by Lor and Orlith

Kathryn smiled over her coffee cup. It was a wicked little grin of a woman satisfied with something she has done. She gingerly sipped the steaming brew, and allowed the flavors of the rich coffee to permeate through her system. Her eyes closed and savored the idea that wouldn't let her sleep the night before.

Her idea involved one annoying but gorgeous First Officer. To put it delicately, it involved getting him back for all the touches and looks that he had plagued her with since New Earth. The sweet peal of Kathryn's laughter filled the room as the First Officer in question strode into her office.

"I am glad to see you so amused this morning Captain." Chakotay smiled.

"Well, you could say that after a rough night I got up on the right side of the bed." Kathryn responded in kind.

"Here are the reports you asked for." All business, Chakotay lay the PADDs on her desk. Kathryn smiled. It was going to be a lovely day indeed.


Chakotay walked into his office. As he approached the desk he noticed a plain white envelope leaning up against his text interface terminal. His hand gingerly picked it up and turned it around in his hand. Curiously, he opened it.

Dear Commander,

I have seen your frustration over the last few months and I sympathize with your situation. Please meet me in Holodeck 1, tonight at 1900 hours. While I may not be your lady love, I can appease the ache you feel if only temporarily.

The note was left unsigned. Chakotay fingered the card, and pondered exactly what to do. Obviously, he was allowing his personal life to interfere with his duty if someone knew of his little problem. Last night had been rough.

Chakotay felt himself begin to tighten in response. He had gotten little sleep due to the erotic images plaguing his dreams. They chased him wherever he went, even into his spirit walks. If he didn't do something soon, then the Doctor was going to have to lock him in the brig and throw away the key.

Part of the problem was that he hadn't gotten laid in months. Of course he could have used the Holodeck to ease his suffering, but somehow holo-women didn't ease the ache. They seemed false, and he felt like he was engaging in something dirty. Like the women didn't have the option of saying no.

Oh damn, it was his duty to investigate what this person knew about his feelings. He tossed the invitation onto his desk. It would cause more problems for the Captain and the senior officers if they knew the extent of his feelings for Kathryn.


Chakotay walked into Holo-deck One at the prescribed time. As the doors shut, the light was nearly completely eliminated from the room. As his eyes adjusted, he noticed that he was in a room of some sort. A sky light presented a view of an incredible exspanse of stars. The starlight outlined a large, four-posted bed that stood in the center of the room. He walked towards it, knowing that the woman would be there.

Hands came up from behind him, touching his neck. Slowly, the hands moved down in a slow, luxurious caress down his back. He turned around to face the unknown woman who stood so closely to him. It was so dark in the Holodeck that he could only make out her slight, petite frame. Her form was familar to him, but he could not decide who this was with him. He tried to make out her

features, but there was not enough light to see more than her slender outline.

"Who are you?" he tried to ask.

The woman put her fingers against his lips to silence his attempts to discover her

identity, "Shhhh...." she whispered. With no other words, she slowly ran her hands across his chest. Her gentle touch sent a thrill of desire racing hotly through his veins. Before he could respond to her actions, she pressed her

body firmly against his and pulled his mouth to hers once more.

Her lips felt like soft velvet against his, her tongue danced lightly across his lips. With a groan, Chakotay tightened his grasp on her, and deepened the kiss, their tongues twined together.

The scent of her perfume, like vanilla and spice, flooded his senses, setting his blood on fire. Her soft, feminine curves pressed intimately against his hard muscular chest sent electric shocks of desire through him. Almost of it's own volition, his hand moved up from her back to firmly cup her breast.

She moaned deeply, her body arcing into his hands and her head fell back, exposing the graceful curve of her neck to his burning gaze. With a harsh groan, he bent to press his lips to her neck, tasting her flesh. The deliciously sweet scent of her filled his nostrils once more, gently he grazed her flesh with his teeth, causing her shudder in his arms and moan raggedly in response.

Lost in her, he found himself somehow on the bed, with her lying beside him, their clothing in heaps scattered on the floor. The faint light from the skylight above them gave just enough light for him to make out the smooth softness of her skin, so pale against his own bronze body.

