On this page you will find all case files from the X-files. I hope you like the pictures cause you might have to wait a while before this page is completely loaded. It's worth it though.............


Pilot episode

A young woman is found dead in a forest near Oregon, the fourth member of her HighschoolClass to die this way. Agent Dana Scully is assigned to assist Fox Mulder in his investigation.
Scully believes in nothing that's not upheld by science and scoffs at Mulder's theory that thedead girl and her friends may have been involved in an alien abduction. She is surprised, then,when the coffin of an earlier victim turns out to hold a bizzarely deformed, non-human body.As Mulder opens up to her, revealing that his younger sister was abducted when they werechildren, she begins to understand his pressing need to find the truth. A suspicious fire, the disappearance of the exhumed body and a desperate plea for help from the uncooperativecoroner's daughter convinces Scully that local Law enforcement is hiding some dangerous secret.


Episode 1 : "Deep Throat".

Six top notch Air Force test pilots have disappeared after flying an ultra secret aircraft at Ellens AFB.
When the wife of the latest victim files a missing persons report with the FBI, Mulder jumps atthe chance to confirm his theory that the government is building aircrafts with captured UFOtechnology. A mysterious informant, "known only as Deep Throat", appears and warns Muldernot to get involved in the case, but Mulder plunges in anyway. He and Scully witness an aerial display that defies knowledge of current technology, and find two unlikely allies in a pair of zoned-out teens who show Mulder a way onto the base. But when Mulder is captured and drugged to erase his memory, Scully must break more than one rule to get him back.


Episode 2 : Squeeze / Tooms.

Scully is called in on a locked-room murder mystery by an old FBI academy classmate who resents Mulder's intrusion into his case, but Mulder's discovery of a strangely distorted fingerprint links the case to other similar cases dating back generations.
Scully, working from a psychological profile of the killer, stakes out the crime scene and catches Eugene Victor Tooms crawling out of an airduct. A lie detector test seems to clear him, however, and Tooms is released (despite Mulder's insistence that Tooms is a 100-year-old serial killer, a cannibal who can hibernate for 30 years at a time and distort his body to crawl through tiny spaces. Another murder is commited, again inside a locked and shuttered house, and this time Scully and Mulder go hunting Tooms. They find a deserted appartement building, but no Tooms. Scully, half convinced, returns home unaware that Tooms has targetted her for his final victim, and Mulder must race to save his partner from being eaten alive.


Episode 3 : Conduit.

When teenager Ruby Morris disappears, noone but her mother seems to care.
Mulder suspects she was abducted by extraterrestrials and searches for signes of alien involvement, while Scully maintains that the girl ran away. Meanwhile, Mulder's own painful memories of his Sister's abduction may be clouding his judgement. The agents struggle against official indifference and active interference from other agents as they persue the case into biker bars, deep woods and a glade that holds a shallow grave garded by white wolves. When they solve a local murder, Scully is ready to close the file, but Mulder is convinced that there is more to the case. Ruby Morris's brother provides the clue to an otherworldly explanation of the girls absence, and leads the agents into an uncanny encounter with a mysterious light.


Episode 4 : The Jersey Devil.

When a partially eaten body is found in the New Jersey woods outside Atlantic City, Mulder links it to "The Jersey Devil", a monster whose legends go back to the 18th century.
Mulder suspects the recent deaths of several homeless men are the work of "The Devil", but Scully believes they were killed by a wild animal. Local law enforcement officials are surpressing the truth to preserve the town's tourist image, even to the extend of jailing Mulder to halt his investigation. Undaunted, Mulder tells Scully that a shadowy figure he saw in an alley is a humanoid that has come out of the woods in search for food. Scully cunsults her former anthropology professor, who warns her that such a creature would be higher than us in the food chain. After the body of a "man-beast" is found by a forest ranger, Mulder suspects that the "Devil" they are chasing is a female. Mulder, Scully and the professor track the creature through the gritty warehouse district of Atlantic City.


Episode 5 : Shadows.

After the apparent suicide of her father-figure boss, Lauren Kyte hardly has time to mourn before she is caught in a web of political intrigue and black market weapons trading left behind by his death.

When a strange force comes to her rescue after a seemingly random assault, Mulder and Scully investigate the possibility that she may have a powerful but supernatural protector. Scully and Mulder themselves experience the power of this otherworldly force when they question the distraught Lauren, and their car is hurled down a street like a toy. At the same time Lauren is beginning to suspect that her boss' death was anything but suicide. Her fears are born out when she herselve becomes the target of a terrorist attack, and Mulder witnesses a ghost coming to her defence. To forestall the anger of the dead, Mulder and Lauren must uncover the secret that lead to her boss' untimely death.


