Triad's General/Native Art Banner!


Predominantly Native  -


This is a sample proposal/prospectus submittal to various artists of all types and creed. The following is an enbriefed selection which was earlier submmitted for evaluation, and far at least, the preliminary [Readings].






Personal Views:

Please allow me to beam a subjective opinion on the webs commercial standpoint with consumers and sellers. In my personal experience as an entrepreneur, marketing managers are, hesitant to spend their discreet company's money on marketing approaches that they can't, in a [New York minute] , measure direct results in absolute cash flow!
Primarily, I think sellers who don't see the time when the INet will generate a significant sales allotment, simply aren't looking past their nose.

One particular item will remain for sure, if we can't find a way to succesfully assess the web's value to our clients, either by demonstrating a significant sales margin, or finding a way to measure the downstream benefits, the companies will return to specific media that they can measure.

Prospectus For Native Arts INET Administration:

In this proposal , I am assuming the responsibility for Internet correspondences, a World Wide Web Home page, the Local Host BBS system, the General Marketing involvements, the Photography of Individual ArtWork, and the daily and Maintenance of these systems!

My Internet and Web Home Page accesses are just the beginning for this venture. The emphasis is clear, the more funds available, the more accesses and marketable sites can be a secured , based on the availability of 5 billion Inet sites and systems! These sites and systems are not always inexpensive, though some have paid $10,000 a month for an included DNS, for what I monitor for $150 or less monthly. There are schemes and pitfalls that one can befall but the risk is minimal compared to the 'standard' marketing strategies.

The submitted photos each Artwork will be converted to a Compuserve GIF format and uploaded to my WWW Home Pages/FTP's, then linked in HTML Language to other WEB sites that correspond to the main theme. The local BBS/Host will afford an optional online viewing and view as you download system, not seen on most other BBS's.

As well as the optional online art viewing , an additional Online ART Catalogue and Chequing system is partially installed pending a $100 fee for the software registration!

Please realise that the details of this can be negotiated, and the security is of the utmost for all parties concerned! The BBS and Internet system is already 65% realized and in effect online!

My practising part in this venture is a bonus to you since you won't be required to hire an 'Individual' Photographer, Desk Top Publisher, WWW page designer, INET Marketer, Accountant, etc. This factor alone would otherwise raise your costs to the standard Corporate level, making this proposal just another run-of-the-mill prospectus!

You'r not just renting my photograhy/computer equipment and talents, but my life, which is subjected to very long working hours and the usual dilemna of incidental costs accrued throughout.

Like the Online Cashing systems such as Digicash, E-Cash, FV, Glass Wings and the local online OEB/OES Chequing systems, my costs are varied to a 50% accuracy at this point, till the number of ART entries will be considered, and the quality of WWW/INET/BBS services are expected. Take the analogy of someone who asks you, How much is a Car....?, well, that's where I stand, since I haven't seen any relevant contracts or committee at this to substantiate this venture at this point.

The level of responsibility in this venture will also greatly determine my income, so I can only speculate to a 1-14% of the grant, or profits, assuming that Artists mail-out their own work, upon the receipt of a substantial sum, unless another member is assigned to this task!
There are numerous other factors to be resolved, to be negotiated which will greatly enhance or diminish my expected income, such as my direct liability !

Bear in mind, that, at this point, we are concerned primarily, not exclusively with native arts, but if a WWW link is established with other artists , the costs can again be exceedingly dimished by a factor of -%35 or more of our initial marketing aand administrative investments. Also a wider spectrum allowing a greater INET bandwidth can be spanned till we all end up making too much money and find ourselves in a levied tax bracket.

Until a meeting with the legislative committee, and certain persuant parameters such as [who will be billed for what?] are defined, it would be an execise in futility for me to make a valid cost estimate at this point in time! There are too many variable cost factors at state to plop down any type of income/expense ultimatum till the legislative board 'if one exits' is conveined!

 Triad's FotoSite

Some of My Photo Arts can be Viewed Here

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