The Amber role-playing game is fast becoming one of my favorites. It is based on the novel series by Roger Zelazny, and is a completely diceless RPG. Each character has very few actual statistics, and is based more on the powers that he or she accumulates through good role-playing. Admittedly, some of the abilities are a little confusing to someone who has never read the series, but it gets easier to understand the further along in the campaign you progress.


Since our initial web site for our Amber gaming group has suffered a massive file system crash, I have taken it upon myself to reconstruct the portions pertaining to my character (as these are the only documents that I have).

My character is named Wolfgang, and he is an Amberite swordsman on a quest to reconstruct the Pattern in a place called Tir-na Nog'th. He currently takes orders from the heir of Tir-na Nog'th, Lady Rhiannon. His comrades include the shapeshifter Skalez, the vampiric Cerah and the villainous spellcaster Joseph.

Wolfgang is responsible for maintaining a journal. This is my contribution to the campaign, and serves as a nice way of fleshing out Wolfgang's personality.

Journal Entries

My Heritage Revealed - Session 1

Joseph's Ambush - Session 2

Alliances - Session 3

Enter Benedict - Session 4

The Grand Battle - Session 5

Paternity Suits - Session 6

A Debt Repayed - Session 7

Quality Time - Session 8

The Changing of the Pattern - Session 9

The Search Begins - Session 10

Skalez broke Hell - Session 11

Pigeon-Boy: Friend or Foe? - Session 12

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