Episode 6 : Ghost in the Machine.

The CEO of Eurisko Industries, who planned to shut down an advanced atrificial intelligence project, is electrocuted in a locked room.

Mulder and Scully are asked by Mulder's old partner, Jerry Lamana, to help find the killer. Suspicion falls on the brilliant but eccentric computer designer who build the computer that controls Eurisko. Lamana's death in a "freak" elevator accident, confirms Mulder's suspicion that there is more to the computer than wires and transistors. He sets out to defeat it with the help of its designer. Scully is trapped in a deadly tunnel as Mulder races to shut down the computer, and discovers treachery within his own ranks.


Episode 7 : Ice.

When all five members of an arctic research team are found dead, Mulder, Scully and a team of scientists, seek the answers at a remote Arctic Station.

There they discover ice samples drilled from the center of an ancient impact crater, holding evidence of a bizarre alien life form of over 200,000 years old. Trapped by an ice-storm in the tiny station, the team members turn on one another as they are killed one by one. As the increasing fear isolates each member of the party, even Mulder and Scully eye one another with doubt and fear in a tense, angry standoff that tests their relationship. Only a dog and a worm can provide the answer to the riddle and release them from a tightening web of paranoia and suspicion.


Episode 8 : Space.

We are not alone, and noone knows it better than Lt. Col. Marcus Aurelius Belt, former astronaut and now Mission Director for N.A.S.A.

On his last space walk, he encountered a terrifying ghostly presence, one that has haunted him ever since. When sabbotage strands a shuttle in outer space with an oxygen leak, Mulder and Scully are asked to discover the saboteur in time to save the crew. But their efforts are hampered by a mysterious force that seems bent on re-creating the events of Col. Bent's earlier mission --- and keeping humans out of space permanentely. Col. Belt collapses, leaving Mulder and Scully to convince the ground crew that their rescue efforts may endanger the Shuttle. Only a bold, chancy move can bring the crew home alive --- if Mulder can convince Mission Control to change its approach program.

Episode 9 : Fallen Angel

Whatever fell to earth in a fiery explosion in the woods is the focus for two searches : Mulder's one man expedition, and a top-secret UFO retrieval team.
The government team sets out a trap for the alien on the run quickly. All they trap is Mulder though, Scully is send to bring him home to a tribunal. Mulder however discovers an unlikely ally in Max Fenig, a UFO true believer whose enthusiasm contrasts with Scully's insistence that the cover story is genuine. However, she changes her mind when she personally sees the radiation burns suffered by the soldiers that where attacked by the being. Angry at the lies and the coverup she helps Mulder when he discovers that Max is more than just a simple UFO fan, with secrets even he does not know he holds. When a mysterious force takes over Max's body, Mulder is the only witness to a remarkable abduction. But only the intervention of his patron 'Deep Throat' can save Mulder's career when charges are brought against him.

Episode 10 : Eve

Young Teena Simmons is the only witness to her father's bizarre death : His body is found drained of blood, when she sees 'red lightning'.
Suspecting alien involvement similar to the cattle mutilations plaguing the Western U.S., Mulder and Scully check out the murders. But they are stunned when a second identical murder on the opposite coast of the US turns up an identical witness : The two girls appear to be twins. 'Deep Throat' provides Mulder and Scully with access to a psychotic with inside information about a firtility clinic and a possible experiment in genetic manipulation dating back to the 'cold war'. When the girls are kidnapped, Mulder and Scully suspect a maverick clinic docter who may herself be a result of genetic experiments. The team must untangle a complicated web devised by two deranged minds to discover the shocking truth.

Episode 11 : Fire

A british peer burns to death before the eyes of his very own horrified family,
and a Scotland Yard inspector, a former girlfriend of Mulder's, tracks the killer to the US. Enlisting Mulder's help (and firing up some of the flames there where between them), she seeks an arsonist who seems to be able to light fires at a distance. Although Mulder tries to keep her out of the case, Scully tracks down the clues to the killer's identity as well as some chilling background information. Mulder must confront his own fear of fire as he and Scully track down a devilishly clever killer, whose weapon may be pyrokinesis.

Episode 12 : Beyond the Sea

Dana Scully's father dies suddenly after a visit, and she is shocked when he appears to her in a vision.
In her newly vulnerable state, she is deeply disturbed by a North Carolina death row inmate, Luther Lee Boggs, who claims to be able to channel the spirits of the dead, and is willing to trade information about a kidnapping in exchange for commutation of his sentence. Mulder thinks the whole scheme is a hoax, but Scully is troubled by doubt. Her believe in science is further shaken when she tracks some of Boggs 'clues' to a crime scene. Mulder thinks Boggs is orchestrating the whole kidnapping with an outside accomplice. Yet when Boggs accurately predicts Mulder's shooting and a chase through an abandoned brewery, Scully must decide how far she is willing to go to test her faith is science.

