Hey! There's me! Anyway, I am General Trent Traplinkk of The Red Army, division Lecanto, FL, USA.

By the way, why in the world did you come here? You wanted some information so you could stalk me, right? Well, fine. I'm always looking for followers...
Anyway, here is some vital information. © World Domination Enterprises
Name: Trent W Traplinkk © World Domination Enterprises
Official Rank: Colonel General (six stars) © World Domination Enterprises
Political Tendencies: Communism © World Domination Enterprises
IQ: 189 © World Domination Enterprises
Favorite Book: Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx © World Domination Enterprises
Phone Service: AT&T © World Domination Enterprises
Favorite Computer Game: tie; Command & Conquer: Red Alert and Tom Clancy's Politika.

Is that enough? Want more? Too bad. Anyway, go away. I need to go work on my site.

I am still waiting for version 2.0 to come out. Oh well...
IL Duce's Dungeon - My friend's site about AD&D, Star Wars, and (retch) Star Trek.
Dephiler's Home Page - Also home to the League of Communism (the Lecanto Communist Army). Dephiler documents our travels.

My officers. (from left to right) Field Marshall Cecere, myself, NCO "Dephiler," Second Luitenent "Wubby," and in front is Commander Gordon.

Evil's scaring me... I want to go back.

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