Nu and improved! My most extensive Chrono Trigger MIDI collection Nu and improved!

This is a very very extensive MIDI collection (I think I said that already) that has taken me damn near two years to collect. Now, I'm going to give you the link to the ZIP, but you had best look at the pretty colors put into these tables by my brother because it took us an entire freaking day to make it, so I want the entire process to at least be worth it. These MIDIs have been taken from many different sites who've had very small collections and I have studied them for hours, picking them apart piece by piece to see which ones were different and which ones were not. As you can see, I'm very picky. The slightest difference in any song makes it eligible to appear on this site. For example, the difference between the two "End of Time" MIDIs is so slight you can barely tell, but I could tell, therefore I kept them. There are currently 99 MIDIs in this collection (Darn it! Not quite 100.), all available to you with a simple click (Say "Thank you, Ms. Dalton.") Have fun and excuse me if I sounded too vulgar.

And now for something completely different...

End of Time
End of Time 1
End of Time 2
Spekkio 1
Spekkio 2
 - The classical mysterious melody of the End of Time.
 - The same theme with a slight variation.
 - Spekkio's happy battle theme.
 - Same song, different style.
65,000,000 B.C.
Ayla 1
Ayla 2
Jurassic Dance
 - Ayla's theme song. It's OK, but I wish I had better.
 - Same song, still not as good as I wish it were.
 - Dance, baby, dance! Yeah, baby!
12,000 B.C.
Ocean Palace 1
Ocean Palace 2
Ocean Palace 3
Zeal 1
Zeal 2
Zeal 3
Zeal 4
Zeal 5
 - The spooky Ocean Palace theme.
 - Same theme, but a bit different.
 - Same again, different sound.
 - Zeal's classic theme.
 - Same song, different sound.
 - Same as above.
 - Same as above, they're all good, you know.
 - Same again, yet different. Just wait until you see the next table.
Schala's MIDIs
Schala 1
Schala 2
Schala 3
Schala 4
Schala 5
Schala 6
Schala 7
Schala 8
Schala 9
 - So many Schala songs...
 - The MIDIs are good...
 - So many for a song that was played little in the game...
 - MIDI makers enjoy this one...
 - I guess it's popular among the fans...
 - I suppose that's why there are nine of them...
 - Take your pick...
 - They all have the same essence...
 - Have de freakin' da!
600 A.D.
600 A.D. 1
600 A.D. 2
The Cathedral
Frog 1
Frog 2
Frog 3
Frog 4
Guardia Castle 1
Guardia Castle 2
Magus 1
Magus 2
Magus 3
Magus 4
Magus 5
Magus' Castle
 - The overhead theme of 600 A.D.
 - Same quaint song, but different.
 - The song played in the Cathedral and Sun Keep.
 - Frog's Song.
 - Another Frog song.
 - Frog again, still with the intro.
 - The final Frog, barely different from the one before it.
 - Guardia Castle inside.
 - Same, but different.
 - Magus' most excellent theme song. A personal favorite.
 - Magus again.
 - He doesn't have as many songs as his sister.
 - I wonder why that is...
 - This is the last one.
 - The inside of Magus' castle. Creepy.
1000 A.D.
1000 A.D. 1
1000 A.D. 2
1000 A.D. 3
1000 A.D. 4
1000 A.D. 5
1000 A.D. 6
1000 A.D. 7
Crono's Theme
Guardia Forest 1
Guardia Forest 2
Lucca's Theme 1
Lucca's Theme 2
Marle's Theme A1
Marle's Theme A2
Marle Alien
Marle's Theme B1
Marle's Theme B2
Millennial Fair 1
Millennial Fair 2
Moonlight Parade
Overhead Theme
 - Another popular theme among MIDI makers, the overhead theme when in the range of a town.
 - Another one, just a bit different.
 - Same as above.
 - Same again, they are all good, mind you.
 - (yawn) Really, they're all good. I urge you to download.
 - The enjoyable theme of 1000 A.D., here for only $9.95 (not).
 - It comes with a complimentary set of Ginsu knives (once again, not).
 - The theme of our main hero. It was hard to find without the little part that's in the intro.
 - A personal favorite, the mysterious Guardia Forest theme.
 - This haunting theme has played a part in my nightmares.
 - Lucca's Theme, which is also used as fanfare.
 - Same as above.
 - Marle's Theme, not from the end of the game.
 - Same as above.
 - If you listen very closely, it sounds like Marle's Theme.
 - Marle's theme from the end of the game.
 - Slightly different from above.
 - Theme from the Millennial Fair.
 - Same theme from the Millennial Fair.
 - Song from the end of the game during the Moonlight Parade.
 - The very first real musical number you hear not including the title theme.
 - The overhead theme played when far from a town.
 - The theme played during Crono's trial.
1999 A.D. / Unknown
Black Omen 1
Black Omen 2
Core Battle 1
Core Battle 2
Lavos Inside 1
Lavos Inside 2
Lavos Inside 3
Lavos Inside 4
Lavos Shell
 - The very cool theme inside of the Black Omen.
 - Same as above.
 - The battle from the very very inner part of Lavos, also known as the very final battle.
 - Same theme, mildly different.
 - The theme from the battle of Lavos inside of his shell.
 - Same as above. Also known as the next-to-last battle.
 - Same agaiu as above.
 - Yet again. None of them are as good as the original song.
 - The battle with Lavos on his very outside.
2300 A.D.
Arris Dome
Belthasar 1
Belthasar 2
Bike Race
Factory Ruins
Lab 16
Robo's Theme 1
Robo's Theme 2
 - The dreary song played in the Arris Dome.
 - Belthasar's great theme played when you open his sealed doors.
 - Same as above.
 - The song played when racing Johnny, but slower.
 - The song played inside the factory ruins.
 - The song played inside of lab 16.
 - Robo's Theme. This is a good MIDI.
 - Robo's Theme yet again, but this one lacks body.
 - The quiet eeky song played in the sewers.
Bigger Boss Battle
Boss Battle
Crono B1
Crono B2
Crono B3
Crono B4
End 1
End 2
Epoch Theme
Sad Event 1
Sad Event 2
Small Battle 1
Small Battle 2
Unreleased 1
Unreleased 2
Zeal Remix 1
Zeal Remix 2
 - The theme from fighting large bosses like the Tyrano or Masamune.
 - The theme from fighting a regular boss.
 - The theme from when Crono is running from the Guardia Castle guards.
 - The theme from the title scene, when the demo plays.
 - Same as above.
 - Same again, a good theme.
 - A good, worthwhile theme.
 - The theme from when you die. You must be a pretty good player if you've never heard this theme.
 - The most excellent ending theme after you beat the game. A personal fave.
 - Same as above.
 - The theme played as you fly Epoch. Another fave.
 - Gato's Theme. Short but sweet.
 - The chiming of the clock along with the demo song.
 - The theme played during a sad event, like when Frog reminisces about how he lost Cyrus.
 - Same as above.
 - A regular battle. Very cool.
 - Same as above.
 - A battle theme that was not used in the game, but was put on the soundtrack.
 - Another unreleased theme named "Singing Mountain." I think it should've been used on the Mountain of Woe as was probably intended.
 - A remix of the overhead theme played in the Kingdom of Zeal.
 - A very well-made MIDI telling the story of Zeal and it's most famous brother and sister pair. Also known as Zeal Deal.
