Deadpool Stories

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* "Meet the Mouth" Deadpool journies to England, and runs into Motormouth!
* "A mean, green machine" Deadpool meets the She-Hulk!
* Siryn's Torment- Someone is harassing Siryn, and using Deadpool to do so!
* Something's Squirrely here- Deadpool meets Squirrel Girl!
* "The Tide Turns" Now available!! Introducing Firelasher, a new character and Quamp orginal!
* "Silence is Golden" - Deadpool plus some little kids!
* "Slap Happy" Deadpool runs into Slapstick!
* "Kinfolk"- Deadpool's mother visits!
* "Sable's Return" Deadpool is hired by Silver Sable!
* Deathtrap returns- Deathtrap comes back to haunt our merc-with-a-mouth - and force him to watch the Lifetime channel!
* Secrets- Learn the truth behind Firelasher's origin... maybe!
Hostess fruit pies story #1 See Deadpool defeat the Blob with Hostess fruit pies!
Hostess fruit pies story #2 Things don't quite go the same as Deadpool tries the same stunt on Typhoid Mary.
*"Nightdeath" - Deadpool and Firelasher face D'Spayre! Now available!
* "Intervention" - What if Deadpool had intervened in Operation: Zero Tollerance? Find out the answer here! Featuring X-Force!
* "A Siryn raid"- Deadpool has a run-in with Siryn - and Firelasher is not far behind!
* "Babe-er, Baywatch" Deadpool and Firelasher try to take a day off. Plus: A development in the life of Weasel!!
*The Thunder Strikes- The Thunderbolts are ordered by the government to hunt down criminals, and one of their first assignments is Deadpool!
* The Razor's Edge- Deadpool runs into Razorfist while Thunderweasel battles Ben Nevis!
*"The Other Certain Thing in Life" Deadpool has faced death before; now he faces her sister, Taxes! PLUS: a special guest star tangles with our merc with a mouth!
*A Bevy of Bozos Introducing the lamest team ever to be in the Marvel universe (even lamer than the Great Lakes Avengers!) Plus: Mercedes joins Deadpool!
*"Corporate Raider" - in a prequal to "And in Turn...", Deadpool raids Meredian Enterprises (owned by Adrienne Frost) and gets the goods on her!
*An Unfair Faire- Deadpool takes Mercedes to one of those Renaissance faires, and the usual trouble ensues...
* Peyer's Place - Deadpool and Firelasher, now in college, get aquainted with one of Deadpool's "Special Friends..."
* Out on the Road - Deadpool and Firelasher, traveling around the USA, find themselves caught in a weird cult known to MST3K fans everywhere...
*Irish Eyes Are Smiling... A crossover with X-Force, this story explores just what that strange necklace Siryn was wearing in issue #100 did to her...
* At the Speed of Light Deadpool. Firelasher. Impulse. Arrowette. A really lame villain. You get the picture.
*The Kid's Are All Right- Deadpool gets a new helper, Pool Boy, and gets hunted by the Catholic school girl killers. Special surprise guest villain to boot!

* Elektrafied- Deadpool and Elektra are hired to kill each other. Will either one of them succeed?
*Subjunctive Imperfect! - Deadpool gets warned by a flaming apparition about trouble ahead. Can he stop it? Can it be stopped?

And because you demanded it. . . A Widdle Wade Story! The Temple of Bloom!

Ever wonder what Gerry's saying in Deadpool #12? Here's a loose (and gramatically incorrect) translation of it.

* Note: These scripts take awhile to download, but they're worth it!
also, all MiSTings have moved to the MiSTing page

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