My Army                               | 


These are the contents of my Eldar army thus far.......


    - Farseer Geldan Alshei

    - The Immortal Maugan Ra


    - A Warp Spider Squad - 6 Warp Spiders


    - Guardian Defender Squad Alpha - 5 Guardians & a Plasma Cannon team

    - Guardian Defender Squad Beta - 5 Guardians & a Warlock

    - Guardian Defender Squad Omega - 5 Guardians & a Warlock

    - Guardian Defender Squad Inferno - 5 Guardians

    - Ranger Squad - 4 Rangers

Fast Attack

    - A Swooping Hawk Squad - 5 Hawks & an Exarch

    - Althawein Wild-riders - 3 Jetbikes, one with a Shuriken Cannon

Heavy Support

    - A Falcon Grav Tank with the standard pulse laser and scatter laser

    - A Vyper Jetbike with the standard Shuriken cannon

    - A War Walker with the standard lascannon and scatter laser

    - A Wraithlord with a D-cannon


    - Ten Harlequins, a Great Harley, and a Solitaire