On this page you will find information on most of the characters that are playing in the X-files. Ofcourse this starts with the most familiar ones like Mulder and Scully.

Name : Fox William Mulder
Badge Number : JTT047101111
Height : 6 feet
Hair : Brown
Date of Birth : Oct 13, 1961
Place of Birth : Chilmark, MA
Maritial Status : Single
Education : Oxford University, A.B. in psychology. Quantico FBI training
Distinguishing Marks : Mole on right cheek
History: Agt. Mulder followed his father into government service after completion of his post-secondary schooling at Oxford University, which lasted from 1983 to 1986. In the late summer of 1986, as a result of an aggressive recruitment campaign, Agt. Mulder enrolled in the Bureau Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He completed the training with high marks, despite developing a rather unorthodox approach to criminal investigation and procedure. His affinity for an unusual or paranormal explanation for unexplained phenomena earned him the nickname "Spooky," from his Academy classmates. Soon after graduation, Agt. Mulder joined the Violent Crimes Unit under the supervision of Agt. Reggie Purdue and Section Chief Scott Blevins. Agt. Mulder specialized in Behavioral Science, and developed profiles of wanted suspects to aid in their pursuit and capture. Notable cases included the development of a behavioral model for a suspected bank robber, John Barnett, which ultimately led to the suspect's arrest, conviction, and incarceration. Another celebrated case, that of serial killer Monty Props, was also brought to a successful conclusion, in part due to a profile created by Agt. Mulder. After coming in contact through professional channels with Dr. Heitz Werber, a clinical hypnotist, Agt. Mulder submitted to hypnotic regression therapy. As a result of these sessions, Agt. Mulder concluded that the 1973 disappearance of his sister, Samantha, was a result of an alien abduction. In 1991, Agt. Mulder requested an assignment to the X-Files unit at Bureau Headquarters. His request was granted by Section Chief Blevins, whose authority included the X-Files. In 1992, over Agt. Mulder's protests, Section Chief Blevins transferred Agt. Dana Scully to the X-Files unit to serve as Agt. Mulder’s partner. Later, the X-Files were put under the jurisdiction of Assistant Director Walter Skinner, who remains in that position. In his pursuit of X-File cases, Agt. Mulder has regularly circumvented proscribed Bureau policy, often drawing the enmity of his superiors, including Assistant Director Skinner. On several occasions, the continued existence of the X-Files unit has been endangered by the displeasure of Bureau hierarchy with Agt. Mulder’s unorthodox investigative practices. In 1993, a hearing conducted by Section Chief Joseph McGrath found evidence that Agt. Mulder had engaged in insubordination, misconduct, and the violation of a military quarantine area, as well as unauthorized travel while on duty. Section Chief McGrath ordered the termination of the X-Files unit as well as Agt. Mulder’s employment with the Bureau, but his order was countermanded by an unknown authority. History: Agt. Mulder followed his father into government service after completion of his post-secondary schooling at Oxford University, which lasted from 1983 to 1986. In the late summer of 1986, as a result of an aggressive recruitment campaign, Agt. Mulder enrolled in the Bureau Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He completed the training with high marks, despite developing a rather unorthodox approach to criminal investigation and procedure. His affinity for an unusual or paranormal explanation for unexplained phenomena earned him the nickname "Spooky," from his Academy classmates. Soon after graduation, Agt. Mulder joined the Violent Crimes Unit under the supervision of Agt. Reggie Purdue and Section Chief Scott Blevins. Agt. Mulder specialized in Behavioral Science, and developed profiles of wanted suspects to aid in their pursuit and capture. Notable cases included the development of a behavioral model for a suspected bank robber, John Barnett, which ultimately led to the suspect's arrest, conviction, and incarceration. Another celebrated case, that of serial killer Monty Props, was also brought to a successful conclusion, in part due to a profile created by Agt. Mulder. After coming in contact through professional channels with Dr. Heitz Werber, a clinical hypnotist, Agt. Mulder submitted to hypnotic regression therapy. As a result of these