

Be careful what you ask for; you may be taken literally.

Reality exists only in one's imagination.

Truely these are words to shape your life by...and I have.

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