

Named for the unicorn in the book, "ARIEL" by Steven
Boyett, which was published in 1983 by Ace Fantasy

from the story...

"I was bathing in a lake when I saw the unicorn."

"I had seen unicorns before, fleetingly. They are
shy, cautious creatures that usually bolted when
they sensed me; like quick flashes of sunlight on

A letter we received from Steve Boyett's publisher

I was just visiting your website and saw that you have a reference
to Ariel, by Steven R. Boyett. I thought you'd like to know that
Ariel is now available in a special ebook edition.

He wrote a second novel right after Ariel called "Architect of Sleep."
Unfortunately, the sequel was never released. His other books include
"The Gnole," an illustrated book written with Alan Aldridge, and "Treks
Not Taken," a collection of Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes as
they might have been written by literary greats (Seeing Ear Theater did an
audio version of Steve reading this, it's very funny).

Steve is not planning to write a sequel to Ariel -- according to him,
Pete's story has been told, he's come of age, and there really isn't any
more to say about it. However, Steve is still writing and hopefully you'll
see lots more from him in the future. In fact, we are releasing a collection
of his short fiction in March 2001, called "Orphans." Best,
Marti McKenna
Scorpius Digital Publishing
Scorpius Digital


A Burackion (Burr-ack-e-on)is a creature that lives on Zarn
(also can be found on earth but are extremely rare on earth.)
They are a creature with a large cat like body, Long furry
necks, Bird heads, and a mane. Although they have a bird
shaped head and beak they don't have ANY feathers.
Their whole body is covered in fur with a horse like mane.
These creatures were bred by the Kintarn (A race that
lives on Zarn) for hunting. They thought they could make a
better breed then a dog for hunting. They accidentally breed
an extremely intelligent creature. Their intelligence surpassed
the Kintarn and they soon refused to do as the Kintarn commanded.
Although the Burackion's can not speak verbally they can
speak telepathically. The Kintarn were so angry at the Burackions
for their lack of obedience that they sold most of them to
traders, who brought some of them to Earth, where they were
hunted for their beautiful pelts.
FLAMMA has found a safe home at the Shadowmyst Realm.

He is an adorable little purple
dragon..abandoned and alone he wandered..then a Princess
rounded him up and kept him in a little lair until I
could adopt him. Her name was Kerri and her other
dragons await adoption at Higher Realms

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Background by Jonathan Earl Bowser
Please do not take without link to Mr Bowser!