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You may be aware of your limits on the web, alternately you may be too overconfident on what can be posted on your page. These sites can guide you and fortify your confidence concerning your rights and obligations in these environments. This page has a penchant for Anti-Conspiracy Paranormal Investigations as well!


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[MP]Garry Breitkreuz, Member of Parliament for Yorkton - Melville, Saskatchewan. On this site you will be able to find out information about the work Garry is doing as a Member of Parliament, which is probably a whole lot more than most lamers who are enjoying relatively exalted firearms privileges at this point. Garry is the Major Defense for Canadian Legal Firearm Owners plaqued with <Gov't> Harasments!

The LAWYERS at Cobb St. Pierre practice criminal defence law. We conduct Bail Hearings, Arraignment Hearings, Applications under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Restitution and Forfeiture Hearings, Trials, Sentencings and Appeals! The fact is, that just because the Police think you are guilty of a criminal offence does not mean that you are, and does not mean that you will be found guilty by a Court of law. I would recommend Dave the "Demon Lawyer" for wonky Search and Seizures caused by novice cops on "Fishing trips/Gun Grabs" for their cop court time payola!

 Skeeter's site allows a frame browse for all the Important issues and connections to some even "underground" Non-Gun Coalitions. Here, U will get any nfo on any type of firearm laws, gun legal issues imaginable, and firearms care and uses. You can encrypt messages or just view the Opinions polls and chats leading to more nfo towards the ins and outs of Gun Control Tyrannists!

 This section features some un-PC posters to download, plus specific action topics as is required by on-going resistance (and time constraints). Don't miss Pierre Lemieux's resistance against Police Canada. As required by some so-called "laws," he has put his private life in his forms -- and his forms on-line. You can laugh, or be angry!

This may be another answer, concerning M18/26L with afids ID to protect your fireams in a Home invasion, without getting popped in a "Legal" court riff homicide situation. After studying this TASER System, in Full with Videos, you may really wonder why this foolproof system is illegal to possess for self Defense even in your Canadian Home, and I thought Nazi Disarmament Laws were Nuts! The legal system can't survive without relentless crime, so this aspect is rather restricted in Canada and even some States!

Doctors For Sensible Gun Laws: Our mission is to educate our fellow doctors and their patients, the public, about gun laws that are counterproductive and the deceitful tactics of those who advocate gun control. We offer a healthy dose of common sense to the national gun debate by shedding light on what gun laws are sensible, and which ones most certainly are not!  


Free Dominion is a Canadian conservative news forum, a site for the discussion of conservative philosophy, and a resource for conservative activism. It is a place to discuss and analyze political news stories without the intellectual encumbrances imposed by political correctness. The forum is designed for those who wish to read and to speak, to learn and to teach, to agree and to argue. Firearms Too!

Founded in 1981, the Canadian Association for Free Expression believes free speech and discussion are essential to any functioning democracy. Freedom of speech and freedom to express one's beliefs are essential to human dignity and liberty. The Association, through publishing, lectures, conferences, court interventions and lobbying fights to protect these basic human rights and to promote to the maximum the Charter guaranteed rights of freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly !

"C-68 has little to do with firearms control of crime control but is a necessary tool to begin the social re-engineering of Canada!" The arrogance and presumption that we NEED "re-engineering" in the first place blows me away. So much for this being a free and democratic country, eh?

In this amazing piece of work, Jane Gaffin documents the entire conspiracy and disgusting conduct of our so-called "public servants" as they systematically tried to destroy one man's life. Why? Because they didn't like him. Or what he said. Or how he said it. You can also, download the partial or full version of the infamous Allen Carlos Saga, the Malicious prosecution brought on by a bogus application for a search warrant that was appended with false affidavits" and lies for witness statements should have gone out of vogue with the Nazis and Stalin's Russia in the 1930s. It should never have happened to Allen Carlos in Canada in 2000. To make sure it never again happens to anybody else, what are you as an individual going to do to help assist in protecting our precious freedom? After you read my book, you may want to consider revolution. Bill C-68 Court Challenge. Bruce Montague is determined to expose the constitutional violations in the Canadian Firearms Act. This site will document his case to challenge the Firearms Act before the Supreme Court. Bruce is putting his neck on the line to defend our freedoms. It’s our turn to put our money on the line to help Bruce now. To fight to the supreme court Bruce is anticipating 3-5 years of personal stress and an expected court bill over $200,000

The law(s) mentioned are part of an older/or wider body of law on and regulation of private firearms ownership For a complete translation of these laws, including regulations specifically banning Jews from owning any weapons and a side-by-side comparison of the Nazi Weapons Law with the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968, see "Gun Control": Gateway to Tyranny, J.E. Simkin & A. Zelman, 1992; available from JPFO !

