This is my links page
The DeBug Links:
The dragonfly built from a kit-
Heathkit model SK-118 Heath Company Benton Harbor,MI 49022
Flapping wings article- Build
the Space Wings by Mark Spiwak Popular Electronics Sep/1995
Space Wings the kit - Available
from Mondo Tronics 4286 Redwood Hwy #226 San Rafael,CA 94903 & Jameco
1355 Shoreway Rd Belmont,CA 94002-4100
Info on computer control of muscle
wire (beetle)- Book called "Working with Shape
Memory Wires from mondo tronics.
Walt Noon's Pitch man:
A great floating head effect-a head
suddenly appears & delivers a speech. A construction article for the
effect was printed in a now out of print magazine issue.I am trying to
get permission to reprint the full article on this site.Click on the portrait
below see further info on the effect.
Other Great do it youself halloween
some great projects by Allen
This site owned by Lawrence H. Lund
This is Chris' Crypt check out his haunted books for 98
If you like low lying fog Scott has it