Episode 13 : Genderbender

A rather plain looking girl picks up a stranger in a bar; hours later, after wild sex, he collapses and dies.
While he struggles, the 'girl' changes into a man and walks out of the appartment. Mulder tells Scully that three similar deaths share similar characteristics : All victims died of hormonal overload and the 'killer' may have been male or female. Forensic evidence leads them to a remote religious community called The Kindred. There they witness a bizarre burial ritual, and Scully falls prey to the sexual allure of one of the members. When the agents close in on the sex killer, however, they find that The Kindred's secrets are even stranger than Mulder and Scully had imagined.

Episode 14 : Lazarus

A Bonnie-and-Clyde-style husband and wife team of bank robbers are thwarted by Dana Scully and her old boyfriend, Agent Jack Willis.
In the following shootout, the husband kills Willis and Scully kills the robber. In the emergency room, Scully revives Willis, whose behaviour becomes very strange indeed. Mulder suspects that the robber's personality returned in the body of his persuer. Scully finds herself in the middle of a web of deceit, suspicion and treachery as 'Willis' continues to persue his case. Is he 'Willis' trying to break the case, or 'Dupre' trying to derail it? Mulder must orchestrate a rescue mission when Scully is kidnapped. The real double-cross is revealed as the killers prepare to execute her, and Scully must confront evidence of the return of a soul.

Episode 15 : Young at heart

Is a dead man seeking revenge from beyond the grave?
A case from Mulder's past comes back to haunt him as a string of murders with a familiar MO leads him to doubt the death of a man he put away on his first Bureau case. John Barnett swore to 'get' Mulder when Mulder's testimony put him behind bars for life, but Barnett's death in prison put an end to that threath. At least...that's what Mulder thought. Questions abound : Has Barnett returned from the dead, or is someone from the Bureau perpetrating a hoax to discredit Mulder? After Mulder's former supervisor is murdered, Mulder discovers a strange story of illegal prison experiments and bizarre medical research. Has a rogue scientist turned Barnett into a monster? Unless Mulder can find him first, the vengeful Barnett may make Scully his next victim.

Episode 16 : E.B.E.

Betrayal lurks on every hand as Mulder and Scully pursue a truck with a strange cargo from Virginia to Washington state, in a chase marked by UFO sightings.
Does the truck carry the injured pilot of a UFO shot down over Iraq only days before? Or is it a elaborate hoax meant to mislead and confuse the X-files team? Scully discovers that she and Mulder are under electronic surveillance, and Mulder learns a painfull leason when his most trusted ally deliberately lies to him. We meet a new set of unconventional allies, however, the editorial collective of 'The Lone Gunman' conspiracy magazine. 'Byers', 'Langly' and the sleazy 'Frohike' aid the X-files team in infiltrating a secret holding facility, where Mulder discovers a dirty international secret more threatening than a downed UFO.

Episode 17 : Miracle Man

When a faith healer's patients suddenly collapse and die, Scully brings Mulder along to look into charges of murder.
They find a small-town tent revivalist whose protege, Samuel, may have once had the actual gift of healing. Sunk in despair after the deaths (which he thinks he caused), Samuel believes he's been cursed by God. Enough of his gift remains however, to let him immediately discern Mulder's own long-lived pain over Samantha's loss. When Mulder begins seeing vision of his Sister, Scully reminds him of the power of suggestion. But after her authopsy reveals an all too earthly cause of the patients death, she and Mulder track down the real killer. They are too late to save Samuel, however, murdered in his jail cell in a murder-for-hire. When Samuel's body is reported missing from the morgue, however, Scully and Mulder are amased to hear it walked out on it's own.

Episode 18 : Shapes

Deep in the Montana night, a rancher protecting his stock from a prowling predator, shoots it when it attacks his son, only to discover the naked body of a local Native American man.
Tension between ranchers and the Native Americans rise up, ripping open old animosities and ancient grudges as Mulder and Scully try to piece together the parts of this mystery. Mulder reveals to Scully that they are investigating the very first (and still unsolved) X-file, opened by J. Edgar Hoover himself. What, or who, is raiding local stock in so savage a fashion? Can it be the creature of the local legend? Scully suspects the local mountain lion population is to blame, but after Mulder hears a Native American elder's eyewitness account, he's not so sure she is right. His suspisions are confirmed by a bloodtest taken from a victim, and Mulder races to save Scully, who is trapped in a dark house with a powerfull killer.