sessions, Agt. Mulder concluded that the 1973 disappearance of his sister, Samantha, was a result of an alien abduction. In 1991, Agt. Mulder requested an assignment to the X-Files unit at Bureau Headquarters. His request was granted by Section Chief Blevins, whose authority included the X-Files. In 1992, over Agt. Mulder's protests, Section Chief Blevins transferred Agt. Dana Scully to the X-Files unit to serve as Agt. Mulder’s partner. Later, the X-Files were put under the jurisdiction of Assistant Director Walter Skinner, who remains in that position. In his pursuit of X-File cases, Agt. Mulder has regularly circumvented proscribed Bureau policy, often drawing the enmity of his superiors, including Assistant Director Skinner. On several occasions, the continued existence of the X-Files unit has been endangered by the displeasure of Bureau hierarchy with Agt. Mulder’s unorthodox investigative practices. In 1993, a hearing conducted by Section Chief Joseph McGrath found evidence that Agt. Mulder had engaged in insubordination, misconduct, and the violation of a military quarantine area, as well as unauthorized travel while on duty. Section Chief McGrath ordered the termination of the X-Files unit as well as Agt. Mulder’s employment with the Bureau, but his order was countermanded by an unknown authority. Agt. Mulder’s subsequent performance has been rated by his superiors to be generally of the highest quality. However, his ongoing obsession with his sister Samantha’s disappearance, along with his attempts to uncover evidence of an alien presence on earth, has at times hindered his investigative capabilities. During Agt. Mulder’s pursuit of a potentially promising avenue of investigation into these areas, his father, William Mulder, was shot and killed by an assassin, believed by Agt. Mulder to be Alex Krycek. This circumstance led Agt. Mulder to the discovery of government-sponsored attempts to track all United States citizens through the manipulation of smallpox inoculations, and to knowledge of the complicity of his father in the development of this program. In the course of this ongoing investigation, Agt. Mulder was led to a remote location in southern Canada where young identical workers were observed tending crops. Agt. Mulder claims that the female workers each bore a striking resemblance to his sister, Samantha, however, Agt. Mulder could present no evidence to substantiate his claims. Agt. Mulder attempted to gain insight into his memory of his sister’s disappearance and other family related incidents by undergoing a controversial, drug-induced therapy that triggered severe hallucinations. Although these mental images may have brought into clarity some aspects of memories previously lost in Agt. Mulder’s subconscious, the overall result was nearly fatal for the agent, and a clear sign of his desperation. Agt. Mulder’s obsession with the X-Files, unorthodox behavior, and apparent lack of any outside interests, have left him with few, if any, friends outside of the Bureau. While there is no apparent romantic dimension to their friendship, Agt. Mulder's reliance on his partner, Agt. Scully, as a friend and confidant is the basis of his day-to-day existence. Agt. Mulder’s activities outside his official duties are few: jogging, swimming, and occasionally writing for periodicals. Agt. Mulder’s personal habits include a passion for sunflower seeds, watching professional sports on television, and perusing adult publications. He has on occasion expressed no interest in hobbies, and apparently has not dated steadily during the past four years. Agt. Mulder’s mental condition shows a tendency toward paranoia, though not to a clinical degree. His mental stability has on occasion been severely tested by circumstance, and his ability to recover quickly from defeat or depression shows his innate stability and lack of any psychosis. Nevertheless, the foundation of Agt. Mulder’s life and work is his conviction that his sister, Samantha Mulder, was abducted by an unknown extraterrestrial element. His attendant desire to rescue Samantha, or at least to learn the truth about the circumstances of her alleged abduction, provides the motivation for his obsession. Information more recently uncovered by Agt. Mulder casts doubt on an extraterrestrial explanation for Samantha Mulder's disappearance, and instead indicates that the participation of Agt. Mulder’s deceased father, William Mulder, in unknown covert activities may have played an undetermined role in the matter.
Position: Special Agent


