Okay, so you've been through my stuff, and are thinking"there's got to be more?" Well, the best is yet to come--here are:

A few of my favorite links

The X-Files, and in particular, X-Files fanfic, is my primary obsession:

1. BVL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/4566/index.html

For the lighter side of 'philedom, Maybe Amanda's Better Vicarious Living is one of THE best places on the web ... and to think I once cheered on her mere musings of this blessed madness. Now more than musings and translated to living colour graphics, this place is a riot! One of the most entertaining, beautifully designed, and frequently updated sites I know. Go! Enjoy! Then tell her how brilliant she is ... she always just ignores me :).

2. MTA: http://www.muldertorture.com

Shirley Smiley's Muldertorture Anonymous site is another of my favorite sites. A well-designed page, and Shirley is tireless about updating her site frequently. While I can't recommend every story on this site (Shirley accepts all stories that meet the category criteria) there are many excellent stories to be found here.

3. Tiny Dancer's X-Files Episode Guide: http://www.fandom.com/x-files/Editorial.asp?action=sub&type_id=12059&cat_id=38548

If you missed it all, or missed just a word, this is the place! If you want to know or need to know, this is the place! Better than the LGM at ferreting out obscure information, if it's about the show, TD will know! And if TD doesn't know or can't find out, it's not a real question, now is it?

4. The Annex: http://gfiles.simplenet.com/annex/

If you're looking for something a little longer, a little more absorbing ... the novel archive is the place to find it. Many of these stories have dustjackets, little author notes, and have been formatted specially for printing out in hard copy. If you're looking for a lazy Sunday morning read over coffee, nothing beats the Annex. Some wonderful stuff to be found here.

5. The Hub: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/8633/

If you want more links ... this is the place. A fabulous listing of some of the best sites out there, selected for comprehension and quality, with short recommendations and sorted by type, this is the place to find almost anything in the X-F fanfic world that you could possibly desire.

6. Pellinor's Deep Background: http://www.astolat.demon.co.uk/

For the X-F fanfic writer craving research. A wonderful resource.

My other, longer-running but less obsessing diversion is Star Wars, and very recently, I've discovered the on-line world of Star Wars fandom ...

7. The Corellian Embassy: http://rtis.com/nat/user/golledge/

Probably my favorite site for Star Wars 'fic, it's got a fabulous selection of stories as well as some good links ...

8. The Organa-zation: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/1173/index.html

Good site, good 'fic, fine links, great list ...

9. Fanfix: www.fanfix.com

The Star Wars Fan Fiction Library ... the comprehensive site for SW 'fic on-line ...

10. The Han and Leia Shrine: http://members.dencity.com/aryn/

A lovely place to find lots o' stuff.

And, now for everything else ...

11. Fan Fiction On the Net: http://members.aol.com/ksnicholas/fanfic/index.html

And, if you are a fan of some other show, here's another great site for miscellaneous fanfic links and some good writer resources too.

12. The Toronto page: http://www.toronto.com

A good resource for those from, of, or visiting TO.

13. The Mining Company: http://www.miningco.com/

If you need to find it, and a search engnine isn't cutting it, this is the place. A comprehensive, sorted list of some of the best sites the web has to offer, help with your own page, net news, and much, much more.

14. And just for fun: http://overload.v-wave.com/malfia/main.htm

Just 'cuz I think the picture is amazingly cool ...

15. And, soon to come: COTSA

Of course, all of the above have great links to other wondeful sites I have not mentioned ... these are just to get you started ... so go, surf!

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The beauty and design of this page has been brought to you by the letters X, F, and the generous donations of time, talent and skill of its webmistress, the wondrous MaybeAmanda.