Okay here is the page I told you I would write about World At Ruins 2 (WAR2) It's a great game about going around a world, killing monsters, and gaining experience and gold to make your character more powerful than any others. You can sign up to play this game and a couple others for free at a cool site called NetNexus Here is a map that I added onto for War2: WAR2 map. I belong to a guild in World at Ruins. The Guild's name is called Lords of Darkness < LoD > . Here is the link to that: Lords of Darkness . This guild is the best guild in the game and has all it's spaces filled with hard working skilled individuals. Give the site a peek if you are interested. My Handle is Vanyal on War2, so if you see me there give a shout and say hello alright? Thank you for coming to this site and please look through the rest of my web site!!
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