Morgan - 09/21/00 16:27:04
Homeworld: Middle earth
Favorite Fetish: telling the truth
Favorite Cheese: parm.
Most Evil Deed: signing in here


you know that.. - 08/03/00 05:00:16
My Email:now that would be Telling
Homeworld: Elsewhere
Favorite Fetish: that would be Telling more..
Favorite Cheese: soy
Pet Peeve: filling out this silly form?
Most Evil Deed: 1997

whate'er became o Chamaelirium, one wonders, one do. Gone the way of all chimera, or drowned in too much rootbeer? harsh words forgotten with time, tis fuzzier stuff that remains in memory..

Lauris the Suger PlumFaerie who roams through the dark an' spooookie forest - 04/08/00 22:36:34
Homeworld: home, understand. world? hmm.....Arcadia
Favorite Fetish: sluagh-ish lookin' fellows with no eyebrows
Favorite Cheese: munster and ghudda
Favorite Page:
Pet Peeve: those god damn pestful gargoyles...not all of them, jus' the annoyin' ones
Most Evil Deed: ~*::puts a finger to her lips::*~

i'za greatly likes yer page. it's damn kickin'. specially that lil' red devilish lookin' fae thing. can i have him...please. he would complete the tattoo on my leg. where did you find him, an' where can i make sure its okie dokie fer me to use he single? *blushes* sorrie. drop me a line anytime, babe. i love yer page.

Manan-Munan - 12/15/99 13:06:14
My Email:Is known
Homeworld: Not applicable
Favorite Fetish: Change
Favorite Cheese: 80's electronic
Favorite Page: Alta Vista
Pet Peeve: Chamaelirium not answering her mail, hint, hint, hint
Most Evil Deed: Depends on where you're standing

23? P. ppppp, ad infinitum. 15. Niger equs (grammar correction requested), am finally moving.

? - 08/25/99 17:12:38
Homeworld: earth
Favorite Fetish: spike heels
Favorite Cheese: bre
Pet Peeve: you,white witches, god lovers, stupid narrow minded ignorant people
Most Evil Deed: being alive

Your page sucks ass. The stories are fucking boring. What is with this fairy bullshit?! Maybe you should join a place called reality! Find a hobbie or something!

- 06/24/99 11:58:37


Steve J - 02/05/99 23:55:50
Homeworld: The Winter Chapter

i havnt lost my faith, i never had it...

eM - 01/20/99 23:55:00
Homeworld: Earth, honey, though I wish that I weren't
Favorite Fetish: accents, applesauce & the word cream...mmm
Favorite Cheese: cream cheese
Favorite Page: tori and fae pages
Pet Peeve: people who can't or won't believe in anything they can't see
Most Evil Deed: well, thanks for reminding me of how boring I am, for I haven't done anything truly sinister as of yet

Question: this has nothing to do with faeries... When you get really old, do your pubes turn gray? I really enjoyed your website, and I'm not yet finished looking through it. It's very entertaining so far.

- 11/11/98 15:47:02


Khalu Varnan - 10/30/98 15:35:25
Homeworld: No more
Favorite Fetish: Zen sadism
Favorite Cheese: Pass
Favorite Page: My sister's and mine - see URL above
Pet Peeve: Not having yet achieved omnipotence
Most Evil Deed: All of them

It can be done - you will find a way.

- 10/30/98 15:28:19


10/16/98 04:32:23
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Jonelin - 09/11/98 20:54:56
Homeworld: The 5th star of the 9th realm
Favorite Fetish: Boats
Favorite Cheese: Smoked Gouda
Favorite Page: The dork one
Pet Peeve: Stupid people who breed
Most Evil Deed: If I tell, I won't be getting away with it!

Very cute stories, but after perusing the guestbook I am under the impression that they are about real people (?). I don't know. If they are, that is too bad. I think they would make a nice little collection of twisted bedtime stories. Thanks f r the tour.

