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Virus Fact and Fiction

Fact and Fiction about Password Sniffers and Viruses.

FACT: You CAN get a Virus from downloading an exe,com,bat or doc file

( if.......a Virus has been attached to the file and you execute it....)

FACT: You CAN get a Trojan horse password stealer from downloading an exe,com,bat or doc file ( if.......a Virus has been attached to the file and you excute it....)

FACT: You CAN get a virus from visiting a web page with certain Java or ActiveX code - ONLY IF YOU SAY YES TO DOWNLOAD THE ACTIVE X CONTROLLER THAT THEY TELL YOU TO. ( if.......a Virus has been attached to the file and you allow the download....)

FACT: You CAN get a virus or password surfing program from a web page that has a forced download.

FACT: You cannot get a virus from opening an email.

FACT: You cannot get a virus from waves.[]

FACT: You cannot get your password stolen from responding to an IM.

You can get a Trojan horse from a exe,dll,com,bat or EVEN a .DOC file. The emails that these files come in are pretty convincing. They may be a "Beta" version of some new software, it could be a DOC file from someone who says they have a story about how Princess Diana passed away.

( if.......a Virus has been attached to the file....)

We all know you can get one of these from Exe's but until recently we didn't know you can get them from DOC files. When you open up a DOC file in a newer version of Microsoft word it executes some code from within the Doc file and infects your computer.


The Golden Rules of Downloading Programs on the Internet.

1) Never Download any thing from any body you don't know.

2) Always scan all program with anti virus software.

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