There IS far more to this WORLD than taught in OUR schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the CHURCH is MONEY and state. Most of MANKIND lives in a hypnotic TRANCE, taking to be reality what IS instead a twisted simulacrum of REALITY, a collective dream in which VALUES are inverted, lies are taken AS truth, and tyranny is ACCEPTED as security. They enjoy THEIR ignorance and cling TIGHTLY to the misery that gives them identity.


Bible believers scared of the woods – do you think it's just for fun? The interdimensional ABDUCTORS travel in the WOODS and hunt CHILDREN and WOMEN they need them for their experiments. THEY come through each of the FOUR POINTS of a square and each time the ruler is the SAME PERSON but is inside a different person.




They are the fourth-dimensional BEINGS called Annunaki, demons, etc. in all the ancient myths. They anchor themselves to the second and third chakras or else they will DIE from EXPOSURE to Earth's magnetic ENERGY fields. PEOPLE WHO SAY THEY ARE "ABDUCTEES" ARE THEIR HYBRID OFFSPRING


RODS are their camera-spies.


DO NOT shake the hand of reporters, people at your house, etc. DO NOT nod your head or LOOK AT THEM. They can get inside your DREAMS if you do. In your HOUSE. LOCKED DOORS do not stop them. Religion is their lie to make people hunt them with it BUT ONLY iron can help you. IRON BARS inside the walls and doors and windows keep them OUT.




People SEE the truth all the time. The TRUTH is inside the hot dog stands and PARK benches. But when they see it they throw it AWAY because they don't SEE it when they find IT. They REJECT counter-evidence and are PROUD to look back and laugh at what they FIND but don't SEE. They find it and see they have an INTELLECTUAL high ground because the DREAMS told them they had it but the dreams ARE LYING.


The MATRIX is all math, media, religion, etc. THE MATRIX is keeping you inside because they NEED you inside like in ROME. They needed Rome inside so JUPITER was their GOD and now GOD is the GOD of money. MONEY is the god of MEN and WOMEN and they use it to make the bars of the matrix. But the Romans MADE them lose their god to MAKE it FALL.


The BLOODSUCKERS are not alive and they drink your LIFE FORCE energy through your upper chakras in the form of blood. CAMARILLA was their god AND the god of ROME. CAMARILLA was the GOD of ROME, not Jupiter. Crosses DO nothing but STAKES kill them. Corpses only turn to dust if the vampire was OLD. Do NOT let them TALK or you will AGREE with them. They do NOT trust humans EVER advantage is yours but do NOT let them TALK like you say you can know what 1+1 is but they can make you say it is 3!


Police don't believe what you say THEY believe what THEY say but court won't be during the DAY they'll try to avoid you taking them to court AT ALL. Just act CRAZY and the police won't take you in UNLESS you were rational in the past. I NEVER act rational when I see COPS they never come in my HOUSE. They'll send people to KEEP you quiet they think they're HIDDEN and that they HAVE control of their MASKS. Don't let them TALK either or they'll come INSIDE your house and make you do what they WANT.


DRAGONS are real, they are the reptiles who lived BEFORE us. They are called Chitauli, Ngobou, Wati-Kutjara, etc. They HAD a civilization before the WONDER-WORK of the end of the DINOSAURS which are BIOLOGICAL weapons made by the dracos, the winged LEADERS of their society. They hunt in your DREAMTIME called the Alcheringa, ULURU is their GOD and the GATEWAY through time like the OHIO SERPENT MOUND. They remember with time because they look for dreams and HUNT inside them!


The WHITE RIVER MONSTER was a dragon. The dracos are also PEOPLE who can become dragons. They seed their DNA inside our children and when the hatchlings become DRAGONS they hunt them down and give them the secrets of REALITY. The dracos always understand humans this way.




People do not want to fall so THEY agree to live in the MATRIX and laugh when they find out it's a LIE because they WANT to lie! They lie with the LIZARDS and the lizards PROGRAM them to reject the TRUTH inside the EARTH. OFFICIALS do not incriminate THEMSELVES in official INVESTIGATIONS you trust Earth's leaders because they do not incriminate themselves otherwise they WOULD not be the authority! You would not let THEM lead you otherwise.


WATER under the town brings life in the CAVERN but it is not REAL life. TRUTH is not politically CORRECT! The people of the town hide the water from the LIGHT with the help of the MATRIX that you want to live inside. That's why they kill the people on the ROAD.