EriKa*godDesS - 09/07/98 00:20:21
Homeworld: !!!a*yOni~fiLLed*worLdofSTArZ...*~)
Favorite Fetish: ~gLitter&OceaNwAter*~
Favorite Cheese: stInkin'proViecheEze~*
Favorite Page: <>...~;p
Pet Peeve: pOptArts.
Most Evil Deed: ~iAtEtoOmanYatOmicfirebaLLz~*

...whAtta fukkiN' yuMmy pAge!!! <>reFreshed<>...~* ~erIka*>Y<*

Shaggy - 09/01/98 11:57:17
Homeworld: z with a lemniscate
Favorite Fetish: fem bondage
Favorite Cheese: gouda
Favorite Page: dogbowl...this is not a plug
Pet Peeve: hygiene
Most Evil Deed: i once killed a lizard by sticking it in front of a heater


rhythmatrix - 08/11/98 19:56:45
Homeworld: Sirius
Favorite Fetish: TantrA
Favorite Cheese: soy
Favorite Page: The Invisible College
Pet Peeve: walking corpses
Most Evil Deed: 12:60 Babylon rapist of the Sacred daily grind $#@#%#

Faery kin love i do i do...

Rachel - 07/26/98 03:31:13
Homeworld: tn
Favorite Fetish: silk and leather
Favorite Cheese: shar cheddar
Favorite Page: good question
Pet Peeve: stupid people
Most Evil Deed: if i told you i would finally get arrested

a most interesting page

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 15:44:33

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

jade - 04/05/98 20:48:11
My Email:mop15694@mail.telepac,pt

this page is wonderful ... i really dotn see what all the whining is about.. you know when you are truly mature when you can read a story like that about yur self and laugh at it. i think its reeeeealy funny. nice backround too.

the hated - 03/24/98 11:28:11
My Email:is for geeks
Homeworld: 6 feet under
Favorite Fetish: providing worm food.
Favorite Cheese: dick
Pet Peeve: life online
Most Evil Deed: continuing to exist

this is all so ridiculous. why dont we just make a Chamaelirium e-list, so everyone can parade how much holier they are on a daily basis? why hide it here? "Speaking the TRUTH to those who prefer lies..." ooh, guess we got Told. "Grow up, Children, your time and energy could be better used on more important things than this petty bickering and back-sta bing." right, like maybe taking a Superior pose and lecturing - that contributes *so* much more to the world. who the fuck are you, Church lady? why don't we start accepting that NONE of us have lives? we are all uesless and pathetic, and none of this mat ers. you're probably just bent 'cause there's no story about you yet. *yawn* somebody hand me the remote.. maybe there's a Star Trek re-run on.

- 03/23/98 22:46:42
Favorite Fetish: Creativity
Favorite Cheese: Monterey Jack
Favorite Page: The last of every book I've ever read
Pet Peeve: Faery-Pretenders
Most Evil Deed: Speaking the TRUTH to those who prefer lies... and "you" know who you are.

This site is a complete and utter waste of time and webspace. I'm surprised that anyone would even bother to expend their energy creating such a thing... their personal webpage must be totally boring if they spend their time working on something as usele s as this. Grow up, Children, your time and energy could be better used on more important things than this petty bickering and back-stabbing. Get a LIFE!

Imp Brimstone - 03/23/98 05:07:16
My Email:ImpBrmstn
Homeworld: Some lost realm where the infernal ones dwell...
Favorite Fetish: Chains, whipped cream, ice, cool breezy nights, silky flesh, bed restraints, sharp things (including teeth and a piercing gaze!) I'll add more later......
Favorite Cheese: Muenster, of course!
Favorite Page: The Rusted Gate
Pet Peeve: Bad hygene, whiners, femi-nazis, "Because meat is murder" vegans (Ba-a-a-a...), ignorant fools, pompous "darker-than-thou" goths (give me the real deal any day ::grin::), bad roleplayers...I think that's it...
Most Evil Deed: ...Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name...