Name : Dana Katherine Scully, M.D.
ID Number : 2317-616

Height : 5'3"

Hair : Auburn
Eyes : Blue
Date of Birth : Feb 23, 1964

Place of Birth : Unknown

Maritial Status : Single

Education : B.S. Physics, University of Maryland, Medical Degree (unknown) residency in forensic pathology. Distinguishing Marks : None
History: Agt. Scully entered the Bureau’s Academy in Quantico, Virginia for training directly from medical school, having previously graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in physics. From 1990 to 1992, Agt. Scully taught forensic medicine at the Academy. Assigned to the X-Files unit in 1992 by Section Chief Scott Blevins, Agt. Scully was charged with the duty of monitoring the activities of her new partner, Agt. Mulder, for evaluation by superiors. Her application of methodological procedures served as a scientific counterpoint to Agt. Mulder’s approach to investigations of X-Files cases, which were often based on his own intuition, privately held beliefs, or emotional ties to the cases. Agt. Scully’s medical background has served her well, as she has conducted many on site autopsies in support of her and Agt. Mulder's investigations. In 1994, Agt. Scully was abducted by former Bureau agent and self-proclaimed "alien abductee" Duane Barry. Following an intensive manhunt headed by Agt. Mulder, Barry was apprehended. Agt. Scully’s whereabouts remained unknown until she unaccountably turned up in the Intensive Care Unit at North Georgetown University Hospital in a deep coma. Despite an extremely poor prognosis, Agt. Scully eventually recovered, though with no recollection of her ordeal. Several months later, in the course of an investigation during which Agt. Mulder had been missing for more than two weeks, Agt. Scully was relieved of duty when she failed to respond to an administration hearing held to determine Agt. Mulder’s whereabouts. The two agents were later reinstated following a meeting with A. D. Skinner, who had come in contact with some of the individuals who had impeded Agts. Mulder and Scully’s investigation. Some of those individuals, including rogue agent Alex Krycek and a man later identified as Luis Cardinal, attempted to murder Agt. Scully in her apartment. Instead, Cardinal mistakenly killed Agt. Scully's sister, Melissa Scully. Shortly thereafter, Agt. Scully discovered a metallic device implanted in her neck. Subsequent Bureau lab analysis of the device indicated that it was a computer chip. Preliminary analysis indicated functionality in the area of replication and monitoring of brain memory and function, however, no definitive conclusion could be reached because the device was unavoidably destroyed while being analyzed. Later, during an apparently unrelated investigation, Agt. Scully met a group of women, all of whom had removed from their necks devices identical to that of Agt. Scully. All claimed to have been abducted by unknown entities and to have been subjected to unidentified medical and biological experiments. A number of the women had contracted various forms of cancer, which they attributed to the alleged experiments. Several also claimed to have come into contact with Agt. Scully during those experiences. The women asserted that the devices were also implanted at that time. Agt. Scully was deeply skeptical of their claims. However, subsequent diagnosis of her own cancer, an inoperable nasopharyngeal brain tumor, induced Agt. Scully to reevaluate the claims of the women, but by that time all except one had died. Agt. Scully was present at the bedside of the remaining member of the group, Penny Northern, at the time of Northern's own death from cancer. Dana Scully spent her early years moving from one naval base to another. Her upbringing, with two brothers and a younger sister, was by all accounts normal and without any major disruptions, aside from the frequent uprooting of the family due to her father's Navy assignments. While her family lived nearby in Alameda, California, Agt. Scully attended the University of California at Berkeley, where she took part in student political demonstrations, including anti-nuclear protests. After a year at Berkeley, Agt. Scully transferred to the University of Maryland, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree. Her Senior Thesis was entitled "Einstein’s Twin Paradox: A New Interpretation." Though it was not her father’s wish, Agt. Scully decided to pursue a career in law enforcement by joining the Bureau. As a respected instructor in forensic medicine at the Quantico Academy, and as a medical doctor, Agt. Scully possesses a balanced, rational, and analytical disposition when dealing with criminal cases and her partner in the X-Files, Agt. Mulder. Despite a rather poor prognosis for her own condition, Agt. Scully has returned to work and continued to perform to her usual high standard. Unlike her partner, Agt. Scully seems to seek and encourage friendships with others, and when work permits, enjoys social functions. In early 1997, Agt. Scully was diagnosed with an inoperable nasopharyngeal brain tumor which has since metastasized. The prognosis for most patients inflicted with this type of cancer is extremely poor.
Position: Special Agent


