Hello again. Here is what other people have to say about my page, along with visitor-submitted poetry, artworks, etc. If you haven't signed my guestbook, you cando so now.

moloch king - 03/24/99 18:27:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/6496/gamebook.html
My Email:soundgardener@hotmail.com
Age: 23
School (if applicable): college graduate

Hey Jack! Just checkin out your page. Check out mine, and join my club! Good luck!

Heather Snider - 03/20/99 23:35:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/strand/1265
My Email:xena_3@webtv.net
Age: 19
School (if applicable): Mineral Area Community College

Hey thanks for visiting my page and signing my guestbook. I like your page too. Look for me in chat. See-ya.

Sweetde - 03/11/99 08:46:34
My Email:sweetdeni@yahoo.com
Age: 35

Well this middle aged woman thinks you have some good poetry. Whatever you do don't stop writing! You have talent and great promise. Some of my poetry is lacking to but I have a few I really love. Thanks for sharing your page with me.

Kerri - 03/05/99 03:45:14
My Email:kj_elle@yahoo.com
Age: 26
School (if applicable): GWC, HB

I thought I'd just drop on in and check it out!:) Hope to hear from you VERY soon! tootles! :)

ginger kokoris - 01/26/99 21:41:17
My Email:gkokoris@yahoo.com
Age: ageless
School (if applicable): hardknocks

jack i love your poems.great web page!

I AM COCKEYE - 01/26/99 00:10:20
My Email:tedbolt@yahoo.com


Heather (DreamingBeauty) - 01/24/99 08:00:12
My Email:Angel_heather@hotmail.com
Age: 21
School (if applicable): University of Alaska Anchorage

Hi! *S* We chatted a few weeks ago (Remember the double "dreamingBeauty" incident? *L* Anyway, I stopped and read your poems. They are *so* powerful and beautiful! Very well done hon! If you'd like, feel free to write to me. We *all* need someone to talk o sometimes! *bright smile* I hope you're doing well hon! I enjoyed our chat that night. Thanks!! *S*

rc collins - 01/23/99 03:36:00
Age: 15
School (if applicable): high school

hi myname is rc and i need kidney butgod wont give me one so i became satanist what do you think of thatgod boy. ha ha ha 666

Jack Mileur - 12/11/98 20:31:33
My URL:http://i.am/jackm
My Email:jackm@i.am
Age: 19
School (if applicable): UCR

I think Proverbs 31 starts well with verse 10. The part about the ideal wife is pretty good. But I don't think Proverbs 31 could start very well with James 1:5. Listen to it like this: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generous y to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. The sayings of King Lemuel--an oracle his mother taught him: O my son, O son of my womb, O son of my vows, do not spend your strength on women, your vigor on those who ruin kings. It is not for kings, O Lemuel-- not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer, lest they drink and forget what the law decrees, and deprive all the oppressed of their rig ts......" It just doesn't mesh very well...

ART PAUL SCHLOSSER - 11/17/98 01:39:11
My URL:http://www.arlotone.com/artpaul/index.html
My Email:artpaulart@hotmail.com
Age: It is not important.
School (if applicable): Life

What do you think of Proverbs Chapter 31 starting with verse 10 or James 1 verse 5 ?

Bethany - 10/23/98 10:42:58
My Email:bethanym@ucla.edu
Age: 20
School (if applicable): UCLA

Cool page, and the poetry is really touching.

andy - 10/18/98 19:21:31
My Email:treeboy@home.com
Age: 25

hi, we chatted and bantered on bbwlounge the other night and i asked you if i could check out your site. so here i am. i commend you on your honest courage to openly admit your attraction to 'the perfect sized woman'. not one of my friends can understand y attraction... and to that i applaud them for leaving more for me to enjoy. as one last note i enjoyed your poetry, especially 'submission' as it reminds me of my poetry.