Damn thie page is great...stories are wonderful! I'll write something more worthy of this guestbook the muses greatly enjoy whipping up on my literary 'til next time... };) >

Prince Righteous - 03/20/98 04:42:20
Homeworld: Suburbia Nervosa
Favorite Fetish: Oreos and Salsa
Favorite Cheese: Jalopeno Brie
Favorite Page: Cups
Pet Peeve: Chihuahua in bondage gear
Most Evil Deed: Enjoying the sport of harrassing Clueless Fae

"...For the Great Prince was to gather an Army, the likes of which had never been seen before, during, or since. This horde of unwashed Fae was to be known as the Elenari Horde, and they Pranced beneath the standard of this most Great of Kahn - The sign f the Blessed Sledge of Doom. And they did go out among the various Suburbs, and Skewered many a small onion upon their Pikes, and fried them in their own Vitriolic Juices and had many a Barbeque Feast.---The Book of Sagas...The Discord Years

Kira - 03/19/98 23:40:28
Homeworld: Whereever
Favorite Fetish: Cappacinio flavored massage oil
Favorite Cheese: Monty Python
Pet Peeve: People who do nothing
Most Evil Deed: Subscribing to Darkfae, once long ago

I thought the page was kind of boring. Humor usually sucks if the writer doesn't poke some fun at him/herself, at least when they are involved in the situation. Lots of Darkfae are boring. So are most "Light fae." The whole community is so bloody caught up in itself. New ideas almost never come up because people are too stuck fighting with each other, and don't think or speak beyond that. It's LAME. Good humor, meaning actual humorous humor, pokes at both sides of an issue; this just gave the Darkfae perspective. I dearly love the wild, unseelie side of things (not serial killer style unseelieness, though if I ever did loose it I know I'd go for poetic evil, the really artistic stuff) but the people claiming it don't show it! So, that's my opinion, and I'm probably giving the page more credit than it's worth; it just seems to show more spite than humor. Bleh. One disgruntled very charcoal mage off to visit Mommy Morrigan... Kira

Prince Righteous - 03/18/98 23:43:46
Homeworld: The Throne Of God, in Heaven On High
Favorite Fetish: The Fires of Heaven
Favorite Cheese: Angelic
Favorite Page: Mine, of course
Pet Peeve: Cannot do wrong...I am a perfect being.
Most Evil Deed: See Above

"For the Fae suburbs of Tawdry Gossip did need a savior, though they knew it not...and it was ordained by the cosmos that they should have one, of their own naming and summoning. And they, in their self-righteous Jests, did call and name the Avatar of th ir Salvation. This being was the Blessed countenance of Prince Righteous. They would reject him...yea they would, and would rail against him with great ire. But he was to be greater than they, those who had given HIM substance from their own Psyche, an they would become (eventually) ENLIGHTENED" The Gospel Book of Clues, Verse 23.

Sylver Myst - 03/18/98 21:53:07
Homeworld: I am the eggman..
Favorite Fetish: They are the eggmen..
Favorite Cheese: I am the walrus..
Favorite Page: Goo goo ga choo!
Most Evil Deed: chan eil moran heh..

Fact: Sex is like air, it's not important unless you're not getting any. Advice: Never play leapfrog with a unicorn. Warning: I have a secret army of potatoes ready to strike at any moment... Tha mi duilich, this is completely pointless, and has nothing to do with this site. Feumaidh mi falbh

Khalu Varnan - 03/18/98 15:36:41
Favorite Fetish: Myself
Favorite Cheese: Bob
Favorite Page: Crinkled ones
Pet Peeve: I'm going to name him Bob, after my favourite cheese
Most Evil Deed: Changes too often to say

Prince Self-Righteous - I'm curious, how are you going to mantain this charade? If you have come out as author of these pages, why don't you add your name to the pages? Why not write a little story about the page itself? Chamaelirium is going to add mo e material, you know... Won't that cause you problems? How would it look, for example, if the scribe tells me what these stories are going to be about, and I post a note about them before they are added to the site? How will you cope with that? Are yo r wits so fuddled that you cannot see you have zero hope of mantaining this role? Do you have problems with stand-up urinals?

