The following is not real and only has a small basis in reality. Bovine and sheep not allowed to read it because they're just dumb animals and can't read anyway. Anything you send me becomes sole property of my cat, Zak, but he'll probably eat it anyway so you don't have to worry.

"Shut up!"

[Good Sense]: "Who said that?"

[Paranoia]: "ALIENS! Run for cover! They're out to enslave us all!"

[Sensitivity sniffling]: "Whoever said it sure is mean."

[Everyone turns to look at Bad Side.]

[Bad Side in a snide tone]: "What're you lookin' at!"

[Accusation]: "I'll bet Bad Side said it! Bad Side did! I saw her!"

[Bad Side snorts in disgust]: "You can't see past your big fat nose!"

[Confusion]: "Who did what? Did I miss something? What are we talking about?"

[Depression]: "Oh what's the point of even figuring out who did it? We're all going to die anyway."

[Cheerfulness hopping around]: "Oh don't be such a gloomy gus, Depression! I'm having fun, fun, fun! Let's do something! What a wonderful day! I'll bet it's sunny out! Yippie! Yay!..."

[Bad Side interrupts]: "Would someone shut her up?!"

[Childishness sticking her tongue out at Cheerfulness]: "Shut up you poopy head!"

[Cheerfulness grinning like an idiot]: "You silly, Childishness! And you too, Bad Side! I'm not going to shut up, I'm having fun!"

[Bad Side muttering]: "Whatever she's on, it's working."

[Hatred glaring at everyone as she slinks out of her corner]: "Shut up all of ya! I hate ya all!"

[Cheerfulness hopping over to Hatred and giving her a hug]: "Oh you silly, Hatred! We're all having fun, aren't we? Of course we are!"

[Hatred shrieking]: "Get away from me you ditz!" [She rushes back to her corner and silently hates everyone.]

[Insanity leaping around wildly and yelling]: "I did it! I did it! You can't prove I did it! I was framed I tell ya! Bad Side did it! I can prove she didn't do it! Waaaaahhhh!" [She leaps back into the deepest regions of my mind.]

[Bad Side looking surprised]: "Haven't seen her in awhile."

[Good Sense]: "Now let's all calm down and try to think logically."

[Daydreamer drifts through, oblivious to the others, on her way to La-la Land]

[Bad Side frowns]: "We've been seeing too much of her than I'm comfortable with."

[Good Sense continues]: "Why don't we see if Intelligence has any ideas?"

[Depression]: "Why don't we just give up?"

[Bad Side snorts]: "Intelligence hasn't had any ideas resently, what makes you think she'll suddenly have some now?"

[Joker strides in wearing her jester costume]: "What's up?"

[Paranoia]: "Aliens! Aliens are up! And down and to the right and the left and every where!"

[Bad Side snorts]

[Good Sense clears her throat to get Joker's attention]: "We're going to visit Intelligence to see if she has any idea of who said 'Shut up!'"

[Joker opens her mouth to make a funny comment about Intelligence never having ideas but is interrupted by Bad Side]: "Too late, I already said it."

[Joker's face falls]: "Oh."

[Good Side heads for Intelligence's corner, quickly followed by the others]: "Intelligence, do you have any idea who said 'Shut up!'?"

[Intelligence turns away from the complicated equasion she's working on to look at the group]: "'Shut up!'? Well, I suppose I could figure it out..." [She glares at the group and says sarcastically]: "But seeing as how I 'haven't had any ideas resently' I do not see how that would be possible." [She turns back to the equasion and says over her shoulder]: "In the future, it would be wise of you to make fun of people you ask for help out of their earshot."

[Depression sighs]: "Well, that's it. We're doomed."

[Bad Side groans, glares at Intelligence's turned back, and mutters]: "Jerk."

[Guilt suddenly appears, sighing unhappily]: "I don't know who did it, but I'm sure it's my fault."

[Accusation nods in agreement]: "Yes it is! It's all your fault, Guilt!"

[Sensitivity wipes away a tear]: "Ooooh! What'll we do now?"

[Bad Side looks at the group in disgust]: "I don't know about you all, but I'm going back to my corner." [She walks off to her region of my mind.]

[Depression shrugs]: "I knew it wouldn't work. I should go. My corner has probably fallen apart while I've been gone. And it'll probably take months to repair the damage." [She heads off to her completely intact corner.]

[Good Sense sighs]: "I guess I should get back to work. I've been working overtime lately just trying to keep up." [She heads off to try to repair the damage already made in her absense.]

[Paranoia slinks back to her corner, afraid to come back out after this terrible ordeal.]

[Sensitivity sniffles again and heads back to her corner.]

[Accusation, out of people to accuse, goes to her corner to sulk.]

[Guilt just disappears.]

[Joker goes back to her corner to think up some wise-cracks]

[Confusion, who never did understand what was going on, goes back to her confused corner.]

[Cheerfulness, who got knocked out when no one was looking, wakes up with a giant headache and tries to hop back to her corner. But since that make the headache worse, she finally settles on walking.]

[Childishness goes off to play]

[Finally, no one around, a silent shadow creeps in. Mischief grins to herself and yells]: "Shut up!" [She sneaks off before anyone sees her, giggling to herself.]

[Good Sense]: "Who said that?"

[Bad Side groans.]