10/14/98 04:36:50
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

miz - 09/30/98 05:45:16
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~miz007coolgirl/index.html
My Email:mizcarter@hotmail.com
Age: 11
School (if applicable): Bonnet Bay Ps

Hi nice site can't wait too see you on icq so you go to college Mr Luv Handles?????? i guess so luv Miz

Joanne Mileur - 09/27/98 23:41:06
My Email:joanne_mileur@yahoo.com

Neat-o poem, Jack-o! I loved it!--mom

Teddi Cruise - 09/15/98 16:13:41
My Email:FunSizeBBW@aol.com
Age: 42
School (if applicable): School of life

You write beautifully. I felt your soul shining through each word. Thank you for doing this.

kim - 09/08/98 16:18:27
My Email:goudeseune@yahoo.com

Jack: Interesting sight. Thanks for including me in your friends. Kim

- 08/22/98 05:16:51


Lesleon - 07/31/98 05:06:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/6374
Age: Early 20s

Hi Jack! I've just surfing around. I really enjoy your cartoon and poems in your website. It's good to find somebody of same interests.

Cuzzin' Tbone - 07/23/98 16:16:01
My Email:tbone0852@aol.com
Age: too damn old to care
School (if applicable): Huh?

Jack, the web page is way-cool. I am completely impressed. 'Specially liked the opening picture - the one with the flames and such (I remember when you took that shot a few years back). Anyway, it is now one of my favorite places and I will visit as ofte as I can. Takee care, your evil cousin from hell - Tbone....

Patricia - 07/14/98 08:40:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/pats123
My Email:PATS123@webtv.net
Age: 21
School (if applicable): school? what's that?

Hiya Sweetie! I had no freaking idea you were such a talented person! Maybe if I would shut up once in a while and let you talk I would find this out! Anime rules the world!!!! Talk to you in dalnet love!

- 07/14/98 07:27:33
My Email:ejoseph@capecod.net
Age: 19

Ya know i luv ya jack hunny i love the page you are a great friend forever

- 06/23/98 13:33:41


- 06/23/98 13:32:25


Jean Marie - 06/21/98 21:17:27
My Email:barley19@yahoo.com
Age: 20
School (if applicable): BSU

Hey Jack! I'm Back from Europe, just thought I'd stop by your webpage again and check it out, see if anything was new. Hoping your summers going great! Love, ME!! :)

Shanna Freeman - 05/13/98 03:21:37
My Email:sfreeman@coe.uga.edu
Age: 21
School (if applicable): School of Hard Knocks ;)

I got your URL from your posting on the generous.net list...I enjoyed your posting & page very much, especially the poetry. "Luvia" & "Cyberlove" were my favourites...I've written my own poem on the latter. Hope to see more of you on the list. Take care.< r>
- 05/06/98 04:02:15
My Email:lucykeithsyn@geocities.com
Age: 16
School (if applicable): North Cobb High

Hi Jack! I talked to you on Yahoo Chat or something like that a long time ago and I found your page address so I decided to come see. It looks pretty groovy. Anyway, I can't remember what my name was when I talked to you so I guess I'll just be "the myste ious girl from your past" -sounds kinda nifty huh? =)

Gewl - 05/03/98 07:41:44
My URL:http://www.duq.edu/~hardesty
My Email:hardest3889@duq.edu
Age: 21 (12-18-76)
School (if applicable): Duquesne University

Thanks for letting me check out your site Jack! I think it's pretty kewl! Peace and love and all that jazz! Gewl

Jean Marie - 05/02/98 05:40:44
My Email:you know it
Age: you know that too
School (if applicable): you know that as well

Hey Jack! Sweet web page! Me gusta mucho. Take care, Jean Marie

Kate Mileur - 03/01/98 23:44:30
My Email:angeltenshi@yahoo.com
Age: 18
School (if applicable): UCR!!!!!

Hey Jack It's your sister. The page is cool, but needs a whole lot more. I hope you can help me with mine sometime. Later!

TESS CLARK - 03/01/98 20:45:06
My Email:tmc34@email.byu.com
Age: 19
School (if applicable): BYU

Hi Jack, Just stopped in to check out your web page. It's pretty neat!! Talk to you later. Tess

Jack Mileur - 02/28/98 06:26:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/1007
My Email:dinero18@yahoo.com
Age: 19
School (if applicable): UC Riverside

Hello everyone! This is me again. I hope you are enjoying my page. If you are, I'd like to hear from you. If you have a piece of scanned artwork, a poem, a dirty joke, or anything that you'd like to share with the world, send it here. I love hearing rom all of you. Don't make me write a whole bunch of fake guestbook entries to make myself look popular! Signing my guestbook is easy and fun. Try it. I won't bite!

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