The Adventures of Goldfish and Geneva

To Put Right What Once Went Wrong

Dave Goldfish was not happy. Something had gone seriously wrong with the time stream and he was no longer married to Jo. He sat in his office in C&C USA, reviewing the files and personal logs that had been written. Somewhere in there he could find out what had happened. If that wasn't problematic enough, Blaquesmith, arguably his best friend, knew what had happened when time had been altered to that dark reality that had been. He knew about Dave shooting the alternate Blaquesmith in the head, a cold-blooded execution. They'd not exactly spoken since and it was another matter that needed to be dealt with.
"Damn," he said. He leant across the console and started to play his music collection, with a random selection on the computer's part. He needed inspiration if he was to figure this one out. 'The Show Must Go On' by Queen began to play and Dave smiled at the words. From a certain point of view it typified the situation, and it was definitely the right song to play. The show had to go on, it was just that the scenes were no longer in the right order. He let the song finish and switched the computer off. It didn't matter how the problem had occurred; he just had to fix it. Jo didn't need to know about the Blaquesmith problem, and he set off for the Fringe Bar and Grille. He needed to have words with his friend.

He entered the Bar and Grille about half an hour later. It was quite a drive from C&C to the Bar and Dave realised how much he had come to depend on Jo to teleport him where he wanted to go. He sighed as he entered the place, which was unusually quiet for the time of day. He walked over to the bar and asked Roman, the head barman, if Blaquesmith was about. Roman said yes, but he was in a meeting with Fever. Dave nodded and ordered a pint of cider. He nodded to Stout as he sat down and the Irishman raised a finger, acknowledging him. Dave didn't know much about the man who had joined the team and acted as bouncer for the Bar and as trainer to everyone. Well almost everyone as Dave didn't train too much. Living away from the B&G had its advantages. He smiled, thinking whilst he didn't know much about Stout, he knew a fair bit about his future. He wondered how long it would be before things started happening, but he pushed it to the back of his mind as he drank his drink. It was one thing second-guessing the future, it was another saying when the events would happen. The computers in C&C were good but not that good. Soon Blaquesmith and left Fever's office and walked over to Dave's booth.
"We need to talk," they said in unison. "Please," said Dave, gesturing to the seat at the other side of the booth, and Micah sat down.
"The first thing is I don't blame you," he said. "Well, not too much. I'd have probably done the same thing myself."
"Thanks," said Dave, not sure whether this was just Blaquesmith's way of clearing the air or if he meant it. He decided not to pursue it.
"You fixed time as best you could but it's still not right," said Blaquesmith. "You're walking on a very fine line, Dave. Things have altered more than you realise. The very basis of your relationship with Jo has changed, which has had serious repercussions on the future. Even I'm not sure of what's going to happen." Dave looked at the buggish features of his team-mate. Dave was sure there was something he wasn't telling him. Something important. Blaquesmith seemed to sense that Dave could tell he was omitting something. "I can't tell you," he said. "I don't know what's going to happen. You've altered everything, even though it seems like it's just your marriage that's been ruined."
"It's all linked in with everything I've told you before. And how I know what I do about you. It'll all become clear eventually. Trust me."
"Do I get a choice?"
"Yes, but either way it'll still be the same. Just remember, what is, is." Dave smiled.
"I wondered when you'd get me," he said. After reality had been altered by a chronal wave to create a dark universe at the time of an alien invasion, Blaquesmith had been severely depressed about the event for which he blamed himself. He felt guilty about what had happened, and Dave who had lived through it had talked to him about it as it was screwing with his head as well. Dave had reminded him of the Askani philosophy then and resolved his friend's inner conflicts and since then he had been expecting Blaquesmith to turn it back to him.
"Now seemed a good a time as any," said Micah, suppressing a smile.
"You're right of course. In fact you're wrong as well."
"Come again?"
"What is, was and what was, will be."
"You've lost me."
"Don't worry. Just get Jo to the Empire State Building at midnight tonight. You're welcome to join us."
"Probably not. I have a few bits and pieces to sort out." Dave nodded.
"Me too. It's time I called in some old favours. I'm glad we had a chance to talk." Blaquesmith nodded, as Dave got up and made his way out.
"Midnight," he confirmed.
"Midnight," responded Dave with a confident tone.

