Human Nature


Basil Destiny



Human nature, well I don’t know if that’s what this is really about. This is more just some random thoughts that I’ve had in my mind. But now I’ve given them some sort of order. We’re born and spend four, five, or six years at home with our mothers. Or at least that’s what we’re supposed to do. But with today’s society who knows if that really happens. More than likely, children have been shipped off to some babysitter or other nannying serivce. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, it’s just what happens. Sad really. But everyone has to put something on the table and how can they do that if there isn’t a table? So children go to daycares. And daycares themselves aren’t the safest things anymore. Society (if there is such a thing) has lost its morals. I mean it used to be that you could leave your child in the care of a relative stranger without fear of that stranger beating your child or killing it, but now who knows. And references aren’t much help either. But then again that just goes into something else that I don’t want to cover right now so I digress. What I was getting at was that after our tender first four, five, or six years, we get shipped off the nearest government establishment called public schooling. Even if we don’t, then it’s private schools or else home schooling. At any rate, I went to public schools. It’s here that we begin learning, but for the most part we’re children and we accept everyone. At least when I went to school. There were a few kids who were unmercifully picked on and it was the beginning of a life of being an outcast for those poor children. As the years passed, more outcast were made until there were more outcasts than popular kids…these so-called outcasts formed their own groups, finding things in common to bring that common bond, until you reach High School. It’s at high school when several middle schools merge back into one huge school that these little groups become so apparent.

And you know, I don’t buy this shit that you can’t find yourself when you’re a teenager. I think that it is very possible to find yourself as a teenager. But that as you grow even further, you witness even more so just how unfair and cynical the world can be and you have to change. And if you get married, you have to change. It’s not that you can’t find yourself because you are too young…you can’t find yourself because the world keeps on changing. It’s not that when you get older, oh magically yourself will pop up and you realize your place in the world. That just won’t happen.

I’ve found my place in the world. That place is to give in to everything that I’ve ever wanted NOT to give in to. And that’s how it works. That is how you are brought up. Your parents try to tell you this, but you don’t want to believe. You want to cling to that last undying belief that you can be whatever you want to be, just like they told you all those years ago. Why do they do that anyway? Start you out with all of these hopes and dreams and then suddenly when you’re off to college, you have to start acting like an adult. Did you know that acting like an adult really means to let go of all of those childhood dreams? It does. They ought to put that in the dictionary. So yes, grow up and forget those dreams. You have to be assimilated into society in order to survive. Well to survive you have to make money. And that means getting those normal jobs or you could always marry rich. But for the average person in high school, that isn’t an option. You can’t just say "I’m marrying into a rich family" and have those dreams come true, now can you?

And what is with this society? I mean is society even the word for it? We are supposed to be a clan or pack oriented creature. Sure we feel the need to get away at first, to go on some great journey as any pack animal would, but in the end we have to find our pack to fit in with. Now for a wolf that would mean growing up at home and then trekking off to find a pack of its own…something just like what it came from. For a human, it is almost impossible to find that. What we need to have done was what the Appalachian people have done, what ancient Japan and ancient China did, what Scotland and Ireland had, and even what the plain settlers had. We need to work together as families. Stay together as families. No shipping grandma off to the nursing home when grandpa dies just because she’s old. Certainly there are times when the elderly can’t be cared for at home. That’s not what I’m talking about here.

What happened with technology? Wasn’t it supposed to help us get our work done quicker? Well it’s done that, hasn’t it? But we certainly haven’t used that time to relax and spend time with family. No, instead we run around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get more and more things done. It’s to the point anymore, to where you have to have two incomes just to survive. And most of my relatives are having trouble with the two. What happens after that? Are we going to have to have mass marriages? Well obviously not since that’s illegal, at least in this country. And it goes against Christian beliefs.