This is the Anti Gun Coalition you have viewed on Canadian TV requiring a new registry of all your Guns by 2001<-->2003-->2084 at the expense of our 120 Billion Tax Dollar "including personal/court expenses". View the NWO controlled Statistics of the media you have been misguided to believe!

Liz Michael's editorialist exposures covering the truth is that the American government is in near collapse. The truth is likely that outside powers, far from trying to CREATE a totalitarian USA, are trying to remove the USA from its current position as world military and economic superpower, and would attempt to DESTROY a totalitarian USA. The powers that be have lost control And are desperately trying to get it back!

The purpose of this site is to provide a ready reference for Saint Mary's Shooters Association members and the public at large who need technical information about the SMSA and its activities, to provide for the public at large a sense of who we are and what we believe in, and to help create a sense of comraderie amongst SMSA members and other members of the Responsible Shooting Community.



humanrights Privacy International (PI) is a human rights group formed in 1990 as a watchdog on surveillance by governments and corporations. PI is based in London, England, and has an office in Washington, D.C. PI has conducted campaigns throughout the world on issues ranging from wiretapping and national security activities, to ID cards, video surveillance, data matching, police information systems, and medical privacy.

Tetrahedron, LLC is a non-profit educational corporation that produces some of the world’s most revealing books and tapes in the health science and government cover-up genre. Dr. Horowitz at his novel best, as he reflects his expertise in behavioral science and public health on the nightmarish reality of the CIA’s top secret MK:ULTRA population control program. Enter the surreal world in which human beings are considered expendable commodities, if not unwanted liabilities, in a new global economic and political order that promises to be increasingly fascist and totalitarian.

CUFOA This site is dedicated to the repeal of the Firearms Act of 1995 (Bill C-68).As you are well aware, the Firearms Act of 1995 violates at least seven specific Rights and Freedoms guaranteed to all Canadian citizens under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Bill of Rights, the Canadian Constitution, the British North America Act, English Common Law, the English Bill of Rights, and the Magna Carta. Specifically the Firearms Act violates our rights to privacy, security of person, presumption of innocence, association, representation, mobility, and freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.

Action HoserCam IPSC and other Videoed Shooting Sports

America's Map is being quietly redrawn, to create vast areas where no human activity -- especially living -- will be tolerated. This plan is called the "Rewilding" Project. Once it is fully implemented, you will be told where you can live and what occupation you will be allowed to work, if you are allowed to live at all. President Clinton continues to implement this plan quietly, by Executive Order.

World Government is moving closer all the time - and what's the chance that it will serve the people? Zero! And nobody tells the public how antidemocratic the European Bilderberg Union is. We could be in for some serious skullduggery in coming years/months with the Trilateral/G8. A political/financial crisis, combined with spiritual disinformation could push us into a Fourth Reich, New World Order, with an official world religion that claims to represent ALL religions. Powerful people will certainly be preparing their version of a spiritual 'panacea' to fill the spiritual gap THEY have created!

This Allternate Temp site for HEPNET.COM , The HepatitisInformation Network, HepNews, An official inquiry into a scandal over tainted blood in Canada recommended on Wednesday immediate compensation to all those involved in the worst public health disaster in the country's history. As for compenstions well there is no such thing if you add it up. Sure if U deal with KPMG "Swiss" Consulting, maybe the same as Firearms Registry, you should be aware of the underhanded allegations they "Clintons/Rockerfellers/etc", will confront you with.......Government? yeah right, sure, like all the time, heh!

HepCBC is an umbrella organization comprising a variety of autonomous organisations, each of which is dedicated to educating and advocating for those infected and affected by HCV. It is not a Tainted Blood Scandal Registry reference source, although we are all aware of the Ded Cross' stonewalling for information. It took me 5 years to get a partial of my tainted blood transfusion information, and the rest was a "legal" blank...


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McMasters' INET Freedom of Expression General Media Chronicles!
American Comm. Asc....Freedom of Speech!

Society and Culture:Civil Rights:Censorship:Censorship and The Net:Black Thursday will Take You To YAHOO's Elaborate Selection of Web Censor Scientists with Black Thursday's Link!

A sample of Publications Seized or Detained by Canada Customs!

( EFF ) The Original Electronic Frontier foundation's Policy on Freedom of Speech and Censorship on the Web!

Cafhome Computers/INET and Academic Freedom!

Banned Book Listings...Freedom Groups!

Student Association for Freedom of Expression!

The Professor...Another Free Speech Group for Nyx users!

Cornell Law Censorship Reviews!