Prince Righteous - 03/18/98 13:22:44
Favorite Fetish: self-absorbed Fae
Favorite Page: mine still
Most Evil Deed: Creation

Ah, you silly, silly children...You squable amongst yourselves, get upset with a seeker of the truth, then you demand proof from the Lord of this Realm...You are all doing so well. I am proud to call you co-creators of this tawdry world we call the Fae c mmunity. Please, continue on, and show the High Drama that will Entertain, Amuse, Shock, and Inspire us all to greater hights of the Absurd! You live your illusions of Greatness well, and do me proud. A Lover of Life, His High Lord of Funk, Prince Righteousness

Khalu Varnan - 03/18/98 10:12:43
Favorite Fetish: Ultimate power
Favorite Cheese: Someone else's
Favorite Page: This one
Pet Peeve: Rialan, at the moment
Most Evil Deed: Still haven't decided

Rialan - I'm not usre of the level of language this board is supposed to mantain, so I'll refrain from using phrases like 'you dickless piece of shit', and nasty stuff like that. You did not write these stories. They were the work of one single person. Are you so completely talentless that you need to try and claim that of others? It would seem so. Go away somewhere and evolve into a more sentient life-form.

Nali - 03/18/98 08:00:51
Homeworld: somewhere they tell the Truth, preferrably
Favorite Fetish: Watching others expose themselves for the Fools they are
Favorite Cheese: Hasn't there been enough Cheese throw about on the web lately?
Pet Peeve: Fools who think everyone else as Foolish as they
Most Evil Deed: Expecting people to care what the *actual* Truth is.

Beware of False Prohets
I want to restate here a Challenge I have made.
If any of you would have us believe that you are the author, make your claims from the hotmail addies listed on these pages so that we may check the IP as so many are fond of doing. And any who do not, no matter their claims otherwise or their lofty and ( are I say it?) *righteous* attitudes, are simply proving they, in fact, *cannot* do so because they are Not The Author.
If you choose to follow Fools blindly, do not be surprised when you are led off a cliff.

Lirinen - 03/17/98 15:43:53
Favorite Fetish: False Unicorns in Bondage Gear
Favorite Cheese: Not printable
Favorite Page: This one, as always
Pet Peeve: Not having a damn life, dammit

Oh your Righteousness! (Lick!) You are of course the One True Unicorn, BUT I am looking for a *False* Unicorn! That Unicorn is no doubt waiting for a False Virgin before showing hir face. *Silly* of me I know (fingerpoint fingerpoint). But why's everyo e so upset when I point fingers? They should be flattered at being falsely or truly accused of creating this beautiful page that we all love so much! And how can i be taking *myself* too seriously, when I am not even featured here? (yet...) But you are ight of course, You're Righteousness. We all created it. And I take myself too seriously. And I took the friendships and trust we once all had too seriously. Lirinen the loopy, lifeless and leafless

Very EX-minionion - 03/17/98 14:40:14
Homeworld: split between two worlds
Favorite Fetish: bubble wrap
Favorite Cheese: cheesecake
Favorite Page:
Pet Peeve: Arrogant Bitches that think they are the only "true" type of Fae there is! -- Ha!
Most Evil Deed: Giving a damn about the Dark Queen in the first place!

Much Truth is mirrored in these pages, and *whoever* it was that wrote all of this truely knows of what he or she speaks! (Thank you, whoever you are!) Many more tales could be added to these pages... many, many more, I'm sure. So let's hear them! Dor fae.... buahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I love it!

