You walk up to the huge temple and gape at it's size. Opening the huge door, you walk into the building. Everywhere you look there are scrolls and books. You grab one of the torches off the wall and light it with a match. There is a scroll, lying on a pedistal, in the middle of the room. You walk over to it and begin reading.

The beginning of Murkwood

Murkwood is a town in the middle of a huge forest. Noone ever bothered to name the forest, so everyone just calls it the forest of Murkwood. We don't usually get very many outsiders in Murkwood, because of this huge forest. This is just one of the towns in our land. Our land called Wring. Wring was formed by the gods long ago, as you will know if you continue reading this scroll.

The god of all gods, Mistick, had two offsprings. Malriene and Meckite. Malriene, being the oldest of the two, usually made all of the decisions, and Mystick noticed this. So for Meckite's seventeenth birthday, Mystick allowed him to make his own world.

Meckite was overjoyed and quickly started on making his world. He worked nonstop for the next year on making the perfect world. He created dwarfs, elfs, giants, hobits, humans and gnomes. He created oceans and forests, mountains and clouds. Finally he finished. He was so happy he started bragging about it too his sister.

Malriene was outraged by the fact that Meckite got to make his own world and yet her, the older of the two, had to wait until she was twenty two. So she decided to get revenge. She made goblins, hawks, giant spiders, dragons and all the other dark creatures, and unleased them upon Wring.

When Meckite found out, he attacked his sister, starting the war of the gods. After years of fighting, Meckite managed to kill his sister. Still to this day, every night you look up upon the sky, you can still see her drops of blood speckled across the horizon. We call them stars.

Mystick couldn't believe that his son had killed his own sister. He then banished his son from being a god, making him live his immortal life as a mere human on his own world. Meckite still walks the earth, helping the people of Wring out when in need.