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Government Paranormals and Metaphysics


These are the infamous "Alien Autopsy" type Fotos, by Barnet and Others taken from 1945 to 1950+, approximately ["Alien" advanced Time +60years=2007ad] the little Dracs in color where not autopsied, but where related to the 1938<-->1948 USSR Nuclear war base destruction that overshadowed the U.S. awesomely, they might be heroes for destroying that i.c.b.m. impenetrable scalar particle beamed site, with power rooted poles to the center of the earth..spawned by a hungry Croatian called Nicola Tesla 1857/1943 ...The Modern Day "Jack The Ripper" guy, in 1947<-->2007ad, was shot by a GI while lying down holding his Surgical Box...later on they found human body parts, mostly wombs, "as later depicted here in DULCE.RM" in the Small lower Mother ship and the Large Fathership.

The Fat/Bald B/W, is usually referred to a Chlorophyl Based E.B.E. or Extraterrestrial Biologic Entity..the epitome of Veging out..I've seen all pix of this, beside a crashed /saucer, but mostly all in a various state of deterioration with an osmotic goo oozing out...Y'a don't grow flowers in Roswell. Other pix are a Preston Nichols type of Radiosonde "Weatherballon" for Weather/Mind Control of HAARP/LosAlamos/Montauk, etc... type projects, still being conducted everywhere....Eiffel Tower too? and of course the contra terrain antigravity saucer debris!


This web site is about one type of the ongoing (and vigorously denied) government crimes, (historically often carried on by non- government entities for cover,) which started in the 1950s as MKULTRA, and the 1960s as COINTELPRO. The code names were dropped, but the activity never stopped. The crime documented here is popularly called "mind control".

\ParaScope's area for investigative reports on conspiracies, crimes, cover-ups and disturbing social, political and economic goings-on. Something strange is happening...An excellent Site for those De/Classifieds too!

PLANET-X: Modern astronomers are detecting patterns in the outer planets which suggest the presence of another planet in our solar system.
The technology we have today allows us to view events described by the ancients in a new perspective.
This information poses an interesting Hypothesis that the "Annunaki" are the GODS as described by the Sumerians, and they had "Android Beings" helping them.

This site is dedicated to present compelling evidence concerning a Great World Change. It invokes a number of areas of research, with dreams as the major key. The other areas of research include connections to crop circle formations, UFOs, ETs, synchronicities, and coincidences, signs in the sky, prophecies, myths, and religions.

Seeing is Believing, so here's a Vast array of Documented FILMS in Real Player Format for various ufo, scientific, controversial, individual VIDEO Footages amounting to a total of about 3 hours of initial viewings! These are public viewings, no classifieds, see if U can spot a flaw, or emulate one, rather difficult to do, I would say!

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Robert LaCasse.

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Rather Heavy and Damning Discussion, Photo, Videos, on what really went on during the NASA/Soviet Lunar and Mars Expeditions, as compared to what the General Media was led to believe in Lay Terms. Also Includes the Complete Banned 53 minute Movie Alternatives 3, with the explanation of missing UK Scientists and Astronauts. Also covers the 3Hour RM movie/lecture Strecker Memorandun on the true dilemna of AIDS!

RadioMan's PSYCHIC SPY is an awesome site. It will really has help you in researching for briefs and finding places of possible employment in the paranormal/again CIA/FBI/Etc.. Anti-Conspiracies, like the Phoenix/UFO/Area51 cover-ups right to the black Pandora's box horrors!   

& the Temple of the Screaming Electron

Infamous Researchers, The most Unbelievable source of Paranormal Information of the Web, that features REAL LIFE People, with their own stories to tell. Much of this is Video Documented on this World Famous Site ! Dave Hamel, Al Bielek, Duncan Cameron, P. Nichols, UFO-Mufon Montauk and Philadelphia Government Space/Time/Drug/EMR/RFTransmitter/Hypnosis and Kid Slaughters experiments in Space Wormhole Travel continuums and other marvelous mind-bending Realities and Conspiracies!

CGI 'Imagery' Computer Wizard/Rocket reverse engineer/researcher Bob another Roswell Conspiracy source of nfo..!

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Other Sites that can Examplify Some Censorships and Possibly Justify our Web Limitations!

The Weird Atomic Book Store/Distributor, Take a LookSee, and Evaluate Them Yourself...You Should Find what You Want!

Atomic Books Home Page

Atomic Books Cataloque

How to Order Atomic Books

Some Porn-Type Sites that have Survived the Bible-Belt BullShit.

'The Best Adult and Marital Aids' Toy Shop offers an extensive selection ... with online Order Cataloque and Pix!

General Marital Aids at [Adult Toys], has a Canadian Online Cataloque for anything From the Sublime to the Outrageous with a 'Step Up' Viewing System!

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