Rialian - 03/17/98 12:12:18
Favorite Page: Mine

Well, I did it. I will admit it... But I had a lot of help. I want to thank my partners in this endeavor of discordian humor. Aria Lusina Sileniel Nalissi Tiernan Linz Ardaniel Sade Sindar Erzebet Ezaraudin Magic Rat Lirinen The Clan S'dorin The Court of Alfheim The Elenari Hordes and too many others to count. ===I had a lot of creative help, but I am proud to say I got you all, and have thus earned my own self-title, Prince Righteous: For I have indeed proven myself to have a great power upon the land of cyberspace and the Fae community at large. ===Now I am certain that there are those out there that would claim that they are the true creators of my own masterpiece, but do not belive them....they are simply posers and charlatans who have no true wit of their own. Blessings on all your Paths! Rialian

Khalu Varnan - 03/16/98 13:46:49
Homeworld: Mind your own business
Favorite Fetish: Incest
Favorite Cheese: The only good cheese is a dead cheese
Favorite Page: This one at the moment
Pet Peeve: Humans
Most Evil Deed: Good question, I'll think about it

Nice page, good job. Amusing messages, aren't you flattered? Do you think the introduction to the Bristol Bretheren of Freaks and Weirdos would sit nicely here? If so, let me know... I've sketched out a plan for the Shrubbery, and will work on that th s afternoon, as I've been pressed into doing reception. Grim.

Ezaraudin gan Annwn - 03/16/98 05:55:26
Homeworld: I come from Hell..
Favorite Fetish: Electrical tape..
Favorite Cheese: Cheeze Whiz
Favorite Page: You're kidding right?
Pet Peeve: Fat Fairies and Children's Advil.
Most Evil Deed: Spoke the truth..

Greetings and Blessings one and all.. Apparently, some more so than others.. Ah.. Where to begin? So much to do, and so little time.. Let us see.. I suppose that I will take this on a point by point basis.. It is quite obvious that many of you here hav nothing better to do with your wasted and meager lives than to sit and gripe about meaningless bits of humor.. Stop and consider for an instant that the behavior displayed here on this guestbook ALONE has got to give the author of these parodies enough a munition to take over a small nation. It is a classic example of the age old "Give a person enough rope." Now, let us look to the deeper meaning. Could it be that the individuals depicted in these tales are merely seeing what others have known for some time.. That they are truly insignifigant and thrive on rubbish such as this as a sad attempt to justify wasting good air. Is this offensive? Perhaps to some.. I am convinced that there is nothing that one can say that will not offend _someone_. I suppos that if I spent my life worrying about what people I have only encountered through the internet in all of its enrapturing magnificence thought of me, stories such as this would bother me.. I however, have far more important things to concentrate on, like contemplating the atomic weight of cotton.. Now something else was mentioned about having "proof" that these pages were the work of one Aria Lusina because she *GASP* happens to use a certain server in the greater Boston area.. Now, excuse me a moment i you will Matlock but.. Boston is a fairly large village.. Perhaps the author is one of the miraculous few that grasps the concepts of Long Distance calling.. Internet.. Long Distance.. Who'd have thought? Ah, call me the village idiot.. Many of the people who go berserk over these parodies need to rush to the phone and contact the nearest Crisis intervention center and beg them to give you a life.. There are programs to help folks like you.. If you don't get help at Charter, get help somewhere. I a convinced that you give some thought to real problems, like where you're next meal is coming from or where you're going to spend the night.. If there were ever an all-time low in the "fae" community, this would probably be it.. May They see all that you do... then write stories. Ezaraudin gan Annwn.

Erzebet - 03/16/98 05:15:58
Pet Peeve: delusional humans
Most Evil Deed: not being a delusional human

Some of you people take this stuff far too seriously.

