Other Stuff that isnt Marvel Related

Fake News Section

Man fired for being nice - Macroquash Employee Jeff Kebman was fired for being nice on the job. (A pen is mightier than the sword moment.)

Setup '98 released - And the results are predictable.

First script now available!
Check out Fairy Heat, a parody of cop shows. A Quamp orginal! This is the promo shot for it

Edward Hass, the Spoonerism Lover- Another silly script with no purpose whatsoever.

Protest songs from the Internet: A commerical parody
An Interview with Lara Croft- choose it with or without my commentary.
My Commentary on the Worst of the Web

The Associated Selective Services Memo -Our company's new strategy in a nutshell.

Manos: The Hands of Fate: The Musical Closing on opening night! The Master, Torgo and everyone else sings (And rather badly, I might add.)

Pollitically Incorrect: MST3K style - Poor Bill Maher. He has to deal with quite a number of MST3K characters in this episode of the series...

DC scripts

*Arrowette: Mighty Strikes Back by the Icehole. Icehole dives into the DC universe by returning a kind of lame-o from Young Justice. Mighty Endowed, the top-heavy, make-men-drool villainess returns with a few improvements. It's up to Arrowette to stop her, as Impulse is drowning in his own drool...

Arrowette: Philadelphia Freedom - again by The Icehole. Arrowette's class goes on a field trip to Independence hall and ends up getting in trouble...

* Young Justice: Lightning Strikes - When Young Justice is confronted by a woman named Relampago, can they help rescue Secret from Fite and Maad?

*Cissie: The Price of Fame - There's a lot of pressure on Cissie King-Jones to be a model. This story explores that.
*And part II of that story.
*Cissie: Obsessions - A young woman from Wisconsin decides she wants to be exactly like Cissie King-Jones so much, she adopts her former identity of Arrowette! Can Cissie stop this person before she hurts someone?

*Impulse: Decisions, Decisions...- Who should Impulse love, Carol or Cissie? You choose the ending!

Elseworlds: Young Justice: Going Out:
*Part I
*Part II
*Part III
Young Justice has to go on a dating show. Can Empress, Secret, Impulse, the Ray, and Cissie King-Jones find true love while under the scrutiny of the camera?
An After thought on Going Out - Sets you straight on what happened after the dates, along with Snapper Carr's date.

Shades of Blue:

Blown Away - Heidi's got her hands full with a superhuman who can manipulate winds. Can she defeat this menace??

Last Kiss: My contest entries:

Even though I discovered Last Kiss by issue #4, I still made some entries in the previous contests. Check 'em out! Please be aware they are large images and will take a while to download.
The Ugly American Goes Underwater - the Last Kiss #2 contest. Can this Greenpeace member save the baby seals from having their habitat destroyed?
The Price of Love - She's a gold digger. He has no life. Can they get together and find real love?

The Things I Do for a Cup of Coffee - The trouble of getting a decent cup of coffee in the land of Startucks is explored here.

Complex City: Complex City: Story #1 - Probably the first of this genre on the internet,Bulldog Malone's wife, Ginger, gets kidnapped. Bulldog enlists Bulletproof to help find his wife and get her back.

Bulletproof: A "Com"mie - Bulletproof gets menaced by that internet guru Dr. Dotcom.

What's this Complex City Stuff about? Click to find out.

Nodwick: The Duct Tape Quest - A band of baddies is stealing duct tape! Can Nodwick and his party stop them from resurrecting a demon?

Nodwick: The Cavern of Inner Desires Can our heroes actually control a stone said to grant a person's deepest desire?
*Nodwick: Invaders from Space - A character familiar to MST3K characters invades the plant on which Nodwick lives. Can he and his friends stop this invasion?
*Nodwick: Party Search Nodwick and the gang have to search the Cavern of Exceptional Torture for a lost party. Can they do that and save everyone?

Nodwick's Adversaries: Find Me a New God - WARNING: THIS DOES NOT HAVE NODWICK IN IT!! It's based on the evil cleric and evil mage in the stories.

Nodwick? What's that? Click to find out...

* This may take awhile to load, but it's worth it!

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