Jules Jackson

The Power of Air

Jules Jackson was born in 1975 in Hull, England. She was a child of English and Oriental descent, and because of her mixed heritage, her peers tormented her during her childhood. They teased her with the name "half-breed" for as long as she could remember. Her classmates had branded her a social outcast. She drowned out her pain with her school studies and devoted the remainder of her time to training in the martial arts. She was quite lonely and she yearned for a new life in America, where she felt she would be more accepted. Her destiny seemed to call out to her day and night. She finalized her plans to study law in America and set them into motion. Jules left the grounds of her boarding school less than an hour after receiving her diploma and was on an airplane not long after that. She attended the Berkshire Academy of Law in Massachusetts. She worked at a small grocery store delivering goods to out-of-the-way customers. That is were she met Nathan that lived in a mountain top cabin deep in the Berkshire Mountains. During a visit to his cabin, she was introduced to his secret life in the most unfortunate of ways. A horde of monsters suddenly attacked Nathan, and the cabin was destroyed. Nathan was sorely out of practice, and fared none to well in the battle. Jules could only watch as he barely managed to fight them off with a sword and displaying unbelievable powers. They managed to escape and she brought the broken and bleeding Nathan to her apartment, since he had refused medical attention. Unseen to her, she was followed. Three strangers appeared at her door, and Nathan recognized them as Arlee, Jacob and Carrigan the Seer. Jules watched in amazement as Nathan’s wounds healed quickly. Carrigan stared at Jules all the while and then she spoke up. Carrigan told that Arlee that she might a guardian. Arlee explained all about the Guardians and thier cause. Jules was told that she was destined to replace Samantha as the phoenix of the element of Air.

Jules Jackson is endowed with the power of air. With this power she can create tornadoes, hurricanes and blasts of destructive air. She can shoot streams of air with unbelievable pressure and force. She carries the Bow of Air, a weapon created from the sky by the dragon of Air Sairys.
Due to her inexperience, her powers tend to sometimes fly out of control. She has mistakenly injured Arlee in training sessions more than a few times as a result. She is quite remarkable with her bow, able to hit any target within 200 yards with good accuracy. Like the others, she can morph into a hawk with yellow and gold plumage, though she can fly faster and higher than the others can. She can also morph into her fireform, which looks like an immense hawk made up completely of yellowish energy. In this form she is invulnerable to all physical attacks and her powers are raised to near god-like levels. However being new and unskilled she can only maintain this form for no more then twenty minutes. She is still in the process of learning to became a more effective fighter.
Jules is confused because of all that is going on. To mask that confusion, she is just concentrating on learning her skills. She isn't completely sure that she wants this responsibility of protecting the earth. Though she sometimes wishes for a return to relative normalcy, she secretly enjoys the excitement her new life provides.

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