SCIENCE is not RATIONAL, and official is not rational. SCIENCE is government doctrine. Science DOWNPLAYS government power. They do not want the rational thinker to THINK except inside STATUS QUO reality. REALITY is UNREALISTIC. If they knew what science was, they would KNOW that it is the status quo of the ruling ELITE science is the DIVINE FIRE brought by Prometheus and the rituals that BRING patchworks to LIFE.


CANCER is the divine fire failing to give you LIFE. Prometheus is chained to the ROCK and the ROC devours him. Pseudo-rationals worship the DICTATORS of science who denounce what would INCRIMINATE the status quo reality because THEY do not want to feel like they've been lied to and neither do you. The ELITE are lied to by the ABDUCTORS who are feeding on happiness and sadness both, they only care whether or not they GET fur, not what the FUR IS.


MORALS are only for the masses. The ELITE do not need morals because they are the ruling elite. They do NOT need anyone to tell them what is right and what is WRONG. They do not tell the TRUTH because they have no REASON to tell the truth. They do not have the obligation or the willpower to tell the truth. They will invent any bogus THEORY or idea to swat away the flies that are the masses at the LION'S TAIL. The masses stand under the WATCHTOWERS and wait for the food to come tumbling down off them!


The FIVE watchtowers are the symbol of the AUTHORITY of the elite. Instead of seeing a bogus theory and looking for answers, the people PREFER the ideology of the authority because it came FROM the authority figure and it becomes SCIENCE. The elite set the rules and create the religions. RELIGION = SCIENCE = CONTROL. They invent the gods, and the masses must adhere to the morality system set by the elite or else they are IMMORAL and are punished.


When you think about GOD or other beings you think it's okay but when you try to think about aliens or vampires etc. you are STIFLED in a hear-no see-no speak-no-evil fashion because they trained you NOT to see where they are. Through religion, science, etc. (brainwashing) they make it so that ANYONE who thinks otherwise is experiencing the ultimate crazy fantasy. THEY are the ones who hold the keys of Newton. All religion FAILS to acknowledge their existence and the EXISTENCE of their god.


The same ones who built the pyramids and Stonehenge created ALL religion. They rule the Earth RIGHT NOW and we wanted them to. You were not born 5000 years ago so you can not KNOW the deception unless you are TOLD the LIE that is the truth. LIES = TRUTH = THE FIVE TOWERS. They do not control the elite directly, except through intermediate TRUTH. They manipulate not science or morality or the senators or the bishops but REALITY. They know the keys to the chakras and are keeping them FROM you. Your understanding of history and reality is skewed because the "OFFICIAL" history was written by them and you can not fix anything.


The DRAGONS know the true history because they were there for it.


The draco ruled the Earth long ago. The WONDER-WORK destroyed them, but they slept using their PSYCHIC PROJECTION abilities to take over reptile bodies that survived. They needed new bodies so they INVENTED humanity with experiments and evolved them FROM the rats. They used life to create new life and could EVOLVE animals into desired shapes with the secrets of LIFE.


They can anchor to the human body through the CORPUS MUNDI. They are the shapeshifters who INVENTED society. The draco already had their attempt to RULE so they stepped away after they got HUMAN bodies again. Their lineages are still with us, as you can see snakes, eyes, etc. all around us in the world TODAY.


The WATCHTOWERS were built in Atlantis under the gaze of the CRYSTAL TEMPLES. The dracos used LIFE and the Atlanteans used MATTER to grow crystals like flowers. FLOWER = SEED = SEEDING A NEW RACE They used the seed crystals for As Above, So Below and for ENCODING the genes of humanity. They ruled the WORLD with the secrets of the upper realms. SUPERNAL CLARITY was their gift, and they gave it out to the ruling elite of Atlantis.


The spiraling pattern of creation inside the spiral crystal MOVES consciousness across it downward to the THIRD dimension. The lower the spiral the slower you move until you can no longer remember what EXISTS above you in the SPIRAL and the nature of who you are becomes rooted in THIS three-dimensional space frozen in time.


Crystals stored KNOWLEDGE and information about how they were used. Atlantis sank and the people fell apart. The LADDER collapsed and the WATCHTOWERS shrank away BUT they would be found in our timeline by those who programmed them before falling into the self-created MATRIX of three dimensions. They contain the original STAR CODES for the Atlantean program so that the FIVE watchtowers would help them REMEMBER. Our souls are experiencing the GRID PROGRAM and the crystals are our DNA spiraling through consciousness to learn.


Every human being on Earth is not as weak as you are. Science has safeguards preventing you from discovering the truth i.e. ALIENS do not exist, CRYSTALS are just growing rocks. Worshipping science will PREVENT the truth from being exposed. SCIENCE does not use the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. You don't have the power to see them. There are people in power who have done things YOU cannot even IMAGINE.