Finally! My ADOPT-A-DRAGON page is up!!! Yaay!!! The dragons above are the parents of all the dragons here.Their names are sky(the black male)and Forsoth(the white female).The baby dragons look NOTHING like their parents.(they look way better)
Ok here are the rules.there was some confusion before, so I redid them.
Your URL:
The URL the dragon will live at:
Your name:
Dragon's name(this is optoinal):
your e-mail adress:
dragon color:
second choice:
Ok!that's it!Just copy-paste this form and send it to:
When your dragon is an adult, e-mail me and I will find it a mate(or you could find one and mail me with its URL and name.)the dragon eggs will look something like this:
each one is at least a little diffrent. I had to wright sample on this one so no one would take it.After you get your dragon on your home page, e-mail me and I will put your name,your dragon's name and your URL on the "Proud Parents Page".If you don't want me to put your name up, e-mail me and tell me! *IMPORTANT* YOU MUST HAVE YOUR EGG ON YOUR HOME PAGE WITHIN 1 WEEK OF GETING IT!!!If you don't, it will never hatch!(this also goes for all the stages)
very rare
click here to go to my homepage