Who is this SERPENTINE?

As you probably have figured out by now, this web site wouldn't be possible
were it not for the talents and assistance of one special lady. SERPENTINE
is more than my webmistress though. She also happens to be my very best
friend. She has enriched my life for going on three years now and I have
been truly blessed for having known her.

I'll not give away her name here, but if you're really interested in
learning more about her, then go check out her
web site and find out
more...plus see more of the work she has created.

I met Serpentine through the
Blue Ridge Herpetological Society. She joined
this group due to her interest in reptiles. Well you can put two plus two
together and figure out the reason why I took such an interest in her. Take
one beautiful lady with a bright personality. Add to this, brains and a
common interest. What else could I do, but fall in love?

Serpentine and I did date for a while. She's come to her senses though and
now we are treating our relationship differently. The love we did share,
along with a mutual respect and our interests dictated that our
relationship had to continue past that awkward dating stage. We have always
been friends since the start.   

Check her out here!

Everyone deserves to find a friend like Serpentine. I hope you'll have some
one like her in your life too!