Lirinen - 03/15/98 13:25:33
Favorite Fetish: target practice
Favorite Page: This one
Pet Peeve: You can make a joke but can't take one
Most Evil Deed: target practice

The Discordians are among us! So Pope Oexia Nen, AKA Queen Silly AKA Evil Queen of the Fae, are you going to let your mini-onions be falsely held captive by the evil and dreaded queen Oc for merely trying to get your immortal prose onto a webring for you That would be so ...presidential! Mad Lirinen of the Mangled Wood

Jacky Lantern - 03/15/98 09:12:56
Homeworld: sometimes I say Shaharasai, but who really knows
Favorite Fetish: being erotic dolly 4 demonesses & woodnymphs
Favorite Cheese: the only real injury that is done through ther interneti do not ingest food only monkey humans do that shit....any elf or fae knows that...;)
Favorite Page: I forget
Pet Peeve: torturing peoples family members in front of them without good cause
Most Evil Deed: torturing people's family members in front of them without good cause

Jacky Lantern Rant.....Oh joy what fun for all the girls and boys...... This is definitely an interesting page. I mean I find the page well done, amusing in a wicked way......and quite harmless....only those who choose to be harmed by it can be....In my humble opinion (LOL) the people who are complaining about this page and a e serious......should consider taking a gun to their heads and blowing their brains out......and video taoideo taping it so we can all watch and laugh......or maybe they should instead pass out peppermint patties, turtle burgers & dead plumbers to all the wild and dark faeries of the many lands so we can eat them :9 I am wondering if people on some of these fae-related lists do have any life outside RPG's, game conventions, bad fantasy novels, and cyberspace. (though perhaps this is a life in an artificial way). What harm *could* be done through a page like this? Fe lings can be hurt and pride can be wounded those who are patheically weak & weakly pathetic....wait that does not make any sense but who cares ;) (speaking to the ahem fae offended by this page)- Do u have any *real* problems.....i am a col ege graduate who has experienced being homeless, is a recovering alochoholic/drug addict, works full time....and still barely getting by.....barely able to pay the medical coverage...with lousy heath, bipolar disorder, agoraphobia......and u now what...?? Things for me are pretty damn good compared to other folks I know.....and others all over the world living in pretty hellish situations......I am starting to think that maybe people without *real* problems create it appears to the as if they have a life.....(and i am speaking of all the dweebs that get all emotional & upset over internet issues. Nobody has been killed, injured physically......the only real injury done through the internet is with viruses and mail bombs....cuz some of us don't have mommy and daddy to bail us out of trouble......well anyway..i am watching Willy i'll wrap this up......there is probably something else i wanted to say.....but......i am to insane to keep my thoughts together us al

Pagoda Panic - 03/15/98 08:32:34
Homeworld: Union Penny
Favorite Fetish: cheetahs in wheelbarrows and wicked demonesses
Favorite Cheese: i don't eat cheese :P
Favorite Page:
Pet Peeve: people with no lives
Most Evil Deed: other than being here and laughing - ?

beginning invisible robot fish transmission: are twit-a-scopes what twits use to spy on the world? and spiteful *children*? my, aren't we all much more superior and for turnabout being fairplay, my point exactly. as for this so-called "proof": ye gods, we are supposed to take a bunch of hacked code as unassailable verification of authorship?? OH NO someone tried to join a webring! now we KNOW!!! (_children_???) i suppose it would spoil everyone's fun if i pointed out that there are at least *two* current subscribers to Darkfae-L whose originating address is probably more. now i'm no lawyer, but i think all this shows is that someone tried to join a webring. you know, just today i was visiting a furiously funny gothic page that parodies the hell out of those terminally depressed pasty-faced poseurs. this page was put up by one* person. is that one person responsible for Dear Aunt Agony, The Devil's Dance Party AND the Tao of Goth? possibly; if so i owe them a pint of snakebite and a blowjob. but somehow i don't think so. what i really want to know is *what does it matter*? these stories don't even name real names, altho anyone who Knows who all these are about can figure it out. unlike _other_ fae pages i have seen that make nasty remarks about people (including things i aw months ago, before these parodies ever appeared). someone played with fire and now they want to cry cause they got burned? spare me.

Tiernan - 03/15/98 02:17:13
Homeworld: Reality
Pet Peeve: Spiteful liars
Most Evil Deed: Believing in Aria

Aria dear... you're such a liar. This page actually IS yours. And everyone can see the proof of that here: "" Oh, and by the way, you dance divinely, darling :).

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