The Empire State building was almost pitch black, when Jo arrived to meet Dave Goldfish, that night. There was one light on in the entire building so she teleported up. Blaquesmith had declined Dave's invite so she was by herself. The room with the light on was empty except for Dave sitting on a chair surrounded by various musical instruments. He smiled and pressed a button on the side of his chair. A very faint hum came in the air and Dave walked over to his lover.
"Hey," he said.
"Hey," she replied, not knowing what he was feeling. Their mindlink was gone. "I can't hear you," she said.
"I know. There's an interdiction field surrounding the building. Your powers won't work here."
"What is this?" she said, suspiciously. Dave smiled again and clicked his fingers. The instruments began to play a song. "How the?!" she said.
"The guitar strings, the drums, the piano strings and the trumpets are all made of metal so I can control them. I'm wearing a device that allows me to keep my powers."
"That's unfair."
"Yes, it is isn't it? Care to dance?"
"I'd love to." The music changed to the overture from 'Me and My Girl. "Our musical," grinned Jo.
"I only choose the best."
"That's why you chose me, is it?"
"Always, sweetheart. Always." The continued to dance. "I want to talk to you, darling."
"Certainly, Dave. What about?"
"Us," he said. He took a deep breath. "Why won't you marry me?" Jo slipped out of his grasp. Dave quickly locked all the doors with his powers. "You are not leaving until we sort this out."
"Dave, we've been through this before."
"Not properly." Dave said, thinking he hadn't had this conversation at all, but then again he had changed history. He stopped the music, so he could focus on the memories he had of this past. It was confusing even to him and his mind kept thinking in terms of the past he had known not this one he did not. "What's the real reason? When I asked you before we regained our memories you said yes, but when the past returned to us you said no. Why?"
"Dave, enough." Jo walked over to the other side of the room.
"I think you're afraid," said Dave, knowing now that it was make or break time and he made a strategic gamble, hoping he was making the right guess from the memories he was using. "You're not afraid of commitment to me, as we've been together for a while now, so that makes you afraid of something else.&;quot;
"I am not afraid," said Jo as she walked back over to him.
"The hell you're not!" said Dave. Jo slapped him, hard. He could taste blood inside his mouth. Okay, thought Dave, we're getting somewhere. He rubbed his cheek.
"How dare you!" cried Jo. "After all we've been through, how can you say that of me?"
"Because it's true!" Dave was committed to the way he had to work, but was unhappy at the method. If he pushed too hard he'd lose her. Was this what Blaquesmith had meant? Dave was suddenly uncertain, wondering if he was doing this right but he'd called the tune. Now he had to sing and pay the piper at the end. "You know what I think?"
"No, but you'll probably tell me anyway," she said. Ouch, thought Dave. That had stung but he had to stay centred. He needed to use the right tone on this next comment, or it would ruin it forever.
"I think you're afraid you don't love me as much as I love you."
"I beg your pardon?" she said, a fraction late. It was a good sign and Dave sighed inwardly with relief. He'd hit the nail on the head, and now he had to hammer it home.
"You heard. For you I have altered events, resurrected you and given up my powers as the avatarr." When Jo didn't reply, he knew he had found the truth, but he had to keep on going to get her to admit it. "In those conditions I would be afraid..." he stopped. He could hear something he had not wanted to, something he had tried to avoid. Jo was crying. Oh, well done, Goldfish! he thought to himself. For an encore go and beat up some orphans! He went over to her. "I'm sorry," he said. "I've been foolish. I shouldn't have said anything." She turned to face him.
"Oh, Dave. Don't apologise. You're right. I am afraid. I can't give you half of what you've given me, and..."
"Oh, shut up and stop being so silly." Dave gave her a hug. "I don't expect you to. I never have. You have 'repaid' me many times over - just by being with me. You are all I need. You are all I have ever needed. I love you, and nothing else matters. If we can stay together, then the rest of the world can go to hell, as far as I'm concerned. There's only one thing worth risking my life for and that's you. Always has been and always will be."
"But don't you see that's what I mean."
"Look," said Dave. "It's not a question courage or bravery. It's love. I love you, Josephine Geneva."
"And I love you too. Can I ask you a question?"
"You can ask me anything you like. You always can."
"Dave, will you marry me?" Dave looked at her and laughed. The laughter echoed around the room. "What's so damn funny?" demanded Jo.
"This whole situation. Look at your hand." Jo looked down and saw an engagement ring on her finger. It was a diamond ring, with two sapphires split by an emerald to the left and the right of the diamond. She gasped. . How Dave had managed that without out her noticing, she didn't know. "It's engraved as well," said Dave. "It says 'To Jo, the woman who gave me life.' Without you I'm nothing."
"Oh, D, that is so sweet. Play me a song."
"I know just the one." He smiled and 'Love of My Life' by Queen began to play. They held each other close and danced until dawn.

Links to other sites on the Web

The Adventures of Goldfish and Geneva: TimeScience
The Adventures of Goldfish and Geneva: The Bells in Summer

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