Person Type : Status Unknown
Name : Deep Throat
Eyes : Gray
Hair : Gray
Sex : Male
History: A deeply placed operative known only as "Deep Throat," this man had been in contact with Agt. Mulder, supplying him with information for an extended period beginning when Agt. Mulder assumed the X-Files. Deep Throat provided leads, diverted Agts. Mulder and Scully from dead ends, and yet, at times led them into dead ends. Agt. Scully has expressed to Agt. Mulder her distrust of Deep Throat as a source of accurate information. As an Agency operative assigned to Vietnam in the 1960s, Deep Throat claimed to have killed an alien life-form whose craft had been shot down or had crash-landed. He was rumored to have terminated an EBE in the United States, though no independent confirmation of this event exists. His work was largely unknown even within the intelligence community, except by those with a need to know. An associate, the Cigarette-Smoking Man, was rumored to be behind Deep Throat’s assassination in 1994. Deep Throat is believed to have been an associate of Agt. Mulder's father, William Mulder; in his mother's house, Agt. Mulder once discovered a photograph of a group of men which included both his father and Deep Throat. However, nothing else is known of Deep Throat’s life outside of his association with Agt. Mulder.
Position: Unknown position of power


Person Type : FBI
Name : A. D. Walter Sergei Skinner
Eyes : Brown
Hair : Brown
Sex : Male

History: Assistant Director Skinner joined the United States Marines in 1968. He served on active combat duty in Vietnam, receiving a Purple Heart after emerging as the only survivor of an enemy ambush. After his military service, A. D. Skinner joined the Bureau; he quickly advanced through the ranks, becoming a Special Agent in charge of a field office before his transfer to Bureau Headquarters in Washington. Several promotions followed. Agts. Mulder and Scully had been assigned to the X-Files for over a year before A. D. Skinner received supervisory responsibility over their activities. While he has proven to be a tough taskmaster, A. D. Skinner has also shown compassion for his subordinates. When necessary, he has defended them in word and action, surviving not only several campaigns to blackmail or discredit him, but also a number of attempts on his life. Tightly focused on the responsibilities of his position, A. D. Skinner has managed to keep his personal life private and strictly segregated from his professional life. His marriage to Sharon Skinner remained unknown to Agts. Mulder and Scully until well into their second year under A. D. Skinner's supervision. For recreation and to stay fit, A. D. Skinner enjoys golf and jogging.
Position: Assistant Director


Person Type : Status Unknown
Name : X
Eyes : Dark Brown
Hair : Brown
Sex : Male
History: Referred to only as "X," this individual grudgingly became Agt, Mulder's confidential source out of loyalty to his murdered mentor, the man referred to as Deep Throat. Considering Agt. Mulder less of a colleague than a tool to use for his own ends, X provided information and assistance only when it served his own purposes and always on his own terms. Apparently associated with the Cigarette-Smoking Man, X at times seemed to betray that relationship. Ultimately, that betrayal cost X his life, when he was murdered inside Agt. Mulder's apartment building after passing along misinformation deliberately constructed to trace a suspected security breach. Before he died, X managed to leave a message in blood, pointing Agt. Mulder to a new source, Marita Covarrubias, Assistant to the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations.
Position: Unknown


Person Type : Victims
Name : Samantha Mulder
Eyes : Blue
Hair : Dark Brown
Sex : Female
History : Samantha Ann Mulder is the sister of Agt. Mulder. She was allegedly abducted from her family home on November 27, 1973, under circumstances unknown but thought to be related to the involvement in covert operations of her father, William Mulder. According to Agt. Mulder and Mrs. Mulder, Samantha Mulder was a normal, well-adjusted child. As an adult, Agt. Mulder has dedicated a considerable amount of his professional and personal life to uncovering her fate. On several occasions, it has appeared that Agt. Mulder made headway in his ongoing search. During the investigation of a group of allegedly "cloned" beings, it was presented to Agt. Mulder that the female of the group was in fact his sister, Samantha. Subsequent events made it impossible for Agt. Mulder to determine the truth before the individual claiming to be Samantha Mulder disappeared. More recently, Agt. Mulder was led to a compound in southern Canada where he witnessed what were again represented to him as clones, this time all identical in appearance to Samantha Mulder as she had looked on the night of her alleged abduction. None of the girls could communicate with Agt. Mulder, and his attempt to establish that one of them was his sister Samantha Mulder was thwarted. Samantha Mulder's whereabouts remain unknown.