He bent his head to take the nipple of her breast into his mouth, teasing her flesh with his tongue. She gasped with shock at the intense sensations his mouth gave her, arcing her body to his. She grasped his head to her breast, her fingers laced through his short dark hair.

His mysterious lover pushed him over on his back beside her. She moved to lie half draped over his chest, her soft firm breast pressed against his chest. Everywhere their bodies touched, their skin burned. She kissed his lips passionately, moving to nip at his throat. Her breath warm against his skin. Her hands exploring his body, learning the shape and feel of him, even as he

caressed her. She moved lower, teasing his nipples with her tongue. She continued downward, leaving a blazing trail of kisses as she slowly moved down.

Chakotay almost cried out when her lips found the inside of his thigh, her tongue and teeth alternately nipping and caressing him. He buried his hands in her hair, a hoarse moan of desire escaping him, pleading. With a low, husky laugh, she caressed his hard, aching length. Her gentle, sensuous touch almost undid him. He cried out aloud from the fierce surge of lust that broke over him, pressing himself into her hands. With a purr, she ran her tongue slowly from the base of his cock to the tip. She took the velvety soft tip of his manhood into her mouth, gently sucking and teasing with her tongue.

Chakotay could not think, he could only feel as she traced the veins under the skin with her tongue, her hands rubbing and caressing his full sac. He thrust his hips forward, begging her to take him fully into her mouth. So slowly that it almost drove him mad with lust, she slid her mouth down the length of him, until

he was completely within her hot, moist mouth. Her tongue stroking up and

down against him as she sucked strongly on him. Her hands massaging his sac in rythem with her tongue.

Overcome with desire for her, Chakotay tried to pull her up to him. But she resisted his efforts, pushing him back. Groaning in frustration, he forcefully moved her over him, assuming a 69 position. He brushed his hand against her soft folds, delighting in the moisture he found there. A low moan escaped her at his touch. With a grin, he ran his tongue up over her center. He brushed his thumb against her clit and slid two fingers inside her tight, hot sheath.

His lover jumped at his touch. She cried out softly as he slid his tongue over her, sucking gently on her clit. She tasted sweet, her scent making him hungry for more of her. He thrust his tongue deeply inside her, tasting her intimately. She lifted her head at his invasion of her, her breathe quick and ragged. Chakotay could feel his climax building, he wanted to come inside her. He flipped them over in one smooth, powerful roll. Quickly reversing himself to lie over her, spreading her thighs with his knee. With one quick, powerful stroke, he entered her tight, hot sheath. The incredible sensation of her slick walls gripping him almost undid him then and there. With a effort, he remained still, buried deeply within her until he had control once more. Then, he began to thrust into her slowly, grinding his hips against hers with each thrust.

She rose to meet his movements, small soft sounds of pleasure erupting from the back of her throat. Her hands splayed across his back, raking him with her nails.

He wanted to move slowly, to make it last, but her movements beneath him became more frenzied. She moved her hands down to grip his buttucks, pulling him hard against her with each thrust. She cried out his name as her climax crashed over her.

As she reached her release, the inner walls of her sheath shuddered around him. The friction caused by this sent him over the edge and his hoarse shout joined hers as he filled her with his release.

He collapsed down against her. She cradled his head on her breast, one hand stroking up and down his back. The other gently massaging his head, running her fingers through his hair. In this way, they fell asleep.


The next morning.......

Chakotay stretched, slowly coming awake. Disoriented at first, the memory of the night before came rushing back to him. He looked around, but found himself alone on the Holodeck...only a single long-stemmed red rose on the pillow beside him to mark her passing. That she had left him sent a slight heat of anger and frustration throughout him at first. Then, he grinned.

Speaking aloud to the empty room he said, "That's okay...I'll find out who you were. You don't really think that after a night like that, I'm just going to let you

disappear do you?"

Getting dressed, he turned off the program and left the Holodeck, returning to his quarters to change, his thoughts full of the mysterious petite woman. "I wonder who she is?"



On to Part Two.