Sunday, 20th of September, 1998 
I was perplexed.  I kept on getting comments about the site like "I like it... except for the line breaks.", and "Cool, but what's up with those freaky paragraphs...?" and had no idea what people were talking about.  None, nada.   

That was until I realized, that being the stupid bastard that I am, I was designing the pages on my computer using 800 x 600 resolution, while normal people (read: everone except me) uses 640 x 480 res.  So I've spent a large chunk of my life making sure that they are working in that resolution, and decided that I will make the pages while in 640 x 480.  *Sigh*, another high point in my life... 

So, anyway, the new First Impression reviews for 09/09/98 are now up, and look darned spiffy in 640 x 480, and extremely desireable in 800 x 600.   

Thursday, 27th of August, 1998 

What I would call the "Grand Opening" of "Takalahesh's Dungeon".  A totally new look, and something actually on the page.  It also marked the web debut of "First Impressions", a comic book review newsletter by a friend, Ross Binder. 

Sunday, 3rd of May, 1998 
The web debut of Jason Crossman.  And oh, what a spectacular debut it was.  Knowing nothing about designing, writing, or displaying web pages, the page started it's glorious debut with the message "Hi, my name's Jason, and this is my home page."  Ah, but it got betting, with the now classic line, "My page isn't finished yet, but hope it will be soon."  No duh... 

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Takalahesh's Dungeon, Takalahesh & Naralasyth are TM & © Jason Crossman, 1998
First Impressions is TM & © Ross Binder, 1998
Don't be afraid to E-mail me with any comments, suggestions, or queries at