2. ¡No HAB-la ah-KEE!
2. I don't speak here!
3. Ha-GO kay un KAY-so ROO-day la TIE-yah duh la PEE-stah duh uhn ohm-BRAY gran-DAY.
3. I have a cheese wheel the size of a large man's head.
4. Lows FRAN-chase no SAH-ben el CRAW-po SOHM-bray PO-yos.
4. The French don't know crap about chickens.
5. PAY-ro BAY-bee yah el AH-gwah...
5. But I already drank the water...
6. ¿CO-mo OO-sted DEE-chay "¡Fun-chee-O-nah-mee-EN-toe los TORE-ose AY-stan vee-nee-EN-do!" on oo-cran-ee-AHN-doe?
6. How do you say "Run the bulls are coming!" in Ukranian?
7. Luh pawn-SAY "flah-MEN-koe" DEE-choe del "flah-MEN-koe" noe. oh, eh-SPAY-rah, sohn la MEES-mah pah-LAH-brah.
7. I thought you said "flamingo" not "flamenco". Oh, wait, they are the same word.
8. ¿Los ah-lay-MAH-nays oo-nee-FOR-mays tee-EHn-ehn ay-ro-day-lee-zah-DOOR-ays, o ahn-GWEE-lahs pah-RAH AY-say mah-TEE-ree-ah?
8. Do the Germans even have hovercrafts, or eels for that matter?