I just recently discovered the wonderful world of fan fiction.I have found some beautiful creations of literature. Below are the titles of my favorite stories. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! They certainly offer a lot of inspiration for aspiring writers like myself.

Marathon by Susanne Barringer
This is one of the first fan fics that I read, and boy, am I glad!!! It has such a wonderful tone, like music almost.

I Let Him by Susan Frankovich

So poetic, yet simple. Breathtaking. It makes my little heart flutter with angsty joy.

I'm One Of Them
by Katyblue
After reading "infitismal Ilumination" I had to check out Katy's post Requrium piece. I was, of course, very pleased with what I read. The same beautiful characterzation and realizations I love about Katy's writing.

His Eyes
by Jewelyn
This had a lyrical feel to it that I liked, with the constant phrase of "He told me he loved me today. He said it with his eyes." It is filled with a kind of magic and flow that is difficult to find.

Shadows Of Morning by Shawen
I was blown away when I read this. This is much like my own writing, very easy, descriptive, but it's so much better than what I do! I like the first person perspective very much as well.

Shopping For Scully
by Angel
This is just such a sweet story. It gave me warm fuzies. Scully is sick, and Mulder has to pick a few things up for her ... The shippiness makes me want to dance.

Soul's Battle
by Angel
"Souls Battle," though still one of my favorites, did not give me warm fuzzies at all, like Angel's previous stories did. This story holds a kind of intensity and seriousness that is very hard to grasp for most authors.

I Carry Your Heartby Jenbird
Though my favorite Jen story is "Gladly Beyond Any Experiance" it is rated NC-17, so I was a bit relectant to post that one. "I Carry Your Heart", is just as good though, with the Same exellent Scully voice, and just the right amount of angst.

Spiderwebby Jaybird
Here's another story that's just my style; very descriptive, full of metaphors and symbolism. It made my literary heart do flip flops!

Laughterby Kat
I adore this piece. Laughter is something that Mulder and Scully really do miss out on. I loved the focus of this story, and the Mulder voice was really exellent.

Alone(Poem)by Christine
I'm a push over for poetry, and Christine is one of the best XF poets I have ever read. This poem really is THE BEST XF poem I have ever read. My mediocre words would not do i justice.

Here We Stand
by Spooky Jr.
I loved this post Closure story in Scully's point of view. These types of stories were very refreshing given that the episode was seen from Mulder's perspective.

The Return(Poem)
by Darkstar
Darkstar is a fellow aspiring writer, and she is just phenomenal when dealing with the written word. This is the poem that got me hooked to her stuff. It deals with the events of requium in a painfully beautiful way.

Six Months
by Keleka
There are so many Requium pieces floating around in Scully's perspective, and even some in Mulder's. This is one of the only one's in Skinner's point of view, and it was a lovely change of pace.

Visions In Tandem
by Trixie
This has got to be in my top five favorite Requium stories. An easy literary masterpiece, the reader becomes happily lost in a world of hidden wisdom, and eloquence.

Realistically Yours
by Bryanna
I just love those fics where Mulder is watching Scully Sleep. Pair that with a Mulder Return, and you've got another top five fave!

Belief's Last Candle(Poem)
by Darkstar
Another miracle by Darkstar. Painfully real, it perfectly portrays Scully's feelings after all these years of her innocence slowly dripping away.

Serendipity by Sue Schramm
After all these albeit, wonderful post Requium stories, it was nice to find this in my mail box one day. Sue dealt with the evnts of all things in a way I never dreamed possible.

I Speak For The Trees by Birgit Mueller
Though very different, I admire Brigit for taking such a leap into the mystical depths of the literary world. Who knew Dr. Suess could fit so perfectly with The X-Files?

Back To The Forest by Cher
This is another intresting fic, clearly told through the eyes of Skinner. A fill in for the time between the hallway and Mulder's trip to the forest, it nicely filled in a lot of gaps.

You Come And Go Again by ML
A very realistic portrayal of how Scully would deal with Mulder's disapearance. Intresting Scully centric piece. Good characterzation.

Adam And Eve (a poem) by Darkstar
Yet another beautiful piece from Darkstar. This poem is part of a series, which takes characters from mytholoy, and applies them to The X-Fles. E-mail Darkstar for the complete series.

Getting Used To by Jen
This piece has a poetic, rhythmic feel to it that I really enjoyed. I liked it because it showed that even though Scully would have a hard time dealing with Mulder being gone, she would still pick herself up again, and continue. Very true to character.

Rainbow Over The Beltway by Leslie
In this fic, Scully is having a bad day, until she is greeted with an unexpected surprise. That is exactly how I wouild describe the story. An unexpected surprise. A really wonderful Scully centric piece with a hint of MSR at the end, of course.

Time Stops For No One by Marlen
I like the hidden complexity of this piece. On the surface, it may seem simple, byt it really has a profound message hidden between the lines. Very thought provoking.

His Sanity Kept by Erika

This is a fun conversation piece, that is a nice break from the angsty stuff. I like how it showed the true friendship that Mulder and Scully share.

Perchance To Dream by Foxsong
Painfully angsty and sad, but with a sweet ending, this really did it for me in the way of Muder Point Of view post Requium. How dreadful it would be to forget who you are, but how joyous when you finally remember.

The Road Less Traveled by Maidenjedi
Who doesn't love Robert Frost. I knew by the title I was going to like this one. This is one of the very best Scully reflection pieces I have seen. I think we can all learn a lot from this one, even if the thought of God does make us uneasy at times.

This Kind Of Love by Dina
After a long time of talking with Dina about my fan fiction, she finally decided to give it a go again, after a long dry spell, and what she created is just wonderful. Very much my style, very poetic and descriptive, I am very proud of my best net friend!

Hours Of Lead by Susanne
WARNING!!!! WARNING!!!! Tears ahead. Susanne isn't my favorite author for nothing! Incredibly moving, beautiful, and bittersweet. I'm choking up even thinking about it ...

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