Behold! I am Drake! Drake is no puny
dog. Drake is smarter than you. Drake is bigger than you, and Drake can
eat you. Drake does not bow down to you pitiful humans. Drake is ruler. Do
not look directly at Drake. Drake does not wish it.
Feed Drake. You know you want to. You will pick up Drakes bowl and fill
it. Drake demands that this be! Feed Drake, now! Do it...feed
Drake will now answer your e-mail. Drake does not like you, unless you
feed Drake.
Feed Drake... Drake, You suck. Your site sucks, and your
answers, also, suck. Everything about you makes me want to pull tongue out
through my nostrils. I hope that you fall down a lot, and step in poop. In
short: I don't like you.
Still not liking you, Charlie from Kansas City, age 12
Dear Charlie,
Drake has read your letter repeatedly, and regrets to inform you that it
appears you are wrong. Drake is a very cool dog. Drake believes it is you
who do all of the sucking. Drake has seen this 'Kansas City' you claim to
be from. It sucks. Being 12 sucks. Having a common name, like Charlie, is
also very sucky. Finally, writing to a dog on the internet and telling him
he sucks, does indeed suck. In conclusion, Drake feels it is necessary to
inform you just how much you suck. Please see the enclosed
link for an article, written by a very well-respected newspaper, about
how much you suck and Drake rules.
PS I get the last laugh because you suck a lot,
how come every time I punch this kid in the face, he crys and tells on me?
I just do it becuse I dont like him. He act like I wait around after
school just to beat him up. I wait around so I can steal his lunch mony
too. The principal told me to stop being a bully or that he would call my
parents; I don't think I like the principle anymore, so I let all the airs
out of his tire and left eggs on his hood. I tried rubbing a potatoe on
the car and putting keys in his tail pipe, but it din't work. What else do
you think I should do? Thanks,
O'Doyle from Mass., age 09
Dear O'Doyle,
Drake has given this much thought. It is Drake's opinion that you should
seek help. There are counselors and DARE cops in schools just for people
like you. Drake believes that you may have some sort of inferiority
complex, and that you are taking it out on everyone around you. You should
definitely stop beating up the crybaby, and maybe stop stealing his money,
too. The principal probably knows it was you who messed up his car, so
stay away from him for a while. When you talk to the counselor, or the
DARE cop, be sure to tell them you are having problems at home, and
possibly that you have a learning disorder (though from the misspellings
and bad grammar in your letter, I wouldn't be surprised if you did).
Finally, Drake thinks that you should only pick on kids who are at least a
grade younger than you, becasue they will be too scared to tell on you.
Don't steal the lunch money- steal the lunch and cut out the middleman. Drake
Dear Drake, I laugh when babies fall down. It's not because I
think it's funny when babies hurt themselves; I just don't like babies.
Let's meet in person.
Casandra from Illinois, Age 13
Dear Casandra, You are messed up in the
head. Please don't e-mail Drake anymore, and Drake thinks meeting in
person is a very bad idea. Drake does think that if you have to take out
your aggression on babies, a good way is to steal baby food. A great way
to get rid of baby food is to send it to Drake. Drake does not approve of
baby hating, but Drake is no above accepting food from baby haters.
Drake RULES at eating baby food, Drake
Dear Drake, You breathe very loudly. And you snore. You keep
people awake at night because of your labored breathing. Laying on your
side is only making it harder for you to breathe, and therefore louder.
Why don't you lose some weight?
Thanks Drake, Cory from Cory's Room, Age 22
PS You have packages in the living room. I think they are
Dear Cory, Drake likes to let people know
that he is around. Drake must be noticed and loved by all in the room.
Since you stupid humans don't look down very often, Drake has to find
other ways of getting attention. Sometimes this is breathing loudly.
Sometimes it involves stealing loaves of bread off the counter and taking
them outside to eat later. Drake knows he keeps people up at night. This
is because people are easier to rule when they don't have any sleep. Drake
says you will have to get used to it.
DrakeP.S. Drake
got the packages in the living room. Baby food tastes good.
Send Drake an e-mail! Drake may answer it and put it on the website.
Mail Drake Now!
Letters from 05/14/2003-09/21/2003
Letters from 05/07/2003-05/14/2003
Letters from 04/29/2003-05/06/2003
Letters from 04/21/2003-04/28/2003
Letters from 04/14/2003-04/20/2003