Some of you out there may be wondering what I am saying with the various things.
Well, here's a brief explaination of everything.

If someone's name has a number in parenthesis ()after it, that means there are two or more word balloons in the same panel. The balloons are connected, showing that the same person is speaking them.


Deadpool (1): Hello!
Deadpool (2): How are you?

In the first word balloon, Deadpool says hello, and in the second one, he says how are you?

Cap means Caption. This is those annoying little boxes at the periphery of panels that nobody reads.
SFX means Sound effects. You can't expect someone to strike someone else without making a sound.
N after a caption means the narrator is talking. Someone we don't see who is omniscent in the story explains things occasionally so that we understand what's going on.
When a character narrates, that person is notated after the word Cap. Example:
Cap (Q1): What's going on here?
In the previous example, the White Queen narrates in captions.
Some of the more common ones: A- Blind Alfred B- Bander (or Banshee) D- Deadpool (or Dormira) E- Elektra (or Zoe the Expediter or Walking Eagle) F- Firelasher H- Haloid J- Jubilee L- Lotus M- Mindpath (or M or Mirror)O-Odora Q- The White Queen S- Sonnos St- Starshot T- T-Ray

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