Techno-wizard Rocket:

A very long, at least 4000 ft long, launch pad/rail. The rail is like a tube. This is how the rocket is launched into space, like a gun. The rocket itself requires a teleportation spell to get past the debris field in outer space. This could also be achieved with impenetrable wall of force but at 600 P.P.E. for five melees/level, this would take massive amounts of P.P.E. It also needs breath without air and a crapload of P.P.E. The launch rail requires 160 crystal's worth 4000 credits each, that is 640,000 credits. Four must be placed each 100 feet on all four side of the track. The crystals must be infused by the psionic power, telekinesis super. The material and time it takes to develop and create the track could take years. The rocket needs a 1-foot radius crystal worth 1,000,000 credits to contain the P.P.E. and telepotation spell. Also will need an equally large and expensive crystal to house dragon fire or similar spell to power it along in space. That will also serve as the moving thrusters, requiring about 12 more crystal at about 50,000 credits each. It also needs a crystal to contain the air spell worth 5000 credits. Also, it might need create water. The rocket can be made any size with the appropriate cost. Weapons can be added at the player's desire. It will launch the rocket at mach 30 into space. (this is actually possible, they tried this during the 70' or 80', I forgot exactly when, but were cut short when the scientist was murdered. He was really close. True, they only tried a satellite, but the theories are the same, and they didn't have MAGIC!)

Spell-->Human talisman:

This on is a bit powerful, but still a cool spell.
P.P.E.: 2400
Range: touch (by dagger)
Duration: forever (until removed)
Saving throw: -2
Can only be performed as a ritual. The victim must be prepared with 6 H.P. of the mages blood, painted on the forehead the victim in a distinctive symbol of the mage. This forms a connection with the mage. They loses half, 3 H.P. (only if the ritual succeeds does the mage lose the H.P. permanently, or, if you prefer, even if it fails) , forever. After an hour long ritual, the mage take prepared silver knife stabs it into the victim's heart and casts the spell. If successful the victim 'dies' his P.P.E. doubling, his body is shrunk into a small, hand held, doll-type talisman. The victim can only save as not to have his soul captured and held in the lifeless doll. He dies regardless (This is what normal mages do of P.P.E. anyway). This spell is especially effective when used on another mage. The talisman regains (because it still contains the soul) at 5 P.P.E. an hour. The mage can also choose to infuse it with P.P.E. himself if he does not want to wait, but a ratio of 2 P.P.E. for ever 1 put into it (up to it's natural limit).

The only way for the person to be revived is a remove curse spell, 1-16%, after that an exorcism to remove the power hold the victim's soul, save with a -3, then a restoration spell (650 P.P.E.) and requires possession of the talisman doll. The whole ritual will take at least half an hour.

Technology-->Scope-headset link:

This is something I have though of but never actually saw in the Rifts RPG book. It is a simple concept. Have the weapons scope link to an optics system in the helmet. This adds a +1 to hit. It also is useful to look around corners and fire if you see something without putting yourself in any danger! Just think of all the uses! Great for trench warfare!
Cost: 10,000 credits, with full range of optics, and laser targeting +1 for a total of +2 to strike.

Throwing vibro blades:

This is one that has bugged me for awhile. I came up with what I thought was logical. The virbo will hit and depending how well it was thrown, I'd say at least a 13 (with bonuses). It will stick there sliding down-ward doing it's normal damage ever 5 seconds (1/3 melee) it is allowed to hang there up to about 1/3 of the total damage left on the armor, at which time it will fall to the ground leaving a nice gash in the armor. Roll ever melee to see if it falls to the ground, 13+ (above 13 it will stay in), +4 (a 17 or higher is needed) and roll ever 5 seconds if the person is really moving around. Otherwise it will just cut in and fall to the ground.

Dragon Sword:

Crafted by an adult dragon and sometimes given to young dragons. It is a some-what techno-wizardry device designed to enhance almost every ability of a dragon. It is a large, heavy sword crafted with a dragon bust cut into the center of this broad sword. The handle is a crafted dragonhead. It is flame-bright red, lined edges of clear crystal. At the point of the blade it splits into two pointed edges at the blade's end.
Weight: 200lbs
damage: 6d6 M.D. + 50% Vs supernatural, x2 Vs dragons. length: 4 feet width: 6 inches thickness: 1/2 inch Magical properties: +1d6 to dragon breath; +5% to teleport; aimed, stream fire breath +4 strikes (only at one target); for 10 P.P.E. sword does 1d4 x 25 M.D. for 5 melees; For 20 P.P.E. fire/ice/ lightening shield (I know thunder dragons breath is Poison! So what! change it if you want!) respectfully covers the dragon providing 40 M.D.C., and doing +1d6 to punch/grapple.

The fabled Dragon Armor:

This changes the wearer into a dragon, stats are as a younger dragon. This armor is cursed and drains the use like a juicer. Life span is a measly 10 years. Impossible to remove unless remove curse is used. The armor is a golden color, has a dragon face on the chest, the helm is shaped like a dragons head, full body armor. The armor remains on the person even in dragon form (still same MDC as dragon). Very rare, almost impossible to find. Cost: 50,000,000 credits