This account comes from the town of Lucan, Ontario, Canada (2 hours southwest of Toronto, Canada).

On the morning of Sunday, March 28, 1998, Edward Wells [not his real name] woke up bright and early. After reading a chapter or two in a book on werewolves and other shapeshifter myths, he walked down to Biddulph Public School (located on the corner of Saintsbury Line and Fallon Drive) for a little rollerblading. Around 11:30, Edward packed up his rollerblades in his backpack and started walking down Saintsbury Line away from Lucan.

Edward followed the road until he reached a T-junction. On the left hand side of the corner was an apple orchard. Edward wanted to circle back to Lucan so he started walking down the road beside the apple orchard. As he passed by the orchard, he was amusing himself by singing a Natalie Imbruglia song to himself. For no apparent reason, he started thinking about two accounts from the book of accused werewolves from centuries past. The accounts were taken from trials in France, in different regions and years apart (1502 and 1603). Both youths (who had never met) reported that they had gone into a forest and met with a man dressed all in black (refered to as the Lord Of The Forest and during the trial as the Devil). He offered them the ability to shapeshift into a wolf. All they had to do was renounce God, Christ and the Saints. They did. One took his hand, one was kissed on the lips, both reported that he was as cold as ice.

Then Edward started thinking what he would do if he was offered this power. In his head he heard a deep male voice (he didn't think of this as anyway unsual since he often roleplayed what-ifs and scenarios in his head) say, "I can give it to you. All you have to do is renounce God, Christ, the Virgin and the Saints."

His response was along the lines of "I'm not a Christian."

The voice responded with, "So where's the harm? You don't believe in it anyway."

Edward thought back, "I don't think I want to get into bed with either of you. There has to be a way that's cleaner, without you."

So this mental discussion ended with Edward not giving it a second thought. At the end of the orchard there was a bridge in the road. Edward walked towards the bridge as he enjoyed the day and looked out over the floodplain. When he was fifty feet away from the bridge, he realized that there was a man leaning on the bridge's railing. Edward was slightly perplexed, he was sure there was no one out there but him. But Edward just figured that he hadn't noticed him with his usual lack of attention to detail.

The man stood on the left side of the bridge on the orchard side. He was dressed in black and stood roughly 6' tall. His face was pale under the shadow of his wide-brimmed hat. Despite the warmth of the day, he wore a pitch black trenchcoat with black pants and black boots. He was casually leaning on the bridge's railing as he also looked out over the floodplain. Edward kept walking towards the bridge. The man in black turned and regarded Edward in silence. When Edward was about 20' away from the man, he vanished.

Edward reported that he did not get a sense of malevolence when the man looked at him, just mild curiousity. Edward is also sure that this man had a shadow.

So what do you think of this story? Edward swears that it is the truth. Tell me what you think of this. Has anyone else out there met this man in black?

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