DO NOT, reapeat, DO NOT link to any individual pictures or files. Only link to the main page.
Please do not take anything from my pages for your page. If you do (which you shouldn't), please e-mail me the name of the file and the website address that it will be displayed on.
My stories are original, and written by me. You CANNOT use them on your webpage. If you are not blind, you should see the copyright sign at the end of each chapter.
I DID NOT steal the namezilla idea from Domzilla's Godzilla Page. I actually forgot about it and its title until AFTER I created my page.
All pictures are owned by the people who own the webpages I got them from. They are used only for entertainment purposes and are NOT mine. Do not sue me if you think I shouldn't be using your pictures. Just e-mail me kindly and I will take them off my page.
I DID NOT copy these rules from another page, and do not e-mail me telling me I copied your rules.