Person Type: Status Unknown
Name: The Cigarette-Smoking Man
Eyes : Blue
Hair : Dark Brown
Sex: Male
History : Known only by the sobriquet, "The Cigarette-Smoking Man," this government functionary is highly secretive, yet uncommonly bold. He often works with, or perhaps for, a group of powerful men based in New York. It is difficult to assess his status and power within the group. The Cigarette-Smoking Man commands a shadowy array of clandestine operatives to do his bidding, but he has often had to rely on his own resources to execute an action. He at times has advised and monitored Bureau Assistant Director Walter Skinner. The Cigarette-Smoking Man joined the military immediately upon reaching majority age. He rose rapidly, reaching the rank of Captain by the age of 25. He is known to have been involved in numerous covert foreign operations for Central Intelligence. Rumors have also placed the Cigarette-Smoking Man at Dealey Plaza in Dallas in 1963, and near the Lorraine Motel in Memphis in 1968. That these may simply be stories to enhance his stature among the black ops he employs is not out of the question. He was, however, instrumental in assigning Alex Krycek to the X-Files as a means to monitor and thwart Agts. Mulder and Scully. The Cigarette-Smoking Man's personal background is quite notable. His father was a communist activist in the 1930s who was executed in Louisiana for espionage in 1941. The Cigarette-Smoking Man’s mother died of lung cancer shortly after her husband’s death, at which time the Cigarette-Smoking Man was sent to a succession of orphanages until he was of age to join the military. He was a friend and professional colleague of Agt. Mulder's father, William Mulder, and has claimed to have known Agt. Mulder’s mother prior to Agt. Mulder's birth. Little is known of his current interests. He fancies himself a writer in the mystery/thriller genre, under the nom de plume Raul Bloodworth. He lives alone in a small apartment at 900 West Georgia Street in Washington, D.C.
Position : Unknown position of power


Person Type : Status Unknown
Name : Alex Krycek
Eyes : Hazel
Hair : Brown
Sex : Male
History : Alex Krycek, former Bureau agent and undercover operative for undisclosed United States government agencies, was assigned to the X-Files during the time of Agt. Scully's abduction. The Cigarette-Smoking Man was believed to be responsible for the assignment. During the investigation of Agt. Scully's alleged abductor, former Bureau agent Duane Barry, Agt. Mulder was the target of an assassination attempt by Krycek, which failed. Krycek was strongly suspected to be the killer of Duane Barry while the latter was in police custody; however, no charges were filed against him. Following the Duane Barry incident, Krycek disappeared. He resurfaced in Massachusetts, where he killed Agt. Mulder’s father, William Mulder, presumably on orders from person or persons unknown. Krycek was also suspected in the mistaken assassination of Agt. Scully’s sister, Melissa. Agt. Scully was the intended target of the attempt, conducted by Krycek and another man, Luis Cardinal, the actual shooter. Cardinal was later eliminated by person or persons unknown. An attempt by these same unknown individuals was made on Krycek’s life, but he escaped harm. Agt. Krycek resurfaced in the company of a group of right-wing militia personnel. At that time, he was captured by Agts. Mulder and Scully after the agents were tipped off to the group’s activities. Agt. Mulder forced Krycek to accompany him to Russia; there, they were detained and forced to undergo unidentified procedures in a Gulag used for medical and biological experimentation. After witnessing Krycek’s collaboration with the prison guards and officials, Mulder escaped, leaving Krycek behind in the custody of unsympathetic local peasants. While in such custody, Krycek lost his left arm to forced amputation. Krycek has been known to use the alias Arntzen. Krycek's present whereabouts are unknown.
Position : Unknown, possibly free agent