Halloween 2004</head>

2004 - Saturday, October 30th

A note of warning - this page has tons of photos, so please give them time to load. Thank you.

Ahh, Saturday. This was the big, blow-out crazy day. We were Beetlejuice and Lydia in the wedding clothes. And here we are...

Nobody says the B word!
I think we look darned good. Judging by the reactions we got, so did everybody else. People actually knew who I was this year! People called me Lydia! For once, Jon didn't steal my thunder! No thunder-stealing for you!

Double Neigh
Here we are with some of Madison's finest. And their riders. Zing!

Domo arrigato!
Every year, hundreds of Asian people mob us and ask for our photo. Seriously, we can't walk 5 steps without posing with some Asian people. I'm not racist or anything, that's just what happens and I don't know how else to say it. We don't think it's annoying - it's cute and fun. So anyway - this year, we had them take a photo of us with our camera since we never had done that before. So here is us with a large group.

Tell us we will die like dogs!
The 3 Amigos. Really good costumes except for the hats. Cheap, cheap hats.

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain...
The Bee Girl from that Blind Melon video. We saw a few Bee Girls but this one was the best.

Meep moo meep!
Beeker from the Muppet Show. But no Bunsen Honeydew! I'm so sad.

We're from France.
Beldar Conehead. We just wanted to take his picture, but he said we had to include his stupid friends in the photo. So we cropped them out.

Hamburgler and the Cap'n make it happen!
We like both of these costumes. We don't think they were even together, they just happened to be in line next to each other. So we took a photo of both.

Lookit me, I'm from Harry Potter
I personally don't get into LOTR or Harry Potter, so I could care less who these guys are. Jon took this picture.

Habeas Corpus!
Harvey Birdman! From one of the less-good Adult Swim cartoons. It's still good, just not as good as some of the others. Like Family Guy. Or.....

Master Shake from ATHF! He so copied that thing from Adult Swim where they have the costume too. But that's okay, because it's still cool.

A Shrubbery!
Several of the Knights and King Arthur from Monty Python's Holy Grail. We see them pretty much every year, but this is the first time we've gotten their photo.

Copycats! I am in the foreground.
We saw a good Joker and Harley so we had to take their picture. Joker was excellent, but I thought Harley could have been better. Specifically, she used this sort of fuzzy faux velvet (velour?) for her costume, and it didn't look very good. You gotta use leotards, people! Or spandex even. Anything but fuzzy nastyness!

Itsah me, Mario!
I like Mario Cart. You like Mario Cart. These guys were not just the Mario Brothers (which, by the way, there were an absolute ton of) - they took it all out and went for Mario Cart! And they even had a Wario. I believe he was the only Wario I saw.

Nobody will ever solve that.
Just a neat, simple idea. A Rubix Cube! There's your 80's nostalgia for ya!

We saw this Edward Scissorhands that was pretty good. Though he was short and his face was the wrong shape. His blades were really good - no tinfoil here! But where was Kim? He didn't have a Kim, so we still win.

Not Slim Jim...
Slim Goodbody! Now there's your 70's nostalgia for ya! Hooray!

Robots in disguise!
These costumes were so huge, they couldn't move. People just mobbed around them. These were freaking sweet costumes. Oh yeah.

Yeah, I saw V once when I was like, eight. I don't remember any of it. But Jon tells me this guy is from V, and that he did a great job. So there you go.

Triple Neigh!
We saw these people as we were leaving. They are zebras on a tandem bike. I don't know why they are zebras on a tandem bike, but it was really cool and interesting. Yay.

I think that's finally it! Thank you for visiting my site! Come back soon!
