Start of #e buffer: Mon Jun 18 12:27:38 2001 [11:56] *** Now talking in #e [11:56] *** Topic is 'BUYING MAGIC BOWS FROM FORCE-VANQ but ONLY with Charges / Daj [992677] "How to become a better ass"-lecture by Femme' [11:56] *** Set by Priest of Femme on Mon Jun 18 11:38:46 [11:56] -ChanServ- - An Europa PvP Guild [11:56] hi [11:57] I am here from oxford for a lecture by Femme.. [11:57] When could you read it? [11:57] I think he's busy now.. [11:58] he's teaching his work mates atm [11:58] ah [11:58] you will have to wait 'till he comes back [11:58] ok [11:58] Very nice professor he is. [11:58] yep [11:59] and he's a gm ass [11:59] Made such way from a bad to better ass.. [11:59] He should writte a book. [11:59] I wish I'd be as good an ass as he is when I grow big [11:59] How big? [12:00] dunno.. [12:00] well, me too actually.. [12:00] when I see my hero, I know it. [12:00] well ok I hope to be as good an ass as he is someday [12:00] aye [12:00] femme is everyones hero [12:00] I can imagen.. [12:00] he has achieved so much in the art of being an ass [12:00] many fans outside his house.. [12:01] yep [12:01] I couldnt make it to Varberg .. [12:01] So I found him on internet [12:01] :( [12:01] yes he takes care of everyone [12:01] very nice person [12:01] yes, he's such a great guy [12:02] The Allmighty Ass [12:02] That would be his title [12:02] on the book probably [12:02] in gold.. [12:02] ah [12:02] *** C_Freeman has quit IRC (Quit: ) [12:02] And who art thou? [12:03] Are you his helper? [12:03] no, I'm his fan [12:03] ah ok [12:03] this [E] logo, it is fEmme's fans? [12:03] maybe he would accept me as his official helper [12:03] I can only dream about it.. [12:03] that would be nice [12:03] uh [12:04] I would quit the univercity for this [12:04] well it all started from E, but now it's worldwide [12:04] *** Priest of Femme changes topic to 'BUYING MAGIC BOWS FROM FORCE-VANQ but ONLY with Charges / Daj [992677] "How to become a better ass"-lecture by our hero, Femme' [12:04] well, I wait here till he comes back then [12:05] I'm waiting that too [12:05] I'm so excited waiting that he says something! [12:05] I will prepare my inner self for it. [12:05] how to become a better ass... [12:06] *** Forbidden soul is now known as Forbidden soul|in_dreems [12:06] *** Forbidden soul|in_dreems is now known as Forbidden soul|in_dreams [12:06] uh [12:06] almost woke up ;/ [12:06] :) [12:07] I think I might die when our great hero femme speaks just because of it's something so great.. [12:07] I was afraid of this too.. [12:07] and you know what? [12:08] but if I die, I will not be scared [12:08] what? [12:08] I have seen femme in game! [12:08] !!!!!! [12:08] no way [12:08] yes, I'm not lying! [12:08] umh.. cannot be, he walks in GM group only [12:08] I was shaking, it was so great I couldn't believe it! [12:08] still, almost imporsible.. [12:08] gm's worship him [12:09] yes, I heart it [12:09] I thought I was dreaming, but then he spoke to me!!! [12:09] !!!!! [12:09] what did the Femme say? [12:10] I can't say it, only femme can speak his own words [12:10] I'm too puny to speak his words [12:10] ok, of course not typing it.. [12:10] My mistake [12:10] I hope he would forgive me [12:10] he will, he's so nice [12:10] Meditation 100.0 100.0 +( 11.6) [12:11] My meditation and belives in femme is over 100 I think.. [12:11] mine too [12:11] Dont you feel Femme's mind in every single part in the world? [12:12] yes! [12:12] absolutely [12:12] And, imagen!, he will speak a lecture to us! [12:12] I dont think I am prepared [12:12] me neither... [12:12] I can't believe it! [12:13] btw.. does it cost anything? [12:13] no [12:13] ah.. true Femme [12:13] I'm so happy to even see femme is here, even tho he's idling [12:13] And he got this "@" thingy.. [12:14] this is rose, right? [12:14] it means he's a stronger force [12:14] and he's so nice that he has even granted some of his students the same sign! [12:15] My hands are shacking and head is dizzy, I cannot belive I am in the same channel with Him.. [12:16] My life will change today, thats for sure.. [12:16] yes...but you will feel very comfortable when he starts speaking, he speaks so warmly [12:16] I can imagen only a small part.. [12:17] But after the lecture, I will improve. [12:17] you will for sure [12:17] you wouldnt belive, but there are 27 people watching me behind this monitor.. [12:17] everyone who has spoken to femme has saw the "light" [12:18] oh yes I believe, femmes fans are everywhere [12:18] aaaahhhhh... [12:18] jsut my room is kinda small.. [12:18] well I would do anything also to see femme [12:18] all who couldnt fit, had to listen for what others say [12:19] need to controll people here.. many are in panic [12:19] I would be too if I couldn't fit in the room [12:20] you are so lucky to be in the computer! [12:20] yes, I think all others computers were broke by people in trances.. [12:20] I am afraid I will loose controll and start doing things.. [12:21] you have to control yourself, otherwise you won't see femme talking! [12:21] I am fighting.. ah.. people hold me, should be fine.. [12:22] Just think of Femme's coworkers.. [12:22] they are soooo lucky [12:23] someone says they can fly now [12:23] it must be true [12:23] I mean, they have seen femme irl! [12:23] aaaaaahhhhh [12:23] and even spoke to him [12:23] 7 people fell in the room.. [12:24] that is bad [12:24] they still have smiles on their faces [12:24] good [12:24] they saw femme's name here on this channel? [12:24] *** LaLlaRe-SoVVVVVVEEEEEEEEER has joined #E [12:24] *** LaLlaRe-SoVVVVVVEEEEEEEEER has left #E [12:25] he couldt make it.. [12:25] well, at least he tried [12:25] I need to rest now, big day for me today [12:26] maybe we will see again.. [12:26] ok, I had to prepare myself for many hours also to have strenght to come here [12:26] strength be with us [12:26] and femme [12:26] amen [12:26] rest now [12:27] farewell [12:27] farewell End of #e buffer Mon Jun 18 12:27:38 2001