Althawein Wargear and New Rules

    These Eldar are so determined to survive, they've built a boatload of new items and accessories to help themselves out on the battlefield.

3rd Edition

Hmmm.....   not much room for changes in 3rd Edition, with the removal of wargear, vehicle wargear and other things easily modifiable....  I've got a few ideas for new vehicles and troop types brewing though, so keep a watch out for an update.

2nd Edition


The Staff of Survival                 20pts.
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This is a psychic staff that Farseer Geldan Alshei carries into combat.  It draws power from the spirit stones he carries in a pouch.  It works like this:  Whenever any living Eldar within 24" on Geldan has his/her wounds characteristic taken to zero or below, do not remove the model from the game.  Lay the model on its back instead.  In the very next psychic phase, Geldan may choose to play a normal psychic power or to try to revive only one "dying" model within 24".  Normal nullify rules are in play, but instead the power only succeeds on a 5+.  When an Eldar is revived, he/she feels invigorated, and full of life.  The model now has the number of wounds it had before death, plus one per psychic mastery level (Warlocks around Geldan just drink of his power excess).  This can only be used once per model (to prevent Warlocks that keep dying from being immortal).  In addition, any models not raised during that psychic phase are removed as casualties.

Farseers ONLY

Double-thick Mesh Armour           +3pts
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I'm sure Guardians don't like to die.  This helps prevent death, especially when fighting Space Marines, Chaos, or Necrons.  The mesh has been upgraded to be very thick, but still quite resilient.  All Guardians equipped with this get a 5+ unmodified armour save against all attacks (except for psychic attacks, in which case the 5+ can be modified). Unfortunately, though, the wearer is kind of encumbered, so when running or charging, a Guardian may only move up to 8".

Eldar Guardians ONLY

Dark Lance            25pts
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As a Bright Lance is a lascannon modified for use against armored personnel, a Dark Lance has been modified for use against vehicles.  The profile is as this:

         Range              To Hit                                            Save          Armour
|     S     |      L     |    S    |    L    |    Str.    |    Dmg.    |     Mod.    |       Pene.      |    Special
   0-12     12-36      +1       0           6            d4              -2          2d6+d10+6      Move and Fire

Eldar ONLY

Silent Ammo          +2pts. or +6pts.
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Silent ammo may be fitted into Shuriken Catapults or Pistols for 2 points or a Shuriken Cannon for 6 points.  Silent Ammo is a more aerodynamically designed version of normal shuriken ammo.  As this involves less of a point on the star, it reduces the short and long ranges by 2".  However, since this ammo can be fired with absolutely no noise generated, the weapon can now be fired while the model firing is hidden, without the model being detected as normal.

Eldar ONLY

Vehicle Cards

Upgraded Coolant System           +20pts.
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The vehicle has a faster, more reliable coolant system which is able to handle heat more efficiently.  Roll a d10 and subtract that number from the penetration roll of all heat-based weapons attacking the vehicle.  "Heat based weapons" are all flamer, melta, and plasma weapons as well as equivalent grenade and missile types.

Eldar Vehicles ONLY

Countermeasures           +12pts.
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Attached to the vehicle's outer hull are tiny ports with small lasers built into them.  These lasers are equipped with a ballistic guidance system in order to track the paths of incoming grenades.  If the lasers are fast enough to lock, they fire and send a small energy surge only powerful enough to destroy the incoming grenade.  When a grenade is thrown at the vehicle, roll a d6.  On a 4+ the grenade is destroyed, otherwise it hits as normal.  If a grenade with a template is hit the template is placed halfway between the Eldar vehicle and the attacking model, and any models under the template are hit as normal.  Keep in mind these laser countermeasures need no interaction by the vehicle's crewmen.

Eldar Vehicles ONLY

Warp Maneuvering System          +20pts.
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The vehicle is equipped with a small warp jump generator only powerful enough to re-orient the vehicle in a completely different direction, rather than warping over a distance.  This allows the vehicle to make one turn up to 90 degrees left or right at fast speed, one turn of up to 135 degrees left or right at combat speed, or as always as many turns as wanted at slow speed.

Eldar Vehicles ONLY

Other Wargear

Click here to see more of this crazy stuff.

Eldar Vehicle Cards

These may be a bit cheap, but hey! what isn't?

Novafist-30 points. This Dreadnought powerfist is installed with a miniature warp-rifting device similar to a D-Cannon. It rips a small tear in the fabric of space, causing the fist to glow black, and pass through any armour it comes against. A Dreadnought with a Novafist upgrade means that it penetrates amy armour automatically, even fields. Although, the Novafist requires a tremendous amount of energy. This means that it may not fire any weapons in the shooting phase next turn, and it may only have one hit, as the Novafist is drained of it's power.

Spirit Link-10 points. This device is specially fitted for Dreadnoughts that are equipped with D-Cannons. It uitilises the Dreadnoughts connection to the Warp to guide the D-Beam. This means that you may chose to re-roll one non HIT result, so the D-Cannon blast will only scatter once. The second result stands, even if this means it flashes back on your own troops.

Warwalker Veteran Pilot-15 points. The pilot of this Warwalker has considerable experience on the battlefields of the 41st millenium, facing down many threats. Instead of a normal Gaurdian pilot, it has the following stats. He is also immune to pychology.
5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9
Pheonix Blasters-8 points. The can be attached to any shuriken weapon. The shuriken is hooked up to a small plasma generator, which heats up the shuriken considerably. This means that anyone hit by this particular weapon has to take a flame test(see wargear book). If the model is slain, then it has exploded with the effect of a plasma grenade.

Warp Jets-10 points. These are attached to the Jetbike's engine, and alter it's density so that it temporarily displaces out of the way of incoming shots. This allows the jetbike/Vyper to have a +5 unmodifiable save.

Holo-Field-20 points for Warwalker/Dread/10 points for Jetbike. Adapting technology from Eldar titans, this vehicle is considerably hard to see. All shots taken at it add an additional -1 to hit modifier.

Eldar War Banner-about 1 buck. This allows the vehicle to look extra cool on the battlefield, intimidating opponets to no end. Any players facing a vehicle armed with a war banner must scream hysterically and forfiet the game.