The Adventures of Goldfish and Geneva

TimeScience (Part 5)

Dave landed on Earth again, this time in the past. He gave a sigh of relief as the gauntlet stopped sparking. He closed down the portal and went to an empty forest that was nearby. It was perfect, thought Dave. He took off the gauntlet and began to tinker with it. He then stood well back and used his powers to activate all three buttons at once. The gauntlet flared to life once more and two portals were activated, but these were fighting with each other for supremacy. The gauntlet began to overload  and Dave could feel the heat coming off of it. He quickly protected himself against the heat and went to find cover. Not a minute after he found it, the gauntlet exploded part by overload but mainly by the dimensional gates ripping it apart and the adranium compound flying in bits everywhere as well as the diamond circuits. Dave was safe from the blast but he could feel himself being pulled towards the blast site. He looked up from his cover and saw a massive tear in atmosphere, sucking in all it could find. Instantly, the avatarr arrived and with a wave of his hand sealed it.
"Who did this? The planet does not have the capabilities to do this!" he cried out and used his cosmic senses to search for the culprit. Dave stood up.
"It was I," he said. The being of bright grey light in front of him pulled him over.
"I know you," he said. "Who are you?"
"I am you," said Dave, and lowered his psionic defences. The avatarr filled his mind, searching out his whole being, learning who and what the mortal in front of him truly was. When he finished, he stood back, and assumed Dave's form.
"Well," he said. "You're future exploits have damaged the past and destroyed the future as you know it. Don't you realise the sanctity of the time stream? There's nothing I can do to help you. You know I cannot interfere."
"Yes, I know. All you can do is send me home," said Dave. "But first scan the planet. See what you find." Dave smiled as the avatarr did so. He was impressed by what he saw, as well as surprised. Something was amiss somewhere.
"This planet has so much potential," he said. "But there is an anomlay. I must report these happenings to Chaos and Order, so they are aware of my investigations." Dave nodded and waited  as the avatarr suspended linear movement and spoke with his superiors. Then time restarted. "They agree it is not my place to interfere with time but have allowed me to find out what the problem is. You are to be sent home."
"Fair enough," said Goldfish as he saw the look on the avatarr's face. He was close but not close enough. "I know what the anomaly is," he said, not really knowing but it would do for now.
"What?" asked the avatarr, hoping that time could be saved by his obtaining the information needed.
"Her." Dave created a figure of Jo out of the trace metals in the earth. "Search her out. She will play an important part in the cosmic balance." The avartarr looked at him to see if he was lying, but if he couldn't trust himself, who could he trust?
"I will do so," he said. "Goodbye, Dave Goldfish. I'll see you in the future."
"Or the past," replied Dave and the avatarr waved his hand and Dave disappeared. The avatarr studied the figure in front of him. He was curious about her, there was something there he had not seen amongst the many women he had known throughout the millennia. He searched her out and watched her. He realised when he saw her in person he was in love, and the mortal form he had just encountered was right. She was his destiny. It just needed a helping hand. He also realised that to have her would eventually mean giving up his powers and he knew that this would be so as he had met his future self. He used all the powers at his disposal to engineer events for her to meet him in the mortal form he had earlier assumed and he felt that time was now back on the right course, without him interfering at all. Love worked in mysterious ways.  Later when Jo died, he came to her aid instantly and reversed time to resurrect her. He felt time glitch slightly but the future he had seen occur in Dave's mind those months ago was gone. Now he had interfered in the time stream and he was taken before the Living Tribunal for abusing his powers. He was no longer neutral and therefore he could no longer remain as avatarr. The avatarr agreed and asked for the Tribunal to recognise the love he felt for the mortal woman, and begged that the two of them could be reunited. Eternity spoke to the Tribunal as well and eventually the Tribunal agreed. The avatarr and the current incarnation of Jo Geneva ceased to be and so began the story of Goldfish and Geneva. But time was not fully healed....

Dave Goldfish found himself in the dining room of C&C. Time was restored and his friends were gathered around the table.
"Perhaps it's the champagne?" suggested Micheal.
"Perhaps," said Blaquesmith.
"It better not be my champagne," said Dave as he stepped in to the light. He turned to Jo. "All sorted out." Jo smiled. Blaquesmith sent a telepathic message to Dave. [We need to talk] was all he said. He knows, thought Dave. This could be a problem. He sat down. Fever turned to Dave.
"Now, we all know how much you love de girl," she said, looking at Jo. "Why not do de decent t'ing et marry her?" Dave's face was completely calm but inside he knew that something had gone wrong....

Links to other sites on the Web

The Adventures of Goldfish and Geneva: TimeScience (Part 4)
The Adventures of Goldfish and Geneva: To Put Right What Once Went Wrong

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