The World of Stafir


You are walking down a simple path. How you got here, you have no idea. Why the sky is a light green, and the sun shines a pure blue, you also do not know. However the forest you are in seems normal otherwise. Well besides the trees you know you've never seen. And the outlandishly colored fruits. Nothing gaudy, but you know you've never seen fruits like that before.

Finally you reach the end of the path. All you see is a simple house, the color being what you know as sun yellow..though here your not sure what it'd be called. With the sun being blue and all ya know? With a brown roof uptop. Least it looks normal eh? A figure in a cloak opens the door quietly, as it notices your presence.

Hello traveler, I see you are new to the area. Pleased to meet you. My name is Stafir, and this is my home. I am a record keeper of sorts. Writing down stories as I hear them, or experience them. I also tell newcomers like you about this world.

Yes I see the confusion in your face. Tis quite natural so do not worry. You are in a different world you see. Tis why it looks different. I know you must be curious, a whole new world? Please come into my house, I will explain what I can.

Inside the house it is strange, you notice there is not a single chair in sight, instead there are several cushions of different colors stacked neatly in one corner. Stafir, who you guess to be a male from his voice, sits on one of the cushions quietly.

Feel free to look around. I am not afraid of thieves, if you steal food or drink, then I consider it as you needed it, I do not mind giving to those that need. I am of course willing to talk also. However I do ask you take not any of the art that may be around. I treasure it you see. I am willing to give you a copy if you ask though (IE do not take art from here for another webpage without my permission.)

Talk to Stafir of his past.
Check out the den room.
A nursery?
Go outside and travel the paths.

If you wish, I do have a log of everyone to come to my home so far. You may look at it, and you may sign it as you wish. It is a simple book of my guests.

Read the guestbook.

Write in the guestbook.

Authors Note: Sorry I havn't done much to this page recently...I